Thursday, December 21, 2017

Toss it overboard

Alright, I am about to confess something that I really shouldn't, because it isn't about me personally but about some folks I know. There are some people in my family that are borderline hoarders. I mean, they get something and they KEEP IT. Let me give you an example conversation...

Me: "So, what is this?"
Family Member: "Oh, that's the felt gasket that goes behind the left tail light on a 1958 Edsel Corsair."
Me: "So, why are you keeping it?"
Family Member: "Well, you never know when you might need it."

And, that is just a small example of some of the hoarding tendencies I have seen. We all have the ability to hold on to things that we really don't need.

Today's word is Johan 1:15, NIV, which reads, "Then they took Jonah and threw him overboard, and the raging sea grew calm."

Now, these sailors weren't hoarders, they weren't keeping Jonah just to be keeping him. No, Jonah, in his attempt to run from GOD'S calling, had put these sailors and their ship in a very dangerous predicament. The sailors had to make a choice: keep Jonah on the ship and all perish, or toss Jonah off the ship and save themselves. We know how the story ends: Jonah is swallowed by the great fish, GOD gets his attention, and Jonah does what GOD told him to do. But, the point...

We all have a tendency to hold onto things that are doing us no good. We will cling to them and cling to them knowing that they are bringing us down. Those things may be things, they may be habits, they may be attitudes, they may be relationships. Whatever it is that is keeping you from moving forward in GOD'S will may need to be reevaluated. Pray about it. It may be time to toss it overboard.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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