Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The measure of success

There are a lot of ways to measure success. For me, a lot of times, success is getting up in the middle of the night and not stubbing my toe. Stubbing your toe really hurts. Another measure of success is getting everyone out of the house in the mornings and not forgetting anything vital, such as your keys that are sitting on the dining room table, behind the locked door.

People measure success in various ways. Some folks believe they are successful because they live in a huge house or because they drive a fancy car or because they are popular. Some folks believe they are successful because they have large sums of money or because they are executives or because they have risen to the next level. Others may determine success based on the fact that they ate today or because they didn't lose it today or because they made it through another day.

Today's word is a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson, which says, "To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."

What a thought. To know that someone else's life has been made a little easier, a little better because I have lived - that is success. Success has nothing to do with status. Success has to do with loving one another and carrying one another's load(s).

With this definition in mind, I have known and do know a lot of successful people. I would never try to list them all because I don't have that kind of time but suffice it to say that others have made my life better and easier. I don't care if anyone ever knows who I am. I do pray that others will know I care.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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