Friday, December 22, 2017

He never changes

I will readily admit that I am what some would call "old fashioned". I often feel that I was born out of my time period. Now, of course, we know that isn't true; GOD has us where He wants us when He wants us. But, what I am saying is that sometimes I am more of a traditionalist than others.

Now, I am not so old fashioned that I don't see the good in progress, especially medical and technological. I like air conditioning, microwaves, and remote controls. I am amazed at what GOD has allowed mankind to accomplish with the eradication of some diseases and learning to treat others. And, like so many others, I really enjoy the flexibility and the usefulness of the smartphone.

Today's word is Malachi 3:6, NLT, which reads, "I am the LORD, and I do not change. That is why you descendants of Jacob are not already destroyed."

While some might question my traditionalism, one thing that is not questionable is GOD. GOD is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He does not change. Sins of 6,000 years ago are still sins today. Things that were wrong to do centuries ago are still against GOD'S plan, will, and law. While things are certainly progressing and changing, GOD does not change.

Now, the other part of GOD not changing is the fact that His love for us has not changed. He loves each and everyone one of us and wants a personal relationship with each of us. He has never loved anyone as much as He loves you. He always has; He always will. There is nothing you can do to make GOD love you more. There is also nothing you can do to make Him love you less. He never changes!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Toss it overboard

Alright, I am about to confess something that I really shouldn't, because it isn't about me personally but about some folks I know. There are some people in my family that are borderline hoarders. I mean, they get something and they KEEP IT. Let me give you an example conversation...

Me: "So, what is this?"
Family Member: "Oh, that's the felt gasket that goes behind the left tail light on a 1958 Edsel Corsair."
Me: "So, why are you keeping it?"
Family Member: "Well, you never know when you might need it."

And, that is just a small example of some of the hoarding tendencies I have seen. We all have the ability to hold on to things that we really don't need.

Today's word is Johan 1:15, NIV, which reads, "Then they took Jonah and threw him overboard, and the raging sea grew calm."

Now, these sailors weren't hoarders, they weren't keeping Jonah just to be keeping him. No, Jonah, in his attempt to run from GOD'S calling, had put these sailors and their ship in a very dangerous predicament. The sailors had to make a choice: keep Jonah on the ship and all perish, or toss Jonah off the ship and save themselves. We know how the story ends: Jonah is swallowed by the great fish, GOD gets his attention, and Jonah does what GOD told him to do. But, the point...

We all have a tendency to hold onto things that are doing us no good. We will cling to them and cling to them knowing that they are bringing us down. Those things may be things, they may be habits, they may be attitudes, they may be relationships. Whatever it is that is keeping you from moving forward in GOD'S will may need to be reevaluated. Pray about it. It may be time to toss it overboard.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

What you listening to

Our son will often say, "I need to tell you something," then, commences to telling you something. Sometimes, what he needs to share is about his day in kindergarten. Sometimes, it is about something that he saw on television. Other times, it may be something that is on his mind and he needs an explanation. Whatever the case may be, he has a message that needs to be heard.

I have to admit that there have been more times than I care to count when someone had something big to tell me and I wasn't completely listening. When you don't get all the details because you weren't completely focused, you can find yourself making bad decisions, or no decision at all. It is imperative that we listen.

Today's word is part Obadiah 1:1, NIV, which reads, "...This is what the Sovereign LORD says about Edom - We have heard a message from the LORD..."

The LORD had sent a message to His people. I wonder how often He still does this but we just don't listen, or just half listen. I am talking about myself more than anyone. I have shared before that I am a "Gideon"; I need a sign. And, GOD understands that. He made me. He knows my quirks. He provides what I need. Yet, I will get the sign and still miss the message because I wasn't listening.

Our son and daughter have a lot to tell us. And, it is always important and it is always important to listen. We have people telling us things all the time. Some of it, rightfully so, goes in one ear and out the other. There is often so much noise all around us that it is hard to hear it all. It's easy to get distracted and only half listen. Other times, we hear things that we shouldn't hear and allow those things to control us and really influence our happiness and our witness. There are things that we need to disregard. There are things that we don't need to listen to. However, we need to listen for the voice of GOD, and really listen. So, what you listening to?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Just what I want

If you look up the meaning of "justice", you will find that it means "just behavior or treatment, fairness, equity, honesty, righteousness, etc." A lot of people claim that they want justice. I mean, we all want to be treated honestly and fairly. We all want people to treat us equally and righteously. Right?

But, I've had a thought that I cannot get rid of lately. I wonder if we really treat people the way we want to be treated? I wonder if we truly treat people the way we want GOD to treat us. Isn't that really the standard for justice? Wouldn't that be the truest form and practice of justice, treating folks the way we want GOD to treat us?

Today's word is Amos 5:24, NLT, which reads, "Instead, I want to see a mighty flood of justice, an endless river of righteous living."

I wonder what I would receive in my stocking on Christmas morning if it was just (what I deserved). I am not sure I could stand what I deserve. Instead, I want what I want. Don't you? I have noticed that I often base my judgement on my opinion but I want GOD to base His opinion of me on His great mercy. I wonder what it would be like if GOD rained down a flood of justice?

Well, I am going to work harder on the second part of this verse and try to live a life of righteous living. Again, getting to Heaven has nothing to do with anything I do, except my decision to accept JESUS as my LORD and SAVIOR. However, earnestly trying to live a humble, sincere, and godly life is my true desire; that's just what I want.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, December 18, 2017

The LORD has done great things

We are one week, seven days, from Christmas. Our kids are excited and filled with anticipation. They have had their lists for a while. They have talked with Santa more than once. They have made preparations by writing letters, planning what to leave on Christmas Eve night, and by making sure they have all the bases covered. They are excited!

They also know why we truly celebrate Christmas. We celebrate the birth of our SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST. I am not going to get into the debate on whether it is the actual day CHRIST was born, etc. I will say that we celebrate the fact that GOD came in human form - Immanuel - GOD with us - to make a way for us to have a personal relationship with Him. That is the GREATEST GIFT!

Today's word is Joel 2:21, NLT, which reads, "Don't be afraid, my people. Be glad now and rejoice, for the LORD has done great things."

Much as we should be thankful every day of the year, we should have a lot to celebrate every day of the year. Yes, Christmas for the young ones is about presents and such but, we should be able to celebrate the GIFT we received long ago every day. JESUS'S birth is truly the GIFT that keeps on giving - eternal life.

GOD has done great and wonderful things. All we have to do is look around and see His mighty work. All I have to do is look at my kids and see the miracle that they are. All I have to do is look at where I was headed and where I will now spend eternity. All I have to do is think about the many blessings in my life. Be glad and rejoice, for the LORD has done great things!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, December 15, 2017

Let them go hungry

In no way am I recommending this but, if you did a google search for most anything, you would find links to most anything. There seems to be absolutely no filter, no self-worth, nothing off limits. I wonder what people are thinking that post things that will live forever in this electronic world.

It almost seems to me that some folks have no moral compass, nothing to direct them to what is right and wrong. We live in a society, in a world, in an age, where it seems that anything is supposed to be accepted. So, people will do most anything.

Today's word is Hosea 4:8, NIV, which reads, "They feed on the sins of my people and relish their wickedness."

The reason people post most anything is because there is an audience out there that will pursue and chase after most anything. There are people in our world that live for, that wait for, that relish the failures of others. Some of those people are making their livelihood off the sins of others; they can't wait for someone to fail so that they can make more.

However, much like businesses being opened on Sunday and people complaining about them being opened, so too is the evil that others relish. IF no one would go to any business on Sunday, they would quit being open on Sunday. Yet, they are open on Sunday because we live in a society that expects them to be open on Sunday and we, then, frequent that establishment on Sunday. The only reason people publicize their sins is because someone else will watch it and exploit and profit from it. Some folks love to feed on the sins of others. I say, "Let them go hungry."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Do you measure up?

We have taken our kids to several entertainment venues where there was a minimum height requirement for riding certain rides. We have seen the disappointment on their faces when they weren't quite tall enough. We have, over time, learned where and where not to go to avoid these types of scenarios. Plus, they are both growing so fast that this will not be a problem much longer.

We have all had times when we just didn't measure up, me probably more than most. There have been those times with job interviews, or with loan applications, etc., when we just didn't match the requirement. When this happens, all we can do is keep pressing forward and prepare for the next one. However, there will come an instance when we all need to make sure that we measure up...

Today's word is Daniel 5:27, NLT, which reads, "[Tekel] means 'weighed'--you have been weighed on the balances and have not measured up."

Belshazzar was having a great feast for about a 1,000 of his nobles and their families. During the feast, he ordered that the gold and silver cups that had been taken from the Tabernacle in Jerusalem be brought in so that he and all his dignitaries could drink from them. As they continued their feast, drinking from these sacred vessels, they were also praising their idols of gold, silver, bronze, iron, stone, and wood. Then, a hand began writing on the wall...

The writing was, "MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN", which meant that Belshazzar's days were numbered, that he had been weighed and found wanting, and his kingdom would be divided between the Medes and the Persians. All of this came to pass. Belshazzar had decided to not worship the One, True GOD. He had rejected Him and defiled His sacraments. He had been weighed and not measured up.

I will never measure up to GOD'S standards with my meager works or efforts. I will never measure up to GOD'S standards with wealth or fame. I will never measure up to GOD'S standards by trying to do good. The only thing that will balance the scale is the blood of JESUS. If you have JESUS you have it all! Do you measure up?

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

He is the stone crusher

I will be the first to tell you that I am far, FAR, from being the person that I should be. I truly strive daily to be more and more like my SAVIOR, but, unfortunately, even on my best day, I still mess it up royally. All I can do is ask forgiveness and try not to mess it up again.

On the other hand, there are those that just seem to fight GOD and His precepts and commandments, and they don't seem to mind at all. I've often wondered how some people can be as evil as they are, how some can do some of the things they do, and still carry on a life and sleep at night. While some truly do have some mental deficiencies, others have a heart problem.

Today's word is Ezekiel 36:26, NIV, which reads,"I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh."

For some, they have hardened their hearts so much that they truly have a heart of stone. And, it is not just stone, it is impenetrable stone. No matter what you tell them, no matter what they see, no matter who they hurt, nothing seems to penetrate that heart of stone. Why? Because it is stone, and it will take something, no SOMEONE, more powerful to overcome it.

My prayer is that those who don't know my SAVIOR will one day have a true encounter with the One that can penetrate the hardest of hearts. I pray that everyone, no matter how evil they may be, will come face to face with the One that can change things. He will renew our hearts. He will renew our spirit. He can do anything. He is the stone crusher!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

A call away

Have you ever been looking for someone and couldn't find them? I mean, it could be as simple as trying to find your child inside your house. You run up and down the stairs, you look in the cabinets, you search the closets and toy boxes. You run outside, you run inside, you frantically search but can't find them. You finally start to sit down on the couch and panic when you find them sitting on the couch.

When you tell them that you had been searching for them, they usually look at you and say, "Well, I've been sitting right here." You respond, "Why didn't you say something? Why didn't you notice that I was looking for something? Why didn't you come to me?" To which, you will get the response, "All you had to do was call me."

Today's word is Lamentations 3:57, NIV, which reads, "You came near when I called You, and You said, 'Do not fear.'"

I think we often go through a lot of panicked searching, when all we have to do is call. So many of us will try to find a way to fill the void we fill with anything and everything except the Right Thing. We will search high and low and find ourselves lost and broken time and time again, when all we have to do is call on the Name of the LORD.

The next time you find yourself searching for something, anything, call on the Name of the LORD. He sees all. He knows all. He does all. And, as today's word reminds us, when we call, He will come near. JESUS is just a call away.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, December 11, 2017

He alone can make it right again

I have had my injuries; and, as I mature, some are more prevalent and noticeable than others. There are days when my arthritic hips and knees are unnoticeable; there are others when there is nothing I can do to hide them. Yet, I really have no complaints. I have been so blessed.

However, we all start thinking about our own hurts and scars from time to time. I guess that is human nature. There are so many others that suffer far greater and have overcome far more than I ever have, and that I hope I ever will. I see the resolve, the drive, in some people and wonder where it comes from. I see them fight back and overcome great obstacles and am amazed at their resiliency and tenaciousness.

Today's word is Jeremiah 30:17a, NIV, which reads, "But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds, declares the LORD..."

Those that I know that have overcome great adversity have had great resolve; they have also had great faith. They knew without a doubt that they were not going through it alone. They knew without a doubt that if they persevered and did their very best that GOD would bring them through. They also knew that whatever the outcome, they were held in GOD'S hand and they would resolve to praise Him - regardless.

If you've been hurt: physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, why not turn to the only One that can provide complete healing? Yes, it hurts. Yes, it was undeserved. Yes, the outcome may not be everything you desire. BUT, He alone can restore; He alone can heal; He alone can make it right again.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, December 8, 2017

He wanted a relationship with us

It has been a few days of not posting; it has been a busy few days. Sometimes, in the hustle and bustle of end of the year, shopping, family health problems, functions, etc., it is easy to lose what the Season is all about.

I LOVE CHRISTMAS. My love for Christmas has nothing to do with presents. As much as I love fellowship and food, it has nothing to do with either of those, though I really love them both. I also love the lights and decorations. We drove around our neighborhood for a while last night looking at the lights. And, the music. But, that is not my favorite part of Christmas either...

Today's word is Isaiah 7:14, KJV, which reads, "Therefore the LORD Himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel."

The best part of Christmas, my favorite part of Christmas, is that GOD loved us enough to give us the GIFT of a relationship, of eternal life with Him. I love every part of Christmas because I love what Christmas is really all about - the SAVIOR.

Immanuel means, "GOD with us". We can rejoice as we celebrate His birth. We can celebrate that GOD loved us enough and wanted a relationship with us so much that He came and dwelt among us. The mystery, the wonder, the best part of that isn't that we wanted a relationship with Him, but that HE WANTED A RELATIONSHIP WITH US!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Beautiful in every way

Alright, anyone who knows me knows that I married a beautiful lady. I am pretty sure that when most people see Trish and me together they think either, "That guy must be rich," or "Bless her heart." I can guarantee you that the first one doesn't apply, the second probably always does.

As I have mentioned before, though, Trish is a beautiful lady on the outside but she is even more beautiful on the inside. You would be hard pressed to find anyone that is more caring, more loving, more compassionate than she is. She is beautiful inside and out.

Today's word is Song of Solomon 4:7, NLT, which reads, "You are altogether beautiful, my darling, beautiful in every way."

While this verse, in this book, is believed to be a love song of CHRIST to His bride, the Christian Church, there is so much in it that we can use in our earthly relationships with our spouses. There is not at man in this world that shouldn't treat his wife as CHRIST treats us. Ephesians 5:25 tells us, husbands, to love our wives as CHRIST loved the church and gave Himself up for her. We are to love our wives as CHRIST loves us, which is described in today's word.

I have said it before, and I say it again, I am a blessed man. I am blessed to have a beautiful wife, inside and out. I am more blessed that CHRIST loves me even more than I could ever think, dream, or imagine. I am grateful that His blood covers my sins and all He sees is the beauty He imparted. If you belong to CHRIST, all He sees is that you are beautiful in every way.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, December 1, 2017

No one is always good and never sins

So, I once heard a man, standing in a pulpit, a "pastor" say that he was above sin, that he was so righteous that he did not commit sin. Well, I knew he was sinning - he was LYING. Now, no doubt, this guy was probably a really good guy, and probably tried really hard, but he sinned. But, his saying this was a good reminder for us all.

We can all get on our high horse and start believing that we are better than others when it comes to sin. We somehow think that our sins are less sinful than others. Well, let me tell you that I sin. Not that I am in any way proud of that; I say it with the complete condemnation that it deserves. I hate that I sin. And, I would never claim that I didn't sin or that my sin was more approved than others.

Today's word is a reminder to us all that we have all sinned and we need not think too highly of ourselves. Ecclesiastes 7:20, NLT, which reads, "Not a single person on earth is always good and never sins."

Now, this verse is not to be used to justify our sins, as in, "Well, I do sin but there isn't a single person on earth that never sins." That is absolutely correct. However, trying to use some other person's sin to justify yours doesn't make your sin any less sinful. This verse is telling us that we need not think better of ourselves and less of others because of their sins. None of us are above sin.

We aren't to compare our sins to others. We aren't to compare our righteousness to others. We, like the prophet Isaiah need to compare ourselves to JESUS, WHOM we are striving to be like. If we do that, we will find that our righteousness is as filthy rags, and that when we are weighed in the balance, we are founding wanting.

Yes, we have all sinned, and we all sin. We have all fallen short of the glory of GOD. We have all failed to meet GOD'S standards. We all need to earnestly seek forgiveness for our sins and, then, turn from them forever. Then, we should pray for our fellow man that each one does the same. No one is always good and never sins.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T