Friday, December 1, 2017

No one is always good and never sins

So, I once heard a man, standing in a pulpit, a "pastor" say that he was above sin, that he was so righteous that he did not commit sin. Well, I knew he was sinning - he was LYING. Now, no doubt, this guy was probably a really good guy, and probably tried really hard, but he sinned. But, his saying this was a good reminder for us all.

We can all get on our high horse and start believing that we are better than others when it comes to sin. We somehow think that our sins are less sinful than others. Well, let me tell you that I sin. Not that I am in any way proud of that; I say it with the complete condemnation that it deserves. I hate that I sin. And, I would never claim that I didn't sin or that my sin was more approved than others.

Today's word is a reminder to us all that we have all sinned and we need not think too highly of ourselves. Ecclesiastes 7:20, NLT, which reads, "Not a single person on earth is always good and never sins."

Now, this verse is not to be used to justify our sins, as in, "Well, I do sin but there isn't a single person on earth that never sins." That is absolutely correct. However, trying to use some other person's sin to justify yours doesn't make your sin any less sinful. This verse is telling us that we need not think better of ourselves and less of others because of their sins. None of us are above sin.

We aren't to compare our sins to others. We aren't to compare our righteousness to others. We, like the prophet Isaiah need to compare ourselves to JESUS, WHOM we are striving to be like. If we do that, we will find that our righteousness is as filthy rags, and that when we are weighed in the balance, we are founding wanting.

Yes, we have all sinned, and we all sin. We have all fallen short of the glory of GOD. We have all failed to meet GOD'S standards. We all need to earnestly seek forgiveness for our sins and, then, turn from them forever. Then, we should pray for our fellow man that each one does the same. No one is always good and never sins.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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