Thursday, August 31, 2017

Ways we can help

Alright, so I admit that I have been really watching a lot of the disaster unfolding in Houston and other parts of our country that has been ravaged by Hurricane/Tropical Storm Harvey. The recovery effort will be long and arduous. Lives have been forever changed. It is just unimaginable.

Seeing the news reports, the pictures, the videos, you can't help but wonder, "What can I do?" We all want to do something because GOD has given us the ability to feel and empathize with others. We want to help because we care. We want to help because we want to make things a little better. We want to help because we don't like to see others hurt. But, what do we do? How can we help? I think those are questions we ask ourselves multiple times daily without even thinking about it.

Today's word is a short quote from Theodore Roosevelt that reminds us of how we can help in most in circumstance, at most any time: "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."

Each day, we should do what we can with what we have. There are some folks in this world that have more money than I could ever fathom, and they use some of that money to help others. I don't think GOD has a problem with people having a lot of money. I do think it is a shame to have a lot of money and just try to hoard it and make more. I think GOD has given us all things that we are to use to glorify Him and to make life better for others.

We may not be millionaires. We may not be able to help monetarily. But, if we will take the time to pray and to allow GOD to show us what we have and how we can use it, He will reveal to us that there are ways we can help.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

We need it

I was a high-spirited, high-strung, very stubborn child. I am still all but one of those. My parents had their hands full. I am sure they would tell you now that it wasn't that bad. I am also sure that I may recall only my worst days because, those were the days that I received correction.

How you discipline your children is certainly an individual thing. My parents were not afraid to discipline, and I think I turned out decently well. Now, I don't think I "enjoyed" being corrected or disciplined. I don't think any punishment for misbehavior is "fun". But, my parents loved me enough to correct me. They cared enough to teach me wrong and right and that there are consequences for all decisions, especially the bad ones. I say they cared enough because, in my opinion, one of the worst kinds of abuse is neglect. You can't neglect to correct.

Today's word is Proverbs 29:15, NLT, "To discipline a child produces wisdom, but a mother is disgraced by an undisciplined child."

We, GOD'S children, have to be disciplined from time to time. Whether you want to admit it or not, you aren't perfect, none of us are, and on occasions, GOD has to correct our bad behavior. Sometimes, the discipline is just letting us suffer the consequences of our bad decisions. BUT, GOD'S discipline, just as my parents', just as ours as parents, isn't to harm or hurt - it's to correct. And, that correction comes because of love. GOD loves us; thus, He corrects us.

The only way we ever learn what is right and what is wrong is for someone to point out to us the errors in our judgement. And, whether we like to admit it or not, sometimes, we have make some errors. When we do, I'm grateful we have a loving Father that is willing to straighten me out. Because, like it or not, sometimes we need it.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Better than Duct Tape

Ever use duct tape? I am a typical man that uses A LOT of duct tape. I truly live by the philosophy that if it didn't stay together, you didn't use enough duct tape. Duct tape is to home improvement projects what bacon is to Sunday breakfast.

Duct tape's ability to stick to things and hold things together is unprecedented. And, just when you think it couldn't get any better, they improve duct tape. Now, we have Gorilla tape and 200 mph duct tape; that stuff really holds. If you can't put that chair back together with either of those, it truly cannot be saved.

Today's word is Colossians 1:17, NIV, which reads, "He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together."

Before anything that is was created, GOD was already there. He is eternal: He has always been and He will always be. So, while we may be amazed at some new "creation", some new "discovery", GOD knew it, designed it, created it way before He allowed us to find His creation.

And, it is because of GOD that all things continue. He is gracious and merciful and allows us another day on this earth to enjoy His creations. When we have those days that it seems everything is spinning out of control and that we are surely going to come apart, all we need do is rest in His arms and allow Him to carry us through. Because, no matter how battered you feel, no matter how broken it seems, no matter how much of a lost cause it appears, GOD can put it back together and hold it together. He is far better than duct tape.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 28, 2017

He is our Hope

The flooding taking place in Houston right now is unimaginable. I have tried to put myself in their place but it is absolutely impossible to try to fathom what they have been through, what they are going through, and what they will have to go through to recover. Unimaginable.

In Houston, most folks went to bed on Saturday night and awoke Sunday morning stranded by flood waters all around. It's not that they didn't plan well; things turned from bad to worse without warning. The water fell and rose in an unprecedented manner. I cannot imagine what I would do if Trish and I were there with a five-year-old and a four-year-old. Where do you find hope?

Today's word is on that thought. Psalm 62:5, NIV, reads, "Yes, my soul, find rest in GOD; my hope comes from Him."

The old saying is that when you realize that GOD is all you have, you'll realize that GOD is all you need. GOD can aid and comfort the afflicted unlike anything we could ever manage. He can be all places at all times helping all people. We have to do our part: pray, seek GOD'S guidance, provide what we can.

It is at times like these that we may find ourselves at a loss for what to do, especially when we are so far away and have limited resources. We may not be able to do anything more than pray for GOD to be with them and comfort them, which is what we need to do. And, we need to remember that GOD is there, in the midst of the nightmare, in the midst of the turmoil, in the midst of the struggle, He is our Hope.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Your True Self

Not that I do it often but this morning I went through the drive-thru of a large, chain fast food restaurant to get breakfast. I try to eat healthy, sometimes. On the drive-thru menu board, there was a representation of a bowl of oatmeal that didn't look completely unappealing. Now, oatmeal is not my favorite food but I thought, "Hey, that doesn't look too bad, and it could be good for me." So, I ordered the oatmeal.

Allow me to say that what was represented and what I received were entirely different. First, the serving I received was about one-fourth of what was displayed, the container looked like a condiment cup. Second, the actual oatmeal looked very little like the picture: it wasn't as flavored, it wasn't as large, it wasn't as much. Sometimes, what is projected isn't what is.

Today's word is Matthew 23:28, NLT, which reads, "Outwardly you look like righteous people, but inwardly your hearts are filled with hypocrisy and lawlessness."

Only GOD and we know our own hearts. It's easy to put on a mask, a facade, a show for others but GOD knows the real us, and so do we. The fact is that reputation is what others think of us, but our true character is who we are when no one is looking.

Much like the oatmeal pictured on the drive-thru menu board and the oatmeal received, we can often find ourselves presenting one thing to others but it isn't who we really are. IF we find it hard to be "our true self" around others, if we hide what we truly believe or what we truly do, we may need to ask GOD for discernment and guidance on why. Nothing will ever be accomplished trying to hide behind a pretty picture. Allow GOD to remove the false fronts and present your true self.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Much Wiser

I have been very blessed in my life to know some really intelligent and wise people. There are several people in my life that have given me some really wise counsel and advice. We all need others that we can go to and "bounce things off of". We need those in our lives that will tell us when we are doing wrong, what we are doing right, and how to know the difference.

There are those folks that we all come across each day that we wonder if they have ever sought counsel on anything. I am not judging anyone, not my place or privilege. But, it is often disappointing to see someone make the same mistake over and over. If only they would seek some guidance and follow it, they may find that life isn't nearly as hard as we, sometimes, make it on ourselves.

Today's word is Psalm 1:5, KJV, which reads, "A wise man will hear, and will increase learning: and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels."

There are a couple of keys in this verse that I may gloss over if I am not careful. First, it tells us that if we are wise, if we are to be wise, "We will hear, and will increase learning." Very seldom can you learn anything while talking; you learn when you listen. The old question is, "Why do you think GOD gave us one mouth but two ears?" The answer, "Because, He expects us to listen twice as much as we talk." We learn when we listen.

BUT, it begins by asking the right people the right questions. You can get all the bad advice you want from all the wrong people to ask. I think we often ask people about things that we know will give us the answer we seek. What we have to do is seek the truth by seeking out the counsel of those that will give us an honest, Bible-based answer. If we will strive to do that, I believe we will find ourselves much wiser.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

The heart knows

I have probably shared before that my "button" is disloyalty. Absolutely nothing sets me off like someone who tells me one thing to my face and tells someone else something else behind my back. Or, for someone to act as a true friend but when I am not around, to bash and bad-mouth. I pray for these types of people, and I try not to socialize with them much.We all have our "buttons". For some, it may be condescension, for some it may be complete devotion, for me it is disloyalty.

I remember a story a pastor told once. A pastor friend of his and he were traveling somewhere by car, when another driver swerved too close and cut them off. The pastor friend, who was driving, let out a string of obscenities at the careless driver. After a very awkward moment of silence, the pastor friend looked at his pastor friend, sitting in the passenger seat, and said, "I'm so sorry. I don't know where that came from." To this, the pastor replied, "If it wasn't in you, it couldn't come out."

Today's word is Psalm 15:1a - 2, ESV, which reads, "Who shall dwell on Your Holy Hill? He who walks blamelessly and does what is right and speaks truth in his heart."

The Bible tells us that from the heart the mouth speaks. Whether we like to admit it or not, what we say about others isn't just some mindless rhetoric; it is what is truly in our hearts. I have to try to keep that in mind for myself. I want my heart to speak truth and to speak encouragement and to speak life.

Now, we would be wrong not to share with someone that they are doing wrong and not following GOD'S plan or will. However, how we share that with someone is how we truly feel in our heart. We are to speak the truth in love. We do need to help others get back on the path if they are wandering, but we must do it with a sincere, restorative heart. Be loyal. Be honest. Be true. Speak the truth in love; the heart knows.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 21, 2017

The key to success

Everyone wants to be successful, right? I mean, I don't think anyone sets out to be a failure. We all want to have some degree of success. For some, that may mean an education, for others, their own piece of property, and for others, some title or position. For me, success can be summed up in one word, which we will get to shortly.

What I do know about success is that it doesn't happen accidentally. In order to be successful, you have to work hard and strive to be the very best that you can. I don't believe you can accidentally become successful. You might find a new way of doing something, you might obtain that coveted position, you might gain that recognition that so many desire, but there was probably a lot of hard work applied prior to accomplishing or receiving those things.

Today's word is a simple quote/thought: "Happiness is the key to success. Success comes to those that work hard and love what they do!"

Happiness is my key to success. If I am blessed enough to be able to work at a job that I like that will provide for my family, and we can have some fun along the way, what more could anyone ask for? Now, my desire is for my kids, and everyone, to accept JESUS as his/her SAVIOR and serve Him. In addition to that, though, is simply the hope that everyone can be happy.

When we are sitting around the dinner table and one of our little ones says something that causes us to spew water, it has been a successful day. When I see our two little ones playing and enjoying themselves and laughing and having fun, it is a success. You don't need stuff to be happy. You don't have to have stuff to be successful. If you are working hard and enjoying what you do, you are way ahead of the game. If you have happiness, you have the key to success.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, August 17, 2017

A word

I have had many moments in my life when I was struck by a word. Regardless of what people may say, words are very powerful, especially the right word at the right time. There's no telling how many times a serious squabble or argument or even a fight or war has begun because of words.

There is absolutely no doubt that words can build up and words can certainly tear down. Words can encourage and discourage. Words can pronounce life and death. Words can bring joy and pain. Words can bring someone closer or push them further away.

Today's word is Proverbs 25:11, ESV, which reads, "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver."

Ever been at a point in your life when you really needed some encouragement? And, out of the blue someone gave you that word that you needed to hear. It has happened to me on more occasions than I can count. It seems that when I am in the midst of trying to figure things out, trying to formulate a plan, GOD will send someone to give me the words I need to hear.

How about you? How do you use your words? Are you allowing GOD to use you to be a voice of truth and encouragement? Or, do you prefer to use your words to divide and destroy? I want to try to be one who encourages. I want to be one that uses words to lift up and edify. I have a lot to work on. Pray for me that GOD can use me to give a word.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Take Heart

It is easy to get discouraged if all we ever do is compare what we don't have with what everyone else does have. I think we often lose sight of a lot of truly wonderful blessings that we take for granted that others would love to have. The first one that comes to mind for me is health. Good health is a blessing that many don't have and we so often take for granted.

I am grateful every day that I can get up, brush my own teeth, bath myself, dress myself, feed myself, and drive myself. Then, I am grateful that I have somewhere to go and something to do but today we are talking about health.

Today's word is Matthew 9:22, NIV, which reads, "JESUS turned and saw her, 'Take heart, daughter," He said, 'Your faith has healed you.' And the woman was healed at that moment."

Today's passage is about a woman that had been sick for twelve years. She touched the hem of JESUS'S garment and was miraculously and immediately healed because of her faith. It is a great story of faith, and I certainly believe that GOD can heal anyone of anything at any time. Sometimes, He gives us the ultimate healing - taking us to Heaven where we will never have any more health problems.

But, what I want us to see in this passage is the importance of health, the true blessing that health is. If you have good health, you have a treasure that others would give most anything for but you can't buy good health. I just want us to remember that blessings come in all forms, and they aren't just financial and abundant. If you have people you love and people who love you, if you have something to eat each time you are hungry, if you have a place to sleep at night, if you have something to do, if you have good health and are able to take care of yourself, you are blessed beyond measure. If we sit and look at all of these blessings, we should see how much we truly have and we should take heart.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Rest in His Shadow

We are in the dog days of summer. While we have hotter, drier summers, it has still been quite hot and extremely humid, which is to be expected. And, there are few things better when you are out working in the hot sun than sitting down under a good shade tree; avoid the fire ants though.

It is refreshing to sit under a shade tree or to sit in the shade, especially if there is a little breeze blowing. The best definition of "shade" that I have ever heard is, "The shadow of something near by". You can't have shade without something near by blocking the sun's rays, something keeping some of the heat off you.

Today's word is Psalm 91:1, NIV, which reads, "Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty."

As we have learned, especially in recent years, without some protection, the UV rays can be very damaging. And, no one likes to be blistered; it hurts. Often, when we have been toiling in the heat, we try to find a good shelter, some shade. Because, again, there is nothing quite as refreshing as sitting in the shade and recovering a little. We can use all the sunscreen and umbrellas and tents and shade trees we want for our physical body but what about our spiritual?

Today's passage reminds us that if we dwell with the Most High, if JESUS is our SAVIOR, then, we will be sheltered. Not only will we be sheltered, He will provide that shade, that shadow we need when the heat is on. His shadow on us is evidence that He is nearby. Are you feeling the heat? Are you tiring out? Do you need some recovery? Rest in His shadow.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 14, 2017

Be the example

Everyone has a philosophy, a theory on how to raise children, until they have children. Once you have children, you really understand that they are small human beings, full of ideas and attitude. And, absolutely no two are alike.

One thing that I have really noticed with our two little ones is that they seem to really be able to mimic any bad behavior I display. They don't seem to grasp the few good ones but they can certainly cling to the bad ones. I am very cognizant that four little eyes are watching my every move and they will follow a lot of Trishia's and my habits, the good and, especially, the bad.

Today's word is Titus 2:7, NIV, which reads, In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity and seriousness."

We teach way more by our actions than we ever do by our words. I have shared before that people watch what we do way more than what we say we'll do, and rightfully so. Our two little ones are going to be influence by their friends, their teachers, their media choices, but most especially by Trish and my actions. I want them to grow to be productive parts of society. Most important, though, is I want them to accept JESUS as their SAVIOR and to serve Him.

We have daily opportunities to influence the lives of every single person that we come into contact with. But, it goes so much further. Our influence will then be passed on to everyone that those we contacted contact. I guess the simplest way to put it is that your influence is far wider than you could ever imagine. Pray for me that I will be the example.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, August 11, 2017

Keep moving forward

You know the old saying, "One step forward and two steps back"? It is a way of saying that every time you seem to have some progress, some setback occurs that puts you in a worse position than you were to begin with. You see this often on made for television home improvement shows.

However those made for television home improvement shows are a good example to follow. Now, yeah, they build up the drama so you sit there thinking, "They will never finish on time and on budget," but, in the end they usually get past the hurdle and complete the project on time and on budget. The important thing to note is that they kept pushing forward.

Today's word is just a thought that I have had that goes, "It doesn't really matter how slowly you get there. Just keep moving forward."

It seems that we often find a way to throw things in reverse, especially when things get difficult. But, it's like running, which is not my favorite thing to do anymore but I used to do a lot of it. When you are out running a 5K, the terrain usually changes; there are ups and downs. You can take the easy way and not run up any hills but you will never finish the designated course. Or, you can trudge up the hill, not as fast as you were going but still moving forward. The only way you will ever finish the designated course is to keep moving forward.

Life has a tendency to put obstacles in our way. There will be those days when we seem to be running down hill and things seem to come easy. There will also be those days when it feels as if we are trudging through a bog, with knee-deep mud. But, we will always complete our designated course as long as we keep moving forward.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Rest from your toiling

Work is good. As a matter of fact, I recommend it for everyone. Even if you have reached a point in your life that you have retired from employment, there is still productive and constructive work for each and every person to be doing.

Work is good because it gives us purpose, it is beneficial to those whom we serve, and it accomplishes tasks. There aren't many things that give you the same feeling as doing a job, and doing it well. GOD instilled in us a need to be useful. But, we also need to rest.

Today's word is Genesis 2:2, NLT, which reads, "On the seventh day GOD had finished His work of creation, so He rested from all His work."

Now, first and foremost, GOD didn't NEED to rest; He never gets tired or weary. In this passage, "rest" implies that, because He had completed what He set out to do, He ceased from that work. However, I also think it is an excellent example that GOD gave to us that we need to take a break from time to time and rest. As much as there is a desire within us to be productive, there is also a desire to decompress and relax. The more we suppress that desire, the more we push it off and push it down, the more we truly need to take a break. Taking a break can often recharge us and bring us back with new ideas and a new resolve.

Again, we all need to work, we all need to be useful and productive. We all, also, need to take a break, unwind, relax, and refresh. There is truly a purpose and time for everything under Heaven. There is a time to work, and work hard. And, there is a time to rest from your toiling.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Stop Wallowing

Ever made a mistake? You haven't? Well, take it from someone that has made a bunch, no one likes making them. Ever make a mistake so big and so bad that you couldn't find a way to forgive yourself and let it go? No? Well, again, take it from someone that has, it is a hard thing to do.

No one likes to admit that they aren't perfect. I know, I may seem like I have it all together but trust me, I have made my share of mistakes. (And, of course, I am kidding. I don't have it all together). I think our problem, though, when we make a big mistake, is not being able to allow GOD'S forgiveness to wash over us and clean us. Oh, we will accept His forgiveness but we don't want to allow our own. But, reliving the mistake, wallowing in the mistake, will keep us from progressing and doing what GOD has for us to do.

Our word today is Philippians 3:13, ESV, which reads, "I do not consider that I have made it on my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead."

Paul had done some really bad things; he had made some heinous and horrible mistakes. However, he knew that dwelling on those things would hamper the ministry that GOD had called him to on the road to Damascus. While he never forgot about all his mistakes, he didn't allow them to possess him and keep him from pursuing GOD'S high calling. And, neither should we.

Yes, I have made some mistakes. I am not proud of them but GOD has forgiven me of them. Even with all my faults and failures, past, present, and future, He still desires a relationship with me and He still has something He wants me to do. The same goes for you. If you ask GOD to forgive you, He is faithful and just and will forgive you of ALL sins and cleanse you from all unrighteousness. Yeah, it's okay to remember our failures; hopefully, the memory will keep us from repeating. But, we are children of the most high King! So, stop wallowing in failure.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 7, 2017

More than Enough

Have you ever had too much of anything? I have. I have eaten way more than I should have on numerous occasions. It's a bad feeling. You feel bloated and uncomfortable, and you feel that way for a while. It also makes me sleepy and lethargic and less than productive.

I've also had those moments when I didn't get enough to eat. Maybe we were busy and wanting to finish a project. Maybe I had gone to one of those restaurants that was doing their part to control my portions because they know my propensity to overeat. Having too little can also cause you to feel slow and lethargic because you have no energy. Having too little can also cause you to want MORE.

Today's word is Proverbs 30:9, NLT, which reads, "For if I grow rich, I may deny You and say, 'Who is the LORD?' And if I am too poor, I may steal and thus insult GOD'S holy name."

I've shared with many folks that GOD knows me. Now, I don't think I would ever get too high falutin if GOD gave me a lot of money. However, He knows the real me and maybe I will, so He doesn't. BUT, He has NEVER allowed me to need anything. We have always had enough to pay our bills and to accomplish all that we needed to. It really comes down to being grateful for ALL that HE has given you because it is ALL His to begin with.

So, do you have enough? Are you enjoying that which GOD has given you? Are you thankful for the abundance that you enjoy? Or, do you sit and complain about how little you have? Or, do you find yourself comparing what you don't have with what others do have? Maybe it is time to refocus. Maybe it is time to see how generous GOD is and how He has blessed each of us with more than we truly deserve. There is never a shortfall with GOD. He is always more than enough!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, August 4, 2017

Roll call

Today is a big day. We await the announcement of our son's kindergarten teacher. School will start in five days, but today we will find out the name of his teacher. I stopped short of saying that we will find out whom his teacher is because we may know his/her name today but we won't really know who they are until time passes.

Anyway, we await the posting of the homeroom assignments. Our son is really excited about going to "big school"; I pray he maintains that excitement. He is a really good kid and loves to learn but we all know how school can be sometimes. We're trying to keep him excited. We also work a lot with our two kids every day, trying to teach them and instruct them. But, you all pray for us that we do it right and that we can truly be a teacher and instructor for our children.

Today's word is Revelations 3:5, NLT, which reads, "All who are victorious will be clothed in white. I will never erase their names from the Book of Life, but I will announce before My Father and His angels that they are mine."

As exciting as it is to be finding out the name of our son's first teacher, it pales in comparison to knowing that my name is written in the Book of Life. Our prayer for our children is that one day they will come to know GOD and serve Him. If that happens, everything else will fall into place. Pray with us that they will see JESUS through us and that they will one day want a personal relationship with Him.

So, again, we await the announcement. We are excited about this new chapter he is about to begin in his life, and in ours. There's only a few more days before he will begin "big school", only a few more days before he will answer attendance every morning. And, this anticipation reminds me that we will all one day stand before a Holy and Just GOD. The question is, "Will your name be in the Book when He does the roll call?"

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, August 3, 2017

You are what you eat

There's an old saying that goes, "You are what you eat," which simply means that if you eat "unhealthy foods" you'll be unhealthy, and vice versa. And certainly, there is some truth to that. You can't continue to eat fast food every meal, topped with a large bowl of ice cream every night and expect that your body isn't going to change. Oh, it will.

The opposite is also true to a point. If you eat good foods, salads, low carbs, drink lots of water, etc., you should find yourself in better health. However, we all experience health issues from time to time that have very little to do with our lifestyles. But, I digress and need to get back on point...

Today's word is an anonymous quote I came across that reminds me that we are what we take in: "Your mind will always believe everything you tell it. Feed it Faith. Feed it Truth. Feed it Love."

I have shared before that "Trash In = Trash Out". There are no two ways about it; if you continue to put bad things in, you will eventually get bad things out. We can't continue to feed our minds things that are contradictory to what we know is true because, if we do, we will eventually start to believe and, then, release, what we have supplied. Our minds, much like our savings account, can only withdraw what has been deposited.

We seem so focused on making sure we everything we can to take care of our bodies, which is absolutely the best thing to do, and, I believe, scriptural. We should also do the same for our minds. If we want to bring good things from our mind, we have to put good things into our minds: Trash in = Trash Out.

The next time you sit down at your computer, to watch television, to listen to others, remember that just like our bodies, our minds also operate on the principal that you are what you eat.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Can you keep a secret

I have, as I am sure we all have, those in my life that cannot keep a secret. And, I don't really mean some kind of sordid, deep, dark secret; I mean, they cannot help themselves except to tell whatever they know to whomever will listen, even if they have bee told not to tell anyone else.

I have been known to test folks to see if they can be trusted to keep a secret. I'll tell them something that is just too good not to tell and then ask them not to tell ANYONE. If that news gets back to me, and it often does, then, I'll know that the person I shared my fabrication with cannot be trusted with real secrets.

Today's word is Proverbs 11:13, NLT, which reads, "A gossip goes around telling secrets, but those who are trustworthy can keep a confidence."

Now, there are times that things need to be told. If you have someone telling you that they are being abused or mistreated or something of that nature, then, by all means, you have to get them some help. And, that is not what we are talking about here.

Here, we are discussing things that we don't want told to anyone else and yet there are those that cannot be trusted with those things. The old nautical warning, "Loose lips sink ships," is good advice to follow. One quote I've heard is, "If it's not your story to tell, you don't tell it." There are things to tell and there are things that we are not to tell.

I want to be found trustworthy and creditable. I want others to know that they can confide in me and I will not betray that confidence. We all need others that we can trust, that can be that sounding board, that ear, that confidant. If you find someone needing to talk, listen. Then, don't tell their story to others (and, that goes for me). You'll know you are in one of those moments when the other person asks, "Can you keep a secret?"

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

It's about the words

I love music. I grew up in a family that listened to a lot of music, and a lot of different genres of music. My Pops was a fan of old country: Marty Robbins, Jim Reeves, Hank Williams, etc. My Mom liked country but she also is one of the early rockers: The Four Freshmen, Paul Revere and the Raiders, Elvis, etc. And, of course, we listened to a lot of gospel: The Kingsmen, The Statler Brothers, The Oak Ridge Boys, etc. So, I was surrounded by music and various styles.

Even today, there are those who go to particular places of worship just because of the style of music that is or isn't played there. And, again, I like all kinds of music. I like the contemporary sound, and even attempt to play some on the guitar. BUT, I also like the traditional hymns, and attempt to play some of those on the guitar. You see, for me, it's not necessarily about the tune, it's about the message.

Today's word is Colossians 4:6, NLT, which reads, "Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone."

Just as in music, our conversations are more about the message conveyed. I have learned through various stages of life and various events that it is often how I say things that causes hurt and confusion. I can come across as gruff sometimes when that is not my intention at all. I can come across as short when that, too, is not my attention. This verse reminds me that my conversation should be gracious and attractive, kind and appealing. If I'll do that, it'll make the second part easier...

" that you will have the right response for everyone." People are hurting and need answers. If we will allow GOD to speak through us, He will give them the answers they need. Not that it has anything to do with us other than the fact that He can use us if we will let Him.

If you find yourself in a situation where GOD has placed you to give advice to someone that desperately needs it, remember that it's about the words.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T