Ever felt like you were exhausted and just could not go any further? Then, you go in and take a shower or a bath and for a few minutes, maybe even an hour or two, you feel refreshed and renewed. It's amazing how a shower can be so refreshing.
There are other times that a cool glass of water is what is needed to refresh us. If we've been out working in the yard or exercising or just sitting out in the hot sun, nothing is quite as refreshing as a cold glass of water.
Today's word is about refreshment. Jeremiah 31:25, NIV, which reads, "I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint."
Life can be hard on us from time to time. It often seems there isn't enough ours in the day, and there isn't enough me to go around. D. L. Moody was once asked if he got tired from doing all the ministry he did. His reply was, "I get tired from the work but I never get tired of the work." Family, extracurricular activities, the busyness of life can be tiring but I never tire of doing it.
If you find yourself tired and weary today, remember that GOD will send refreshment if you just ask for it. Maybe things aren't going exactly like you thought they should. Ask GOD for a refreshing shower of His love and mercy. Maybe you are thirsty for something more satisfying that what you've been tasting. Ask GOD for a drink of the eternal water He provides. If we seek GOD and His will for our lives, we will find that it isn't only fulfilling, it is refreshing.
Be Blessed,
Mickey T
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