Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Because of His righteousness

Aren't you glad that GOD is righteous? He is completely without sin or guilt. He is a truly just judge. He is completely and totally good in His actions. He is above all reproach and will ALWAYS do what is right. I am grateful that I serve the One True GOD Who is Holy righteous, and WHOLLY righteous.

There are things that we are each going to give an account for, whether they be good or bad. However, I know that I will stand before a just Judge, One who will not look for condemnation but will only look at the blood of His Son covering my sins. Because I made the decision to accept CHRIST as my Savior, JESUS'S blood makes me righteous in GOD'S eyes.

Today's word is from Psalm 7:17, NIV, which reads, "I will give thanks to the LORD for His righteousness; I will sing the praises of the name of the LORD Most High."

I am thankful that GOD is righteous; that despite ALL my shortcomings and failures and sins, He will forgive me because He made a way for me - Salvation through His Son, JESUS CHRIST. GOD is no respecter of persons; He doesn't judge me because of what I look like or smell like or even act like. No, His only judgement is in whether I accept His gift of salvation, which HE gives to everyone equally. That is just judgement.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I have so much to be thankful for. I am most thankful for a GOD who loves me. A GOD who made a way for me to live forever with Him. A GOD who is righteous. Happy Thanksgiving!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

I Love Folks

There are a few things that I have learned in my life that I try to explain to others but I seldom seem to get the full message across. It has often been said, and I have found it to be most true, that there are a lot of things that are better felt than talked about. Let me give you an example...

You know the feeling you get when you are in the presence of GOD? You can feel Him moving, you can feel that overflowing joy in your heart, you can feel the hairs on the back of your neck rise but to try to put that feeling into words is impossible. It is definitely better felt than talked about.

Today's word is a saying that I have found to be most true: "The people who need the most love often ask for it in the most unloving ways. Love them anyway."

It is hard to explain how difficult it is to love some folks, especially when they so seem to not deserve it. I say it is difficult until I realize that people love me even when I so don't deserve it. Why they do that is impossible to explain, other than to say it is love.

The folks that need the most love cry out for it in some of the most unloving ways. They will rebel and spit in your face and use you and test your patience and try your boundaries, yet they need your love more than anything. I love folks. It isn't always easy but it sure is fulfilling.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, November 25, 2013

Every Moment

It has been a few days since my last post and I would love to say that I will get more consistent but I have absolutely no idea. Life is what happens in between everything else, and life has been happening. Now, that is not a bad thing at all. It is just that sometimes other things take precedence.

With that being said, we are in Thanksgiving week. And, while we should be thankful and grateful everyday, there is no doubt that this time of year, we are more cognizant of our blessings. I have so much to be thankful for that I seem to take for granted. GOD has blessed me beyond my wildest and greatest dreams.

I have mentioned that I am thankful for the "little things" that are so often taken for granted. Things like being able to walk and talk and yell and scream and holler and understand and comprehend. I am thankful that GOD has given me so much. Of course, I am thankful for my wife, my family, my friends. I am especially thankful for salvation, for being able to spend eternity with JESUS. But, things aren't always good, right?

Today's word is a saying that I love, and this time of year really brings it to light. It says, "Happy Moments - Praise GOD; Difficult Moments - Seek GOD; Quiet Moments - Worship GOD; Painful Moments - Trust GOD; Every Moment - Thank GOD."

Even with all our blessings, there will be moments of difficulty and pain. We are approaching our first Thanksgiving with Pops being in Heaven. I surely do miss him. I know that Thanksgiving will never be the same without him. But, I am thankful for the years I had with him. I am thankful for the lessons he taught me, the love he showed me, the life he allowed me. I am thankful that he is in Heaven and I that I will see him again and spend eternity with him there.

Yes, there will be happy moments and difficult moments and quiet moments and painful moments. In every moment, though, I want to thank GOD. It is because of His great love and mercy and grace that I have another moment. And, for each of those moments, I am thankful.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The right thing is the hardest thing

Sorry for gaps here and there but I have had some catching up to do. Sometimes we have to do what we have to do. Anyway, sorry for any gaps, I will post when I can.

Life has a tendency to give us choices that we don't necessarily want to have to make. I know of a man who had to turn his grandson in for murder. Now, he could have gotten his grandson out of the country, hidden him somewhere, but he stepped up and did the right thing. It is not always easy to do the right thing, especially when we know that doing so may cost us something very dear.

As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, I think about those who were willing to lose everything for a new life here in America. They didn't really know what they were coming to; they did, however, know what they were leaving. They were willing to lose what was normal for a chance at something better.

Today's word is a quote I came across, which I added to. It says, "Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing is the same thing. It may be hard but right is ALWAYS right."

The easy way may be easier but it may not be right. It is when we are faced with those difficult situations where we have to choose between right and easy that the burden seems heaviest. After making the right decision, we can suffer for years beating ourselves up for doing what we did. If we would only realize that doing the right thing is the right thing. Others may never understand. Others may betray us. Others may "disown" us. Others may refute us. But you can NEVER go wrong by doing right.

Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing is the same thing. It may be hard but right is ALWAYS right.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, November 15, 2013

Who you are

I remember as a young man that we had a pretty tight group of friends that hung out together, did things together, went places together, etc. While we were pretty tight, we also had room for others to join us. The truth, though, is they never seemed to stay. It wasn't that we excluded them but they always seemed to find some "cooler" group to hang with.

I have also been the "outsider". I didn't fit in with other peoples' groups. I wasn't cute enough (never will be), I wasn't smart enough (never will be), I wasn't rich enough (never will be), etc. It is amazing how people will judge what someone is before they ever take the time to learn who they really are.

Today's word is a saying/quote I heard that I really try to take to heart. It says, "Judging a person does not define who they are. It defines who YOU are."

We never purposely excluded anyone from our group because we didn't even know what excluding was. No, we never did because we felt that everyone could contribute something. You will never meet ANYONE that doesn't know something that you don't know. They may not look like you, they may not talk like you, they may not act like you, they may not dress like you but they are worth something.

Don't let what you think of others define who and what you really are.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Barking Dogs

We have two labs that bark at everything: the sun, the moon, the wind, each other, the cat, the cat's shadow, you get the idea. Mostly, though, they bark at people they do not know. I mean, if you pull up in our yard and they aren't familiar with you, they will let us know that there is someone unfamiliar in our yard. It is good to have an early warning from our two dogs when someone unfamiliar comes to our house. You feel some security in the fact that they are looking out for you. However, not all barking is good.

There are those nights, around midnight or so, that they bark at everything and awaken everyone in the house. Now, for the adults in the house, it is a nuisance. For the children, however, it is a PROBLEM. They awaken and they don't like being awakened. It reminds me of today's word...

Today's word is a saying I came across that I really like. It says, "If someone says bad things about you or judges you like they KNOW you, remember that a dog barks at people it does not KNOW."

People are always wanting to talk an belittle and put down and run down people, and they have absolutely NO idea what they are talking about. It is amazing to me how much dirt people can spread without a single fact included. What we have to keep in mind, especially when we are the subject of discussion, is that people always bark about things they don't know.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

What you want most

Ever watch the show Deal or No Deal? I am absolutely amazed at the contestants on that show at times. They come on with simple dreams: paying off their house, buying a house, paying for college, paying for their children's college, etc. During the course of the game, they will get offers from the banker, and some of those offers are more than adequate to accomplish what they say they really want. Yet, greed will set in and they will press their luck and leave with less than they were offered.

We see this in other areas as well. Someone will sacrifice what they really want for the joy of the moment, for the excitement of the minute, for the flavor of the month. It seems that we lose sight of the big thing for the present thing.

Today's word is just a saying that I really like. It says, "NEVER give up what you want the most for what you think you want right now."

So often, it seems, that we will compromise our greatest desires for a fleeting moment. I know it is difficult waiting. Ask anyone that knows me; they will tell you that I am not a patient person. However, I try to always take a big picture approach. I try to remember that what I see today may be enticing but it isn't what I want the most. Let's keep our eyes on the things we want the most, and never lose sight of it.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, November 8, 2013

Brave Men and Women

The Veterans Day holiday is upon us, and I can't think of Veterans Day without being humbled by the sacrifices made by so many. The sacrifices that continue to be made by so many. I am truly amazed and admire them all.

Brave men and women have been willingly putting aside personal safety and security for a higher cause for years. They have been willing to set aside comfort and protection to provide those things for folks they don't even know. I don't think you can think of veterans without thinking of bravery, commitment, determination and so many other adjectives.

Today's word isn't necessarily speaking of just veterans but it comes from a very brave man, Billy Graham. Mr. Graham's quote says, "Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened."

There have been countless numbers of courageous and brave people that have never served in our military. But, those in our military are certainly brave and courageous. That courage is often contagious. When we see someone stand up for what they believe, it is hard not to be encouraged by their bravery.

This veterans day, remember those who have sacrificed and those who continue to sacrifice. I believe we have the bravest men and women protecting our freedoms. I thank them for their sacrifice. I stand strong because of their courage. I feel secure because of their bravery. Veterans, I salute you! GOD BLESS AMERICA!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The measure of success

There are a lot of ways to measure success. For me, a lot of times, success is getting up in the middle of the night and not stubbing my toe. Stubbing your toe really hurts. Another measure of success is getting everyone out of the house in the mornings and not forgetting anything vital, such as your keys that are sitting on the dining room table, behind the locked door.

People measure success in various ways. Some folks believe they are successful because they live in a huge house or because they drive a fancy car or because they are popular. Some folks believe they are successful because they have large sums of money or because they are executives or because they have risen to the next level. Others may determine success based on the fact that they ate today or because they didn't lose it today or because they made it through another day.

Today's word is a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson, which says, "To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."

What a thought. To know that someone else's life has been made a little easier, a little better because I have lived - that is success. Success has nothing to do with status. Success has to do with loving one another and carrying one another's load(s).

With this definition in mind, I have known and do know a lot of successful people. I would never try to list them all because I don't have that kind of time but suffice it to say that others have made my life better and easier. I don't care if anyone ever knows who I am. I do pray that others will know I care.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

You're full of it

Often I would hear my parents tell me I was full of it. As a youngster, I really didn't understand what they meant but as time went on I began to realize that they meant that I was full of bull. I was a mischievous child, that was full of it.

The truth of the matter, though, is that we are all full of something. So many folks are full of doubts and fears, what "ifs" and "I never will". Others are full of "I am the greatest," "Nothing can stop me," and "Girl, you sure hit the jackpot with me." Yeah, right.

Today's word is from Romans 15:13, which reads, "May the GOD of hope fill you with joy and peace."

We are all full of something. That which is in us will eventually make its way out. If we are full of negativity, negative things will spring forth. If we are full of ourselves, all that will be coming forth from us is us. If we allow GOD to fill us with His hope and His peace, we will be able to share that with others.

Yeah, we are all full of something, and that something changes regularly. I want to concentrate on being full of JESUS and sharing His hope and peace with others. Now, that would be something to be full of.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, November 1, 2013

He's good to me

If you ask my wife what she loves about me, she would probably need a couple of years to find an answer (I mean, to find a single answer). But, eventually, she would probably say that she loves me because I am good to her. Now, don't let her know this, but she is far better to me than I could ever be to her.

Anyway, we all want folks who are good to us. I don't know, nor will I ever know, why anyone would want to be with someone that wasn't good to them. Trish has my needs ahead of hers all the time, which is absolutely amazing.

Today's word is from Psalm 13:6, NIV, which reads, "I will sing the LORD'S praise, for He has been good to me."

Look, we all know that things aren't always going to go our way. There will be times that it will seem that things will NEVER go our way. Yet, I so want to be like Job, who in the midst of so much tragedy said, "The LORD giveth and the LORD taketh away, blessed be the name of the LORD."

Sometimes, things just don't go our way. Sometimes, things seem really bad. Sometimes, things ARE really bad. Yet, if we would just concentrate on the goodness of GOD, how much He has done for us collectively and individually, we would see that He is worthy of our praise.

By the way, I have Trishia's needs ahead of mine, too. However, I didn't want everyone knowing that because some will think I am whipped. I am not whipped, I am loved.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T