Tuesday, August 31, 2021


Life is filled with uncertainty, and the last year and a half has brought even more. We don't have to look too far back to realize how quickly and uncertainly life can move and change. I don't know how much longer the pandemic and the concerns that have come from it will continue. I do know that there is still a lot of uncertainty concerning it.

As I mentioned a while back, I had a bad fall and had to have some repairs to my legs. Now, I have my surgically repaired knee giving me some trouble. I don't think for a moment that the surgery went awry or that something went wrong. I may have tweaked it and caused what is going on. It has left me a little uncertain about my knee though.

Of course, there are countless uncertainties when it comes to providing for and taking care of your family. The economy can change quickly and without notice. Things can be going seemingly well and then, it is not. Even when things are going pretty well, there are the uncertainties of college and vehicles and so many more things.

Our health is another that we try to take care of, that we try to ensure that we are trying to remove all uncertainties. But, we are in the midst of a lasting and unrelenting pandemic. While I look reasonably healthy, and while I believe I am, all I can do is keep trying to take care of myself and to do what I can.

In these times of uncertainty, my mind goes to how good GOD is, and how He has NEVER failed me, He will NEVER leave me nor forsake me. I find great comfort in the fact that He is for me and He is working all things for my good. Today's word is Psalm 29:11, NKJV, which reads, "The LORD will give strength to His people; the LORD will bless His people with peace." GOD strengthens us and gives us peace.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 30, 2021

You are gifted

There is something for everyone to do in GOD'S family. I know that there are many, probably most, folks that have way more talent and ability than I will ever have. Yet, there is still something that GOD has given me to do. And, I need to do it.

GOD has equipped each of His children with gifts that, when used together with everyone else's, will bring glory to Him and others to salvation. I may be just the little toe, or the least member in the body but, with the giftedness that GOD has given, I, and you, are important to GOD'S plan.

Today's word is Romans 12:4, NLT, which reads, "Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function."

There are people that have more giftedness than me but GOD has still equipped me with certain gifts that they may not have. And, when I use the giftedness He has given me for Him, He will multiply and combine my limited giftedness with His unlimited resources, and the results are amazing!

You have been given some special giftedness from GOD, and you need to use it for Him. You may wonder what it is, but it is there. Read, study, take a spiritual gifts inventory, find out what GOD has gifted us to do. Then, do it. 

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Just Show Up

So, the other night, we had called off football practice because it had rained a fair amount during the day and we try to let parents know as early as possible if practice is a go or not. Then, our head coach went by the field and decided that it wasn't too wet or messy to practice and called and asked me what I thought about sending out another message that we were going to practice. I told him that we needed the practice and if he wanted to practice, we should practice, which we did.

When the kids got there, the most of them were just going through the motions. They were doing what was asked, they were completing the drills, doing their assignments, but there wasn't a lot of enthusiasm about any of it. I understood. Just a couple of hours ago, their parents had gotten a message that there would be no practice, which is rare during a football season, then, they had to show up anyway.

At the end of practice, when we huddle up and break down our day and pray, I told these young men that it was apparent that they didn't really want to be there, and it was obvious that they were just going through the motions. And, then I told them that that was alright. I, then, thanked them for showing up. Sometimes, the hardest thing to do is simply to show up, and they did that.

We will all experience times when GOD is moving us toward something, leading us to something, asking us to do something that we absolutely don't want to do. I have had moments in my life when folks just showed up. I don't remember what they did or what they said but, at that moment, when I needed it most, they showed up! So, today's word is a quote by Mother Teresa that says, "Just show up, and things will happen."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 23, 2021

Man, this world needs a lot of things. The pandemic is still raging, with the delta variant making even more people sick. There are breakthrough cases, cases of vaccinated individuals contracting the disease. And, while symptoms may be milder for vaccinated people, they become carriers and transmitters of the disease. 

There is unrest in Afghanistan. Regardless of your political leaning, we can all agree that the Taliban uprising and resurgence in Afghanistan is very troubling. All the efforts, all the sacrifice made by so many seems to have been for naught. 

We have huge storms during this time of year. There have been torrential rains, leading to massive flooding in several areas. People have lost everything they had, everything they had worked lifetimes to accumulate. More than things, though, people have lost lives because of the extensive floods.

Of course, how can we forget about the massive fires that have raged? It seems that there isn't a day that goes by that the fires aren't larger and that there aren't more of them. The fires remind us of how quickly everything we have, everything we know, everything we hold dear can be taken away. 

These and many other things can cause us to wonder what is going on. Is GOD still listening? Is He still working things for my good? We can know GOD is with us. We can know He is working all things out. We can know that He is in control. Today's Word, Psalm 125:2, NIV, reads, "As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the LORD surrounds His people both now and forevermore."

Even in the midst of all the turmoil, strife, and sadness, we know that GOD is still with us, surrounding us with His strength.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 16, 2021

Never Alone

It often feels as if we are all alone in this world. There are times when things are going all whacky and nothing we do, nothing we say, nothing we pray seems to make it any better. We seem to be on a spiraling roller coaster with absolutely no end in sight. 

I don't know about you, but, I have had times when it seemed that I was all alone, with no one to help or with no one that even cared. I seemed to truly be going it alone. It didn't seem to be anything I could do, and talking about it to anyone didn't seem to change the circumstances either. What I have learned, though, and what I must remember to hold on to is that I am never alone.

Today's word is just a short sentence from 2 Timothy 4:17a, to remind us that we are never alone: "But the LORD stood with me and strengthened me..."

We are never alone, for GOD is always with us. I like the way that the scripture reminds us that the LORD isn't just sitting idly by, watching what is happening. It reads, "But the LORD stood with me..." The LORD is standing by our side, going through it with us.

The scripture also tells us that the LORD "...strengthened me..." He isn't just standing there; He is standing there giving us what we need to make it through what we are facing. The next time you find yourself like me, thinking you are all alone, remember today's reminder: "The LORD stood with me and strengthened me."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, August 12, 2021

There are so many things that are out of our control. Now, we like to think that we control everything but we all know that that is not the case. So many things influence everything around us and everything we do: the weather, the economy, others, etc.

There are a couple of things that we completely control, though, and I want to work as hard as I can to ensure that I control mine well. The first thing we control is our attitude. I hear so many people say, "Oh, he makes me so angry." When the fact is, that we choose to be angry. No one can make us angry or upset or anything else unless we allow them to. Yes, there are circumstances, but, we still get to choose our attitude. 

Another is our effort. We can choose to put forth our best effort and strive for whatever we are trying to achieve. However, I cannot do it for you, and vice versa. We all control our own efforts. If we are willing to put forth some effort, we usually can accomplish what we are trying to do. But, again, our effort is something that we control.

And, finally, we have complete control over what we choose to do with JESUS. So many people refuse to listen to GOD and to accept the absolutely undeserved gift of salvation through JESUS CHRIST. I can't choose it for you, and vice versa. But, we each have complete control of our eternity - the choice is ours.

Today's word is Romans 6:23, NKJV, which reads, "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of GOD is eternal life in CHRIST JESUS our LORD."

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Happy Birthday Babe

So, yesterday was a very special day. It was my wife's birthday, which is a special day because she is so special to me. Unfortunately, however, we didn't really get to celebrate Trish yesterday because we are in the midst of football season and school starting back and so much more. I wanted to take the time, though, to tell her, "Happy Birthday".

I always tell people that the best advice I can give about birthdays is to keep having them. Life truly is short, and the more years I live the shorter it seems to be. So, what are you doing with your life? What are you hoping to accomplish. I know that some days it is as simple as making it through the day, and that is all we can do. But, what are your dreams and plans and hopes and desires?

Without having something to propel us forward, we will find ourselves floundering and accomplishing little. It is important to me to wake each day with a plan. Not necessarily a plan for every second of every day, but a plan for what I want to get done. Now, I SELDOM ever accomplish the majority of what is on the list but I have something to go on, something to strive for. But, we must remember WHO directs us...

Today's word is Proverbs 16:9, NKJV, which reads, "A man's heart plans his ways, But the LORD directs his steps."

It is good to make plans; it is good to set goals. But, all of our plans and goals should begin by seeking what GOD would have us to do. We should strive to glorify and honor GOD in everything that we do, just as my wonderful wife does. Happy Birthday Babe!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Encourage Someone

 I've been gone to a conference all week, which has had its challenges but it, also, had its blessings. We are definitely in a season of concern with the pandemic raging on and seemingly getting worse each day. So, there were the concerns that go along with that, and rightfully so. But, it was so nice to see people and to interact with people and to feel "normal" for just a few days.

I have shared with others that for me, a social person that needs interaction, the pandemic has been hard for me. I LOVE my wife and family. There are no others in this world that I would rather be with than them. But, I love seeing people and communicating and fellowshipping with others, too. 

Our word for today is 1 Thessalonians 5:11, ESV, which reads, "Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing."

It is nice to get with others and feel the encouragement and edification that you can give one another. It is great to get with others and get lifted up just by being together. The old saying that has proven itself true time and again is, "There is strength in numbers," which is true if you are trying to accomplish something, but, it is equally true in encouraging one another.

I don't know where we are headed, pandemic-wise in the days and weeks to come; I am not sure that anyone is. What I do know is that I need a little encouraging from time to time, and I bet others do, too. So, when you get the chance, take the opportunity to encourage someone. 

Be Blessed,

Mickey T