Wednesday, May 31, 2017

They don't know

You don't have to look too far these days to see the depths that some will go to harm and kill others. Suicide bombers, shooting rampages, brutal attacks seem to be the constant headline, only the numbers affected change.

What possesses someone to behave in such a horrid manner? What causes someone to reach a point that they feel that hurting others will make them feel better? What causes someone to believe that mass killing a certain group, a certain sect, a certain religious person is what GOD wants? Ah, I think the answer lies within the last question.

 Today's word is John 16:3, ESV, which reads, "And they will do these things because they have not known the Father, nor Me."

JESUS was telling His disciples, and us through the scriptures, that we shouldn't be surprised that people do such heinous things because some folks have never known the One, True GOD. They are led by false teachings that promise them one thing but will earn them something entirely different. Without a compass, they are wandering lost. And, when you are lost, you will desperately try anything.

It is sad to continually see the desperation and deception of others play out in our world. It is difficult to watch the news without becoming angry and confused. Yet, we know that JESUS is on the throne, is on our side, and is our Defender. While these happenings concern us, we shouldn't be surprised. The ones committing these acts just don't know.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

3 Ts, more Zs

Mornings can be rough at our house. It isn't that anything abnormal happens; I am sure that we are the typical household with young children. Sometimes, they are up and raring to go WAY TOO EARLY; other times they want a few more minutes of sleep. Funny isn't it? Children are just like adults, just younger. I often tell Trish that we aren't raising children; we are raising adults. What we do now will follow them into their adult years.

Anyway, mornings can be rough. There are some mornings that we resemble a cat chasing its own tail. Yet, we usually manage to get where we need to go by the time we need to be there, which is in and of itself a small miracle.

So, for today's word, I wanted to share the 3 Ts that will help us all start each day with a positive plan. TRY your best; be TRUE to yourself and others; TRUST GOD for the rest.

In the midst of our chaos, we often lose ourselves. But, I really believe that if we would remember these three Ts: Try, True, and Trust, it could benefit us in ways unimaginable. I think having a goal, a plan, always proves beneficial.

If we go our each day and try our very best, and are true to ourselves and others, and trust GOD to handle everything else, I think we will go to bed at night knowing that it has been a successful day. And, if we practice these 3 Ts each day, maybe it will help us to get more Zs when we lay down at night.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, May 26, 2017


The definition of honor is "high respect; esteem; to regard with great respect". It is Memorial Day weekend, which always makes me think of those that have sacrificed everything to give us the freedoms and liberties we enjoy.

To some, this weekend is simply a three day weekend. To others, it is the unofficial beginning of summer. Both of those are definitely a shared feeling for most but I am always cognizant that the reason my family and I enjoy this three day weekend, this unofficial beginning of summer, is because of those who were willing to lose it all to give it to me. They deserve our praise. They deserve our respect. They deserve honor.

Today's word is Romans 13:7, NIV, which reads, "Give to everyone what you owe them: if you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor."

We should always pay others what we owe them. We are judged by how we repay our debts; thus, our Father in Heaven is judged by how we repay our debts. So, we should always be diligent to pay what we owe. But, this verse tells us that it is much more than making the mortgage payment or paying the utilities. Those things must be paid; it is a must. So, too, though, must our other debts.

We have debts to others that are not monetary. We should always treat everyone the exact same way that we want others to treat us. On top of that, there are people that deserve an extra measure of respect, and we should respect them. And, there are those who deserve an enormous amount of honor, and we should honor them. Thanks to all that have served to give us these freedoms. Thanks to all the loved ones who were equally serving. Thank you all for your great sacrifices. You deserve my sincere thanks and honor.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Growing Season

It is the time of year that people plow the ground and plant in hopes of a bountiful harvest. I will be the first to admit that I love fresh produce but I do not enjoy gardening at all. Well, the gardening isn't that bad, it is the weeding that I absolutely despise. I detest having to hoe and hoe and hoe. I know it is worth the effort but I still don't like it. But, I digress...

It is growing season. Folks will go out and plant okra and squash and tomatoes and potatoes and onions and radishes and beans and peas and corn, you get the idea. And, whatever seed they put into the ground is the vegetable that they hope to reap. You can't plant okra seed and hope to get anything but okra. You can't plant potatoes and hope to harvest tomatoes. It just doesn't happen.

Today's word is Job 4:8, NIV, which reads, "As I have observed, those who plow evil and those who sow trouble reap it."

Just as the seed we plant in our garden produces the fruit or vegetable that it came from, the seeds we plant physically and spiritually will produce the fruit or vegetable from which it derived. You cannot sow evil and expect to cultivate goodness. You cannot sow deceit and expect to cultivate truth. You cannot sow disrespect and disobedience and expect to reap respect and obedience.

It is sowing time; what are you sowing? Are you sowing goodness and mercy and love and joy? If so, your harvest should be bountiful in those things. If you are sowing sin and living in sin and cultivating sin, you can expect that sin will be your harvest. BUT, we have a merciful Father, a Master Gardner, Who can remove the weeds in our heart and cultivate that right spirit that we need. I pray He will remove the weeds from my heart and help me to produce a bountiful growing season.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Scavenger Hunt

Today is National "Scavenger Hunt Day". I like a good scavenger hunt. When we took the youth groups camping, there was usually part of one day spent on a scavenger hunt. It was always fun to walk the campgrounds and find small, intricate things for the others to diligently search for.

It seems that we are always searching for something: ways to lose weight, ways to get into better shape, ways to better communicate, the best prices on whatever we are looking for, etc. We are always seeking for something.

Today's word is Proverbs 8:17, ESV, which reads, "I love those who love Me, and those who seek Me diligently find Me."

Have you sought GOD the way you search for so many other things? I ask myself that question today: "Have I sought GOD as much as I have searched for things that don't really matter?" GOD isn't hard to find; He is right where we left Him. However, I think that we often are so engrossed in searching for everything else that we find it difficult to find GOD. And, it probably is, considering some of the things we search for.

I want to find what GOD wants me to do - every hour of every day of my life. I want to be whatever He wants me to be. I want to seek and do His good will. He tells us that if we diligently seek Him, we will find Him. Come join me on this great scavenger hunt.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Want to

We are trying, albeit with difficulty, to teach our two little ones that there are three stages of obedience. They, like all children, and like I was when I was a child, think that we just keep telling them, "No," and "Stop," just because we are trying to steal their fun and stop their joy. But, that is not the case at all.

We start out obeying our parents because we have to. I mean, if we don't, there are serious consequences and repercussions. I don't know about yours, but my parents were swift in meting out discipline. SWIFT! Then, you transition into obeying because you need to. As we get older, if we want to go to the movies, or hang out with our friends, or go to a friend's house, we must obey and do what we are told during the week (e.g., clean our room, do our homework, etc.). Finally, we begin obeying because we want to. We want to be pleasing to our parents. We want to stop worrying them and frustrating them. We begin obeying because we want to. We go through these same stages with our Heavenly Father.

Today's word is Psalm 40:8, NLT, which reads, "I take joy in doing your will, my GOD, for your instructions are written on my heart."

It is when we reach that final stage of obedience, because we want to, that we really begin to experience the joy of just obeying. We begin to take joy in doing the right things and in being the person that GOD created us to be and that our parents strove to mold us into.

As we mature physically, mentally, emotionally, intellectually, we begin to obey because we want to; we like the feeling of pleasing those we love. I want my parents to be pleased. I want even more for my SAVIOR to be pleased. I pray we all mature enough to see the joys of obeying because we want to.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

True Friends

A research conducted in the past few years indicated that most of us have only two really close friends, those who will be there no matter what, no matter time or distance, no matter when. Can you think of two in your life that are true friends, those that will be there no matter what? It's difficult isn't it? Can you think of two people that you would be his/her true friend?

It's not difficult to see why this statistic may be true. We are all busy with our own lives. We have spouses and children, we have obligations and responsibilities, we have outside influences and internal challenges. It's really hard to find the extra time to build those deep, deep relationships.

Today's word is a quote about true friends: "Life is not about the people who act true to your face. It's about the people who remain true behind your back."

Obviously, JESUS is my closest Friend. And, Trish is as true and loyal and devoted as anyone could ever be; she is definitely my closest and dearest earthly friend. So, I married one of my two. JESUS will never leave us nor forsake us. He will lead us and guide us, directing each step we take if we will just let Him. He is truly the dearest and closest friend you could ever have. And, as I mentioned, Trish is the most loyal and devoted friend anyone could ever have. I am so blessed that GOD allowed me to marry my best friend.

So, how about you? Got close friends? Are you working to build and nurture those relationships? Have you been hurt by "friends" before and now are too leery to trust someone again? Well, you can't hold on to those that aren't true. Allow GOD to direct you to find your true friends.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Hang in there

Yesterday was a big day for our family; I had my twenty-fifth work anniversary yesterday. I am now eligible for retirement from my company, if I could afford to retire. But, I am so blessed to reach this milestone. At times, it seemed that I would never get here but GOD has seen us through.

Again, not that I am going anywhere. To reach the twenty-five year mark validated my career decision and guarantees provision for my family should I meet an unfortunate demise. It is great peace of mind to know that providing for your family, which is what we work for, is somewhat solid.

Today's word is 2 Chronicles 15:7, NLT, which reads, "But as for you, be strong and courageous, for your work will be rewarded."

Many of us may wonder if what we do makes a difference, and to those around us, it may not. But, even though I reached a milestone yesterday, I never lose sight of the fact that I am not working for the praise of men; I am working to honor and please GOD. I want everything I do to be acceptable and pleasing to Him.

If you feel like you are stuck and going nowhere, keep in mind that if you are in GOD'S will, He has you where He wants you and where you need to be. Whatever may be going on around you is nothing compared to the work He is performing within you. Your hard work and diligence will be rewarded. Hang in there!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, May 15, 2017

True Strength

Today is Peace Officers Memorial Day. In 1962, President John F. Kennedy signed a proclamation designating May 15th as Peace Officers Memorial Day. We honor those so willing to sacrifice for the good of others, the good of community.

I know there has been controversy about police over-extending their authority, which may be true in some cases, but I believe, in most instances, that the men and women who serve us and protect us are good people, sacrificing daily to keep us all safe. To those out there doing this noble work, I say, "Thank You!"

Today's word is a quote I came across about sacrifice, which reminds me of those out there every day doing what they must do to ensure safety and freedom for us all: "The strongest people are not those who show strength in front of us, but those who win battles we know nothing about."

It is truly amazing to me that there are others who are so willing to put everything on the line for my family and me. They don't even know us. If they knew us personally, they would see that Trish and the kids are worth the sacrifice but I'm not, yet, they don't differentiate, it's for us all.

JESUS CHRIST paid the ultimate sacrifice in order to pay the price that we could not pay so that we could accept His gift and spend eternity with Him. I am eternally grateful for Him thinking I was worthy, that I was worth it. I am also eternally grateful for all those out there every day doing what is necessary to preserve our freedoms and safety, those possessing true strength.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, May 12, 2017

A Job Well Done

There is no feeling like doing something well. Now, there aren't many things that I do well, or ever did well, but I do know the feeling. And, if you are not boasting or bragging or holding it over someone that you are better than him/her, it's a great feeling to perform at your best.

I like competition, probably more than most. I like the challenge, the opportunity to work towards a goal. I like team competition. I have played on some really bad teams that had a lot of challenges, and I have played on some really good teams that I was definitely the weak link. Maybe that's why the bad teams were so bad, me.

Anyway, today's word is Galatians 6:4, NLT, which reminds us that the competition is with our own self to do our very best: "Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you don't need to compare yourself to anyone else."

Maybe the reason I like competition some much is that it challenges me to be at my best. If you are ever going to be good at anything, you have to work and practice and put in the time to become better. It is in the competition that I find the challenge, the motivation to work harder in order to become better at whatever the competition is.

Does the extra work, the extra effort, the extra time mean that I will eventually be the best at whatever the competition is? No. It does mean, however, that if I keep working at it, I can be the best at that competition that I can be. And, when you do your very best, you can take some satisfaction in a job well done.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, May 11, 2017

More pleasing

Ice cream is pleasing. Ice cream with caramel sauce on it is more pleasing. One Reese Cup is pleasing. Two, or MORE, is even more pleasing. Don't you love things that are more pleasing? I think we all do. And, we all like to do the most pleasing things for those we love. Well, once we reach a certain age and maturity.

Some things are good; some things are better. I don't want to settle for good; I want what is best. Don't you? I think we all want what is best. We don't want to have to settle for what is okay or good or even really good; we want what is best. How about when it comes to our worship and obedience to GOD?

Today's word is Proverbs 21:3, NLT, which reads, "The LORD is more pleased when we do what is right and just than when we offer Him sacrifices."

Note what is more pleasing to GOD. Is it giving more money? Is it doing more stuff? Is it being more involved? No. All of those things please GOD, and we should be doing them all. However, GOD is more pleased when we do what is right and just. GOD is most pleased when we are following Him and doing His will.

GOD loves us and are pleased with us just because we are His children. Nothing will ever cause GOD to love us more. We could never do anything that would cause Him to love us less. I want to please GOD. I want to be what He wants me to be. I want to do what is just and right. I want to be more pleasing.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Get Rid of Something

I noticed at the preschool this morning that tomorrow is a day to clean out some things and donate to The Salvation Army, which is a really good thing. It got me to thinking about the fact that we all probably have some cleaning that needs to get done. We probably all have some things that we need to get rid of.

There is nothing that distracts from the true beauty and full potential of a room than clutter. I am not a fan of clutter, though our house might indicate otherwise. However, let me defend that by saying that while I am not a big fan of clutter, a certain amount of clutter just seems to go with raising young children. Even saying that, though, there are some things that we should get rid of.

Today's word is a quote I came across that simply says, "Sometimes, the only way to figure out what is really important is to get rid of everything that isn't."

I think we hold on to things way longer than we should. That goes for clutter in our house and clutter in our lives. We will hold on to old grudges, old, broken relationships, old hurts, old feelings, old failures, old sins far longer than we need to, and they will weigh us down and wear us out. We will keep holding on to things that are unimportant until the clutter becomes all we see, blinding us of our true potential.

It's time to do some cleaning. It is time to get rid of those things that we really don't need. It's time to get rid of those things that are no longer important, things that are dragging us around and dragging us down. It is time to let go of things that don't build us up spiritually and make us better. Take a good look around, it may be time to get rid of something.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

You gotta work for it

Anything worth having is worth working for. That is a statement my Pops used to make and is something that resonates with me until this day. If you want something, you have to work for it.

Contrary to a very popular opinion in this day and time, there are no free rides. Whatever someone else gets is coming from someone's giving. Again, don't get me wrong, there are those who can't help themselves, they are unable in one form or another, and we should all be willing to do whatever is necessary to help them. I am talking about those who can do something but just refuse to and expect someone else to help them. Well, if you want something, you have to work for it.

Today's word is Proverbs 20:4, NLT, which reads, "Those too lazy to plow in the right season will have no food at the harvest."

If you're too lazy to do the work, you will end up with no food. It sounds pretty simple. To others, I am sure it sounds pretty harsh. But, the fact is that every physically and mentally able adult is expected to go out and productively contribute to society and, in return, receive payment for those efforts. You'll appreciate it more if you have to work for it.

Let's take care of those that cannot take care of themselves; this is our GOD-called duty. Let all of us who are physically and mentally able to work and provide go out there and work and provide. Because, if you want something, you gotta work for it.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, May 5, 2017

Everybody is somebody

I was sharing with someone the other day that my Pops was a big proponent of, "Nobody is better than you. But, you're not better than anybody." It was his way of teaching me that I shouldn't let others run over me nor should I ever think I am good enough to run over anyone else; everybody is somebody.

I have not met anyone that I haven't learned something from. Some, I learned what I should do; others, I learned what I should not do. Yet, I truly try not to judge folks because you never know the entire circumstances. We certainly shouldn't try to judge someone's biography just by the chapter we happened to walk in on.

Today's word is a quote I came across that reminds me how I should treat others: "Be somebody who makes everybody feel like a somebody."

Now, don't get me wrong, some folks are HARD to get along with, hard to deal with. There are some folks that would look down at GOD Himself. We certainly don't need to fuel their egos, if we could, but we also shouldn't try to tear them down thinking it would make us feel better. Tearing someone down doesn't empower us. Remember the kid's game King of the Mountain? When a new person became "King", everyone else was after that person. Tearing someone down to elevate yourself only puts others around you on the offensive.

There are some folks out there that need some encouraging, who need to know that GOD still has a plan and they are part of it. They need to know that they have value and worth that only they possess. They need to know that they have been called to a purpose that only they can fulfill. They need to know that everybody is somebody.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, May 4, 2017

The Light

We had a power outage this morning, about the time everyone was trying to get dressed and prepared for the day. We scrambled and found lights and such but it was much more difficult to complete the tasks at hand without adequate lighting. The kids really couldn't understand why their french toast sticks couldn't be heated in the microwave, but, I digress.

I am usually pretty capable of making my way through our dark house, unless, of course, someone leaves something out or someone moves something from its usual place. In the darkness, anything and everything can become a potentially hazardous obstacle. But, just a little light in the darkness can illuminate those perils.

Today's word is Ephesians 5:8, NLT, which reads, "For once you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the LORD. So live as people of light!"

We once walked in darkness, the darkness of our sin. We did things we shouldn't have done, we went places we shouldn't have gone, we said things we shouldn't have uttered, we were self-centered, self-righteous, and selfish. But, once we became GOD'S child, He shed His light upon us. And, that light revealed all those obstacles in our lives, those sins that so easily beset us, those things that kept us from the close, personal relationship with JESUS that our hearts desire. Once we see our sin in the light of GOD, we see how dangerous it really is.

If you are a child of GOD, and I pray you are, you now reflect the light and love of JESUS. We need to let others see the difference He has made in our lives. We, as GOD'S children, are here to reflect the light that He has shone upon us. Just as He has cleansed us and lit up our paths, we are to help others not stumble and to find the Light.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Right beside me

Blake likes to stay right beside me; he wants to know where I am and wants to be with me with whatever I am doing. I know that this is fleeting. There will SOON come a day that he will REALLY not want to be around me at all. But, until then, it is pretty nice that he wants to hang with me.

More than Blake wanting to by my side, GOD desires to be beside us, and HE IS. There is not a place that we can go that HE is not already there. There is not a step we can take that He does not take with us. He is always with us.

Today's word is Psalm 16:8, NLT, which reads, "I know the LORD is always with me. I will not be shaken, for He is right beside me."

With GOD always being by our side, going with us every step of the way, we have not need to fear or be shaken. Now, we all are from time to time. Our earthly bodies get scared and antsy and edgy and intimidated, but, we can rest assured that GOD is always there beside us.

I am going to strive to remember that GOD is with me, regardless of what my mind or my circumstances are telling me. I am going to try to remember that no matter where I go, no matter what is going on around me, no matter how nervous I become, He is always right beside me.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, May 2, 2017


I love the word, "exhortation". It is just a synonym for encouragement but I like the way it sounds. Now, it can also mean "to urge someone on," such as, "I exhort you to tell the truth". But, I like the encouragement part. I would dare say that what separates those that go beyond their wildest dreams and those that continue to seek is encouragement. Somewhere along the way, someone said something that inspired them to push through and to become what they are.

I have had a lot of "exhortaters" in my life, people who have encouraged me and lifted me up. There have been countless times that, at my lowest moment, someone has come along and said the exact thing I needed to hear to make the next step. I pray I can do that for others.

Today's word is a quote that I have come across that I seek to try to live: "Build someone up. Put their insecurities to rest. Remind them they're worthy. Tell them they're magical. Be light in a too often dim world."

We will never know how our words truly affect someone. I want my words to be a positive in peoples' lives. Don't you? It bothers me that I don't do it often enough. I have so much to be thankful for, so much to be happy about, so much to be joyful about, that I ought to just spew joy and thankfulness and encouragement to everyone I come across. It is  a shame that I don't.

How about you? Have you had a time in your life when someone really encouraged you? Have you had a time in your life when you persevered because someone saw more in you than you ever saw in yourself? Do you remember how that felt? Let's all spread some exhortation!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, May 1, 2017

He Hears

We have some people in our church that are prayer warriors. If you need prayer, and I do constantly, they will pray. They don't just say that they will pray, they pray. They will pray for you immediately, they will pray for you consistently, they will pray for you continually. The way we all should.

Ever have difficulty praying? Ever find yourself just feeling as if it isn't going anywhere, that your prayers aren't being heard? Ever feel as if you pray and pray but it is accomplishing nothing? Ever feel as if GOD isn't hearing your prayers?

Today's word is Proverbs 15:29, NIV, which reads, "The LORD is far from the wicked, but He hears the prayers of the righteous."

The LORD hears the prayers of His children. We may often feel as if we aren't getting anywhere, that our prayers are going unheard and unanswered. But, rest assured, they are being heard and they are being answered. The three possible answers are "Yes," "No," and "Wait". The "Yes" we like, the "No" we deal with, the "Wait" is the killer. However, GOD'S timing is perfect and the wait is preparation.

Children of GOD can rest assured that our prayers are always heard, that they always reach the ears of the Father. Let's remember that when it feels as if we aren't getting anywhere, when it feels as if our prayers are going nowhere, that He hears.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T