Thursday, March 28, 2019

How truly rich I am

I have shared with folks that, at work, I have been busier the last few years than I have ever been in my career. Now, I don't know if that is because I have taken on more, or because I am getting older and slower. It is probably a combination of the two.

It is good to be busy. Now, we can all find ourselves too busy from time to time, but, the truth is, I function and, if you will, behave better when I am busy. I like to be productive and doing things. I like accomplishing things, finishing things, seeing things through. I have never been much of one for sitting and doing nothing, though I am sure those days are coming.

Today's word is Proverbs 10:4, NLT, which reads, "Lazy people are soon poor; hard workers get rich."

You may be thinking, "Hey, I work HARD, and I am not rich." But, you are. If you work hard, and are able to, you are rich in physical ways that other folks wish they were. There are lots of folks that would love to be physically able to get up in the morning and go to work. But, unfortunately, they are unable to. So, if you are able to work, you are most definitely rich.

And, if you are able to work and accomplish things and finish things, you get a sense of fulfillment that money cannot buy. It is truly a blessing and a satisfaction and a wealth in being able to work and do things. Plus, you are setting an example for those watching you, letting them see how they, too, can be equally "wealthy". When, I really sit down and think about it, and count my blessings, I can see how truly rich I am.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

What we say we will do

Our little guy is all into being strong, as I am sure most little ones are. He is a big seven-year-old; big boned, large hands, big build. He is looks as if he will be a big guy one day. Anyway, he likes to do push ups and pick up things to demonstrate his power, which he has plenty of for his age. Occasionally, he will want to show his "muscles". When I ask him where he bought them, he always says, "You have to earn them." He is exactly right.

Muscles, like so many other things, have to be earned. Trying to find an easier way is usually fruitless. Yes, there are some artificial ways to achieve certain things, but, there are lots of things that have to be earned. Respect comes to mind.

Today's word is a quote I came across that reminds me of the work required to acquire some of the greatest things in this life: "Respect is earned. Honesty is appreciated. Trust is gained. Loyalty is returned."

Respect has to be earned. You can't buy it. You can't win it. You can't borrow it. You may have a position that people respect, such as parent, boss, leader, etc., but, the respect for the person has to be earned. You have to work hard each day to earn the respect of others. How? By doing the right things, by saying the right things, by doing what you say you'll do, by respecting others. Respect has to be earned, just as trust has to be gained.

I don't know about you but I don't trust a lot of people. It takes a long time for me to trust someone. How do they gain that trust? How do I? By being the true you. By being true to others and yourself. By showing up and doing the job each and every day. By walking in when others are walking out. Trust has to be gained by doing what you say you'll do.

I often tell folks that I want to be found faithful. Through all my faults and failures, and there are many, I want GOD to be able to see that I try to do the right things every time. Do I? No. But, I try, and I am going to keep on trying. Why? Because, like earning respect and gaining trust, our true selves are more revealed by what we do - not by what we say we will do. I guess another way to emphasis that statement is, "What we say, we Will do."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Confidently trust

Sort of continuing from yesterday, do you walk around in fear? I think we all do to some extent. I admit, I often wonder if we have prepared enough for college, if we have done enough to prepare our kids for the world, if we have done enough for retirement. Will retirement ever even be a possibility? I may not fear those things but I have caught myself dwelling on them.

Others of us may be almost paralyzed by fear, afraid to move forward because of the unknown. Hey, there are some scary things out there. We have no idea what may await us around the corner. What we do know, however, is that we serve the King of kings and the LORD of lords, and HE will be there before we get there.

Today's word is Psalm 112:7, NLT, which reads, "They (the righteous) do not fear bad news; they confidently trust the LORD to care for them."

If we try to live our lives in a manner that is pleasing to our SAVIOR, we have no need to fear this world or anything this world may bring. We can rest assured, confidently trust, that the LORD is going to take care of us, and He will. If we are following His leading, He will be with us and see us through whatever may arise.

Don't let fear paralyze you. Don't let fear keep you from doing that which GOD has called you to do. Don't let the "What ifs" become the "I won'ts". If we will try to honor Him and do our part, with GOD on our side, we can confidently trust.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, March 25, 2019

Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid.

It has often been said that you are either in a storm, coming out of a storm, or are headed for a storm. No doubt, this life is full of storms. Don't get me wrong, it is not all gloom and doom, which we will get to in a moment, but, we all know that this life can be very tumultuous and stormy.

A lot of times, it hardly seems that we can get past one thing before another arises. We will fight and struggle to make through something, only to have something else crop up before we can catch a breath. BUT, we also know, as GOD'S children, that we have and advocate - the LORD JESUS.

Today's word is a very familiar passage that reminds me that JESUS is on my side and that He has things under control: Matthew 14:27, NIV, reads, "But JESUS immediately said to them: 'Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid.'"

The disciples found themselves in the midst of a violent and terrible storm; they were being battered and buffeted on all sides. I am sure they felt that this might be their demise. Don't lose sight of the fact that there were seasoned fishermen in this group, and, they, too, were afraid that this might be the end. HOWEVER, they look out and see someone walking towards them, on the water, in the middle of this terrible storm. As I heard a preacher say years ago, "The waves that were over their head were under His feet."

We can be confident that in the midst of our storms, we have the same SAVIOR, the same RESCUER, the same loving, sensitive, and all-knowing GOD that will come to us when we need Him, even walking through the very middle of the worst storm of our lives. We are all going to have storms to weather. We are all going to have things to go through. We are all going to have moments that will push us to our very limits. BUT, as GOD'S children, we know we have a SAVIOR, Who in the midst of it all will say, "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid."

Friday, March 22, 2019

Don't be a prisoner

Alright, this post will be a little different but it is what is on my mind this morning. I am absolutely amazed at how people cannot get over their phones. I mean, all you have to do is look around and you'll see folks on their phones constantly; they can't walk efficiently because of having to look down at the latest spacebook, chapsnat, twiddle, or interruptgram. It is amazing to me.

Not too long ago, the family and I were dining out, and a older couple was seated a table away from us. The lady and gentleman were both approaching 60 or so, and immediately upon providing their drink orders to the waitress, both pulled out their cellular devices and immersed themselves in them. They didn't talk to each other, didn't ask what the other was doing, didn't compliment each others' appearance, just sat and watched their phones.

Today's word is just a reminder of how much time and energy we pour into our phones: "It's easy to see that people are prisoners to their phones. I guess that's why they are called cell phones."

I don't want you to get the idea that I am ranting or some old fuddy-duddy. I am just flabbergasted at how we have become a society more interested in everyone else's electronic life than we are in the real life happening right in front of us. It is hard for me to see how we don't see that most electronic posts are highlights of someone's day, not their whole day. If you just look around at what you have going on, I bet you'll see some highlights in your day, too.

Anyway, all I am trying to say is, "Take some time to shut it off." Life is happening all around you. There are really good and interesting and funny things happening all around you. BUT, you will never see them if your face is buried in your phone. Alright, I gotta go check my phone; no telling how much I have already missed. In all seriousness, it is okay to visit, but, don't be a prisoner.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, March 21, 2019

I'm possible

Impossible, a word that we have all used from time to time. A word that we have all felt from time to time. A word that has described our situation from time to time. A word that describes what you may be feeling even today. It is a powerful and overtly descriptive word - impossible.

There have been those instances in my life when things just seemed impossible. There didn't seem to be a way to fix what was wrong, to pay what was owed, to mend what was broken. I have experienced those long, sleepless, agonizing nights when things seemed utterly hopeless and absolutely impossible.

Today's word is Luke 1:37, KJV, which reads, "For with GOD nothing shall be impossible."

In today's passage, GOD'S angel, Gabriel, has informed Mary that the Holy Spirit would come upon her and that she would conceive the SAVIOR, CHRIST JESUS. Mary was wondering how; she was a virgin. It was impossible. BUT, Gabriel reminded Mary, and us, as we read this passage, that nothing shall be impossible when GOD is in it.

If we will humbly serve GOD as Mary did, we will find that GOD will make things happen in remarkably, miraculous ways. You see, with GOD, nothing is impossible. For GOD doesn't say, "It's impossible." Instead, He simply says, "I'm possible".

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Wherever I go

Have you ever been scared? I mean, really scared? Have you been to a place that you had never been to before, where you knew no one and no one knew you? Have you ever been in a foreign land performing your duties to the best of your abilities but, in the back of your mind, anxious because you didn't know what was around the next corner? I think we have all been there in some form or another.

It can be a very daunting task to leave all you know, all the comforts, all the security, all the familiarity and go where you have been called to go. Sort of piggy-backing off of not worrying about all the "ifs" from yesterday, it is easy to worry about all the "what ifs" and "hows". But, as a child of GOD, we can rest assured that GOD will not take us where His Grace cannot keep us.

Today's word is Psalm 91:11, NLT, which reads, "For He will order His angels to protect you wherever you go."

GOD always takes care of His children. Yes, there have been countless times that His children have been martyred and mistreated, and some will question, "Where was GOD'S protection," and rightfully so. But, in those instances, we see how evil this world can be. Could GOD stop it, YES. Why doesn't He? I don't know. I just know that His ways are better than my way, and His thoughts are bigger than mine. He sees the big picture; and, there may be more good come from that bad than we could ever fathom. But, I digress...

The thing I always remember is that I never go anywhere alone. No matter where I am, no matter where I go, no matter what I am doing, GOD is with me. He will protect me while I am here trying to serve Him, and when it is my time to go home, He will see me through. And, that brings me comfort and peace wherever I go.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

A lot to laugh about

I was talking to a friend yesterday about the fact that I am usually in a good mood, as is she. Now, don't get me wrong, contrary to popular opinion, I am not oblivious or insane; I have my bad days, my down days, too. However, for the most part, I am usually a pretty happy person. To me, there just seems to be lots of things to be happy about.

Sometimes, Trish or one of the kids can do something that I am sure others would find uncomical that I will laugh about for days. Why? Because I love them, and watching them grow and learn, and watching their personalities develop is loads of fun. Again, not every second of every day, but certainly the majority. And, no one makes me laugh like Trish; she is my thing.

Today's word is a reminder to try to fix what we mess up, laugh at every opportunity, and to let go of things we can't control: "Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, let go of what you can't change."

We go through days when it seems there is absolutely nothing funny about anything in the world, and that is okay; there will be days like that. But, I try to remember to see the humor in the mundane, because, there is lots. So, look for opportunities to laugh at things, even if it is at yourself.

Apologizing can be an absolute soul cleansing experience. When I have wronged someone, even in the slightest, there is no relief until I apologize. I know some will tell you that apologizing shows weakness. I disagree. Apologizing shows a strength that be described. And, once we offer our sincere apology, we can move forward, instead of being stuck where our wrong has placed us.

The best thing to promote laughter is to let go of those things that are not in our control. Worrying about all the "ifs" will steal our laughter quicker and more effectively than anything I know. One of satan's best tools is discouragement, and he uses it well. Don't be discouraged by all the things you can't control. Be encouraged by all the blessings GOD has bestowed. When we focus on the blessings and not the burdens, we will find that there is truly a lot to laugh about.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, March 18, 2019

Training to be godly

Several years ago, there was a movie about the end of time. It was based on the fact that the Mayan calendar ended on December 21, 2012. The young people in the youth group wanted to know if the world was going to end. I told them that the world was going to end one day but it wouldn't be on December 21, 2012. I asked them to take out their cellphones, every teenager has one, and see if their calendars continued past December 21, 2012. When they saw that it did, I told them that so, too, would the world continue past that date.

How could I be so sure? Well, the Bible tells us that not even the angels in Heaven know the date that GOD will return. If they don't know, I can guarantee you the Mayans, nor anyone else, know. The reason the Mayan calendar ended on December 21, 2012 was probably because the calendar maker got tired and quit; or, he/she died. Then, the person that was supposed to take it from there decided that it was so far ahead there really was no need to waste any time on continuing the process. The point was, there was no need to worry about that particular date or any other that any person determines.

Today's word is 1 Timothy 4:7, NLT, which reads, "Do not wast time arguing over godless ideas and old wives' tales; instead, train yourself to be godly."

We can often waste a lot of time and energy and peace on things that have never mattered and will never matter. We can also find ourselves arguing pointless and trivial things, which does nothing for us nor the one with which we are arguing. There are much better things to do with our time, much better things to undertake, much more worthwhile endeavors to pursue.

Don't allow this world to bog you down and to tie up any time with things that do not matter. I want to spend my time doing the things that have eternal implications. I want to share the love of JESUS and the plan of salvation with others. Mostly, though, I want to work on myself, reading and hearing GOD'S word, attending worship, praying, and applying what I learn. You know, training to be godly.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, March 15, 2019

Faithful and Useful

I would like to acquire a new pair of tennis shoes. I would say that I need a new pair of tennis shoes but I don't truly NEED them. The ones I currently have are coming apart. I have had them several years. They are showing some age. But, the truth is, they are still a pair of shoes that others in this world would love to have. There are many in this world that would love to have ANY pair of shoes.

Today, according to the National Day Calendar, is "National Shoe the World Day". What a wonderful thought - to provide shoes for everyone in the world that needs them. Thinking about this brings two (2) things to mind: 1. My shoes that I want to replace are a first world problem; and, 2. Mother Teresa once said, "No one can do everything but everyone can do something," or something like that.

Today's word is Matthew 25:40, NIV, which reads, "The King will reply, 'Truly, I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of Mine, you did for Me.'"

A true test of someone's character is how they treat those that can do nothing for him/her. JESUS died for ME, someone who could/can do absolutely nothing for Him, to repay Him. When I think about His unimaginable, unexplainable, unfailing love for me, I don't know why I can't help those around me. Again, we must watch about not being gullible and taken advantage of, but, hopefully, you get what I am failing miserably to say. GOD has done so much for me.

I pray that I will be aware of the Diving Appointments GOD prepares for me. I pray that I will be attune to His will and His desire. I pray that I can be found faithful and useful for Him. 

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Christian Fruit

I've been part of several discussions lately about how we fail to show the world that we, Christians, are different. I have to say that I believe that the reason we have some of the problems we have in our society today is because Christians have tried to allow too much of the world and worldly influences to infiltrate the church. Others may disagree, and that is fine, but, that is what I believe.

As Christians, we should live like we are different from the world and worldly things. If others can't tell that we serve a risen SAVIOR and our personal relationship with Him causes us to want to live different from this greedy, evil, sin-filled world, we are failing. I believe, as Christians, that we should live a life that is absolutely identifiable as different from the world.

Today's word is Matthew 7:18, NIV, which reads, "A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit."

You can tell what someone is really grounded in by the fruit that he/she bears. Before someone decides that I am judging, I assure you that there is absolutely no judgement in my comment. However, I know that JESUS tells us this to remind us that we can know what someone someone truly believes by what they bear. Not being judgmental but, I know an apple tree when I see it. And, I know that an apple tree cannot produce pears. The same goes for people truly following CHRIST; they aren't going to look like this sinful world.

Today, I am reminding myself, as much as anyone, that we are to be different than this world. As Christians, we should look different, talk different, behave different than those who do not follow CHRIST. I am always mindful that just as I am watching others, others are watching me, and I should be bearing Christian fruit.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Walk Uprightly

I have shared before that I am a Blessed man - Blessed and highly favored. Are we rich? Certainly not monetarily. Do we live in an extravagant mansion? Not even close. Are we without problems, controversies, concerns? Every day there seems to be another one arise. So, what makes us so Blessed? I am glad you asked...

We are blessed because we serve a living SAVIOR! Our GOD is the LORD of lords and the KING of kings! He is all powerful, all knowing, and ever present. He has a plan for our lives and our futures. He guides our steps and prepares our way. He has given us more than we could have ever hoped, dreamed, or imagined - all this and Heaven, too.

Today's word is Psalm 84:11, ESV, which reads, "For the LORD GOD is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor. No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly."

My GOD is an ever present Light and Defense. He provides for our sustenance and protection. He gives us what we need to live an abundant life now, and has prepared eternity to be enjoyed forever. He has shown us countless times His favor. And, His grace and mercy is beyond comprehension. I can't think of a single thing that He hasn't done for us.

Finally, today's word tells us that He doesn't withhold any good thing from those "who walk uprightly." He is faithful, and gives us all good things. His desire is a close, personal relationship with each and every one of His children. If we will put our faith, trust, and lives in Him, He will pour out His blessings upon us. What a wonderful verse: "He bestows favor and honor;" and, He withholds nothing "from those who walk uprightly."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

I know I am

Ever lost something that was truly important? I mean, REALLY important? There have been a few occasions where we have emptied drawers, purses, hampers, cabinets, trying to find something that we knew we had just a few hours before. Thankfully, we usually find whatever it is that we are looking for but, not until we have diligently looked.

I remember not too long ago that a search for a missing set of keys took us several uneasy, unsettling, and nervous minutes. We looked everywhere. We looked everywhere again. Then, we found them. In a place that we thought had been searched previously. While you are frustrated with having to look, there is absolutely nothing that describes the feeling of finding something that has been lost.

Today's word is Matthew 18:12, NLT, which reads, "If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them wanders away, what will he do? Won't he leave the ninety-nine others on the hills and go out to search for the one that is lost?"

We have a SAVIOR that is always searching for lost souls. He wants to find us/them all. Millions have accepted Him as SAVIOR and LORD, and He loves each and every one of us more than we could ever imagine - He died for us. Yet, He will still allow us to enjoy the goodness of salvation while He searches for others. Aren't you glad? Aren't you grateful that He found you? I know I am!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, March 11, 2019

Just when we needed it most

Have you ever found unexpected riches? Oh, it doesn't have to be much, just any amount. I remember, several years ago, reaching into an old jacket's pocket and finding a twenty dollar bill. Apparently I had worn the jacket while awaiting the start of a ball game, in which I was participating, and put the money in the pocket. And, forgot about it.

Fast forward a couple of years later, and I have the jacket, reach into the pocket and pull out money. And, it couldn't have come at a better time. I can't remember what was going on at the time but I do know that that $20 meant a lot to us at that particular moment. It's usually good to find unexpected treasure. Usually...

Genesis 43:23, NIV, reads, "It's all right," he said, "Don't be afraid. Your GOD, the GOD of your father, has given you treasure in your sacks..."

Jacob's sons had gone into Egypt to buy grain/food. A great famine was continuing upon them and they had no provisions but there was food in Egypt. The sons had gone to purchase the food but they were stopped after their departure and their money was found in their sacks, as if they had "stolen" the grain. A case of found treasure, found riches, not being a good thing.Of course, Joseph had set it up to test his brothers, to see if they had changed, to see if he could get them to bring the rest of the family, which, eventually, happened. You really need to read the story in the book of Genesis, if you haven't.

Anyway, our loving Father, sometimes, will give us unexpected riches, invaluable treasures, at the most opportune times. I don't know why He loves me the way He does but I am certainly glad and grateful that He does. GOD is always providing for His children. Just as He did for Jacob and his family by sending Joseph ahead to sustain the entire family. Just as He did in allowing me to find that $20 just when we needed it most,

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, March 8, 2019

With Excellence

I was privileged to sit in a seminar once that reminded me that every day we write our autobiography, our book. We do this by the things we do - it's not what I say I'll do; it is what I do that matters. And, every day we are showing our loved ones, our employers, our coworkers, our friends, our neighbors, our world who we are and what we truly believe by the way we live.

Obviously, there are a few chapters that I would like to go back and rewrite, but, alas, that is not an option. EVER. We get one chance to write our story, one day at a time. There will be days when the story is going perfect and everything is positive and wonderful but, then, some plot twist, either created by us or this world, takes the story in a different direction.

Today's word is an anonymous quote I came across that reminds me that others are watching: "Every job is a self-portrait of the person who does it. Autograph your work with excellence."

I allow myself to be distracted from time to time. I allow myself to get bogged down with the mundane at times. I have allowed myself to be less than excellent on many occasions. But, I shouldn't. Why? Because, there are others that are watching me write my story, and they need to see me doing my very best and striving for excellence.

Please pray for me to always do everything with a sense of excellency. Not so others will sing my praises but so that they will know that I serve the King of kings and the LORD of lords. I want to serve Him faithfully and fully, with excellence.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, March 7, 2019

You are chosen

Ever have those times, probably in elementary school recess, where you were one of the last ones chosen? It wasn't because you were the worst at something but mainly because you didn't really know anyone, and no one really knew you. Or, maybe it was because the most popular, the most aggressive, the loudest were always the ones choosing, and you were none of those things.

I think we have all experienced those times that we feel we should have been chosen, or at least chosen sooner. It's tough, uncomfortable, unsettling to go through the ordeal of being selected or not selected. However, if you are a child of GOD, you have been chosen to be a part of something bigger than you could ever imagine.

Today's word is 1 Peter 2:9a, NIV, which reads, "But you are a chose people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, GOD'S special possession..."

GOD has chose each of us to be a part of His family, THE FAMILY OF GOD. Now, as we discussed a few days ago, GOD'S call requires a response. But, when GOD convicts us of our sin and our need for a SAVIOR, IF we will answer His call, He accepts us into His family. He could and does choose everyone, including me.

You are chosen; don't ever let anyone tell you any difference. GOD has chosen you to be a part of a royal priesthood, a holy nation; you are His special possession. Of all the things GOD created, and He created everything, upon creating mankind, He said, "It is very good." He loves us enough to send His One and Only Son to die for our sins. We are His special possession. Don't ever let this world make you feel unwanted - you are chosen.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Holding Hands

I love holding hands with Trish; there is nothing like it. Just the simple act of taking someone's hand in yours is something that is definitely better experienced than talked about. The feeling of security, of strength, of completeness is, as my generation says, "AWESOME".

The same goes for holding one of my children's hands. This is usually done when walking through parking lots or crowded stores, and for an entirely different reason - I need to keep up with them and protect them. I want to protect Trish too, and I hope they can all feel some level of security from simply holding hands.

Today's word is Isaiah 41:13, NIV, which reads, "For I am the LORD your GOD Who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, 'Do not fear; I will help you.'"

Have you ever felt GOD holding your hand? Holding you up? Carrying you? There have been many instances in my life that I know GOD was helping me through; there is no other explanation. Again, there is nothing more strengthening than feeling Him take me by the hand and saying, "It's okay. I am here. I will help you." He is right beside each of His children expressing the same.

I am more grateful than I could ever express that GOD cares enough for me, His child, to take my hand and protect me and make me feel secure. While some people may not enjoy the act, while some may think it is kind of juvenile or un-masculine, I really like holding hands.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Be filled with Joy

Have you ever been full of joy? I mean, really full? As I have tried to explain, and as I try to always remember, happiness will come and go, BUT, joy comes and stays. We can be full of joy even when we aren't happy. We can still have joy even when it seems that the only thing changing is that things are getting worse and worse.Why? Because, true joy comes and stays.

We can do things that make us happy but as soon as the new wears off as soon as the new car breaks down, as soon as the Reese Cup is gone, some of the happiness goes with it. Happiness can be completely temporary, ever moving, hard to obtain. On the other hand, we can have true joy in the midst of our trials an troubles.

Today's word is John 15:11, KJV, which reads, "These things have I spoken unto you, that My joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full."

JESUS was telling His disciples in the previous verse that if they keep His commandments, they will remain in His love. He is going to love us unconditionally, but, if we keep His commands and follow His will, we will find the joys of life, for they are not found in a bottle, a drug, a one time relationship. True joy is finding JESUS and doing what He has called us and designed us to do.

In the verse following today's word, JESUS tells us that His commandment is that we love one another. What joy it is to love others and not go around hating. It is really easy to love others when we love JESUS. We know that GOD is Love. May we always love one another, seek and do GOD'S will, and be filled with joy.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, March 4, 2019

How will you respond

Our Sunday school lesson yesterday came from Mark, chapter one (1). We studied the baptism of JESUS and the call of JESUS to Simon, Andrew, James, and John. The fact then, as it is now, is that GOD'S call requires a response. The disciples had to respond to JESUS'S call just as each of us must respond to GOD'S call to us.

Unfortunately, there will be those that will not answer the call of GOD for salvation, for whatever reason. I don't know why everyone isn't saved or why some never get saved. I don't know how you can sense the call of GOD and dismiss it. But, that is not mine to judge; I just know that JESUS called and I responded.

Today's word is Isaiah 33:5, NIV, which reads, "The LORD is exalted, for He dwells on high; He will fill Zion with His justice and righteousness."

I think this passage is an indication as to why some respond the way they do: the LORD is exalted. Many folks don't want to exalt the LORD; they decide that they want something else more than a personal relationship with JESUS. I have heard people say that they are afraid that they will miss "something". I can tell you that the only thing you miss by being a Christian is hell.

Yesterday's lesson had a lot of depth; JESUS was baptized to fulfill the prophecies. He had not sinned in any way but He fulfilled all prophecy. Another fact that I got out of yesterday's lesson is that GOD is still calling and it requires a response. He isn't going to force Himself on anyone; He allows us to respond. The LORD is exalted, and yet, He still calls us. How will you respond?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, March 1, 2019

Pass it along

It is National Read Across America Day, a day set aside to celebrate the life and writings of Dr. Seuss. No doubt, Dr. Seuss created books that children loved then, love now, and will love forever. And, not just children; I still go around telling my kids, "I don't like green eggs and ham. I don't like them here or there. I don't like them anywhere." If I miss quoted that, I am sorry.

Reading is such a wonderful thing. I had older siblings that I watched go to school. I drove my Mom crazy about wanting to go to school. So, she and they sat me down and taught me to read, write, and count. While it is hard to believe, by the time I started school, I could read a newspaper, count to a thousand, and write sentences. Unfortunately, I didn't maintain that pace but I had a good start.

Today's word isn't a quoted from Dr. Seuss but it is about learning. Benjamin Franklin said, "Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn."

On this day that we celebrate reading, I thank my Mom, my siblings, all those teachers that "encouraged" me to read. While I may not have enjoyed every moment of the process, I am grateful and thankful to those who helped. Education in general, and reading specifically, is a wonderful blessing that I do not take for granted.

I am also so thankful for all those that didn't just teach but involved me, whether it was mechanics, or constructing, or cooking, or singing, or sports, or whatever. It is your involving me that allowed me the opportunity to learn. My prayer, my desire, my hope is that I can take that knowledge and pass it along.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T