Friday, December 15, 2017

Let them go hungry

In no way am I recommending this but, if you did a google search for most anything, you would find links to most anything. There seems to be absolutely no filter, no self-worth, nothing off limits. I wonder what people are thinking that post things that will live forever in this electronic world.

It almost seems to me that some folks have no moral compass, nothing to direct them to what is right and wrong. We live in a society, in a world, in an age, where it seems that anything is supposed to be accepted. So, people will do most anything.

Today's word is Hosea 4:8, NIV, which reads, "They feed on the sins of my people and relish their wickedness."

The reason people post most anything is because there is an audience out there that will pursue and chase after most anything. There are people in our world that live for, that wait for, that relish the failures of others. Some of those people are making their livelihood off the sins of others; they can't wait for someone to fail so that they can make more.

However, much like businesses being opened on Sunday and people complaining about them being opened, so too is the evil that others relish. IF no one would go to any business on Sunday, they would quit being open on Sunday. Yet, they are open on Sunday because we live in a society that expects them to be open on Sunday and we, then, frequent that establishment on Sunday. The only reason people publicize their sins is because someone else will watch it and exploit and profit from it. Some folks love to feed on the sins of others. I say, "Let them go hungry."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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