Monday, August 31, 2020

His mighty power

 Ever feel like you can't go another step, can't find it in you to go any further? We all have those moments when this world beats us down and wears us out. We all have those moments when we want to sit down and do nothing, and that is what satan wants.

When we move closer to the LORD, and strive to do His will and His work, satan will unleash an attack of epic proportions. Why? Because, he doesn't like GOD'S children, especially when they are doing Hos work. But, we don't fight alone.

Today's word is Ephesians 6:10, NIV, which reads, "Finally, be strong in the LORD and in His mighty power."

Paul had just finished telling the Ephesians to put on the whole armor of GOD. GOD has given us the tools and equipment to fight the good fight but we have to put them on and utilize them. We can't fight satan alone, and we don't have to.

We are in a battle; a true battle of good versus evil. If we will draw closer to GOD and use the equipment He has given us, we will be successful. We can find that we can be strong in Him and in His mighty power.

Be Blessed, 

Mickey T

Thursday, August 27, 2020

He stands with us

 Have you ever felt alone? Have you ever had a moment where you had to stand for something, and it felt you were standing alone? Have you ever been through something when it felt as if you were all alone?

I think we have all faced one or more of the scenarios. We have all had moments when it felt as if we were fighting the fight all but ourself. But, as GOD'S children, we can be confident that we are never alone.

Today's word is 2 Timothy 4:17a, NIV, which reads, "But the LORD stood with me and gave me strength..."

When we are faced with difficulties and challenges, we can rest assured that GOD is with us. We may be able to sense His presence better when we are standing on the mountaintop, but, He is just as close in our valleys.

When we are challenged and tired and lonely and desperate, He stands with us.

Be Blessed, 

Mickey T

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Stumbling Block

 I make a lot of mistakes, more than I care to admit and more than I ever want to admit. I try to do the right things and behave the right way but, sometimes, I allow the flesh to get angry or I say something I shouldn't. I make mistakes.

The youth asked me one (1) night if drinking would send you to hell. I told them that the Bible is very clear that strong drink is to be avoided and that drunkards, those who take it to excess, are not right with GOD (there is a long list of those that won't make it to Heaven). But, I don't drink for a specific reason...

Today's word is 1 Corinthians 10:32, NIV, which reads, "Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of GOD."

We are not to be the reason so.eone else commits sin. We may see something as okay to do but, if others are not if age or can't control their desires, our doing something may lead them into sin. Don't do it.

I make a lot of mistakes. I want to be better. I strive to be better. I want to be obedient and useful for GOD. I don't want to be anyone's stumbling block.

Be Blessed, 

Mickey T

Monday, August 24, 2020

GOD'S Demonstration

 Have you ever watched a demonstration, an exhibition of how something works or the proof that something is real. We demonstrate things every single day: what we truly believe, whom we love, what we care about, etc.

We demonstrate what we believe by how we live. We follow a certain set of rules, whether we admit it or not, just in the way that we live. We demonstrate our love for another by how we treat them, what we do for them, the priority that we give them. GOD proved His love for us.

Today's word is Roman's 5:8, NKJV, which reads, "But GOD demonstrates His Own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, CHRIST died for us."

You want to know how to know GOD loves you? Because, CHRIST died for us, made a way for us, redeemed us, when we were still at our worst. On the cross, JESUS prayed that the very people guilty of His crucifixion be forgiven; that is love.

If you ever find yourself wondering if anyone truly loves you; He does. If you ever wonder if anyone truly cares about you; He does. If you ever wonder if anyone wants a relationship with you; He does. All you have to do is think about GOD'S Demonstration. 

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Little Things

 It has been a couple of days since posting. The laptop I normally use in the mornings top get online and do things took a bath in apple juice the other morning. And, apparently, that is not good for a laptop.

On that laptop, we have a LOT of pictures and documents and such, some of which I have backed up, some I haven't. When it happened, I wanted to be upset; it seemed avoidable. However, I saw how bad my child felt and I wanted to comfort and assure him/her.

Today's word is a quote that I try to follow. I don't always, but I try. It simply says, "Don't let the stupid little things ruin your day."

Yeah, we may have lost a few things on the laptop, not because of apple juice but because I haven't backed it up recently. But, nobody was hurt and we have learned a valuable lesson about having drinks around electronics.

Life is short, and things are going to happen. We will have things ruined by inadvertent accidents but we don't have to have our day, or our life, ruined by the little things.

Be Blessed, 

Mickey T

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The Good of Others

 It is pretty easy to get wrapped up in yourself from time to time. I know that I sure can. I have shared with others that one (1) of the biggest things having children has taught me is how selfish I used to be.

Before our kids came to us it was "my time", "my plans", "my whatever", but, once you have kids, you focus on them, or you should. No, they shouldn't take away from your relationship with your mate, but, you shouldn't think about "you" as much.

Today's word is 1 Corinthians 10:24, NIV, which reads, "No one should seek their own good, but the good of others."

We should, as Christians, have an outward focus. Yes, we should have an inward look to see where we are and why we do what we do but we should look outwardly to find the ministry opportunities that GOD gives us. We should look to see how GOD wants us to use what He has given us to help others.

GOD has blessed us all more than we probably ever thought; eternity in Heaven is something I certainly didn't deserve. His desire is for us to shate those blessings for the good of others.

Be Blessed, 

Mickey T

Monday, August 17, 2020

He has us

 Today is the first day of school. Our kids have been out of school for about five (5) months now due to COVID-19, but, today begins the new school year. We have one (1) that is excited to be going back and one (1) that is not so excited to be going back.

I am sure that our kids and Trish and I are like many others; there is a lot of concern and caution in the mix. We are certainly aware of the challenges that the normal school year brings, and this one (1) will have a set that has yet to be seen. But, we know GOD has us.

Today's word is Psalm 94:19, NIV, which reads, "When anxiety was great within me, Your consolation brought me joy."

We can look back at all the times GOD has seen us through difficulties and challenges. We can remember His goodness and His grace through previous unknowns and uncertainties. And, we can gain great comfort and encouragement from remembering how He worked then, because, we know He will do it again.

There will be challenges and concerns and difficulties but GOD will never leave us nor forsake us. There has never been a time that He wasn't there, and there never will. We can move forward with confidence knowing that GOD has us.

Be Blessed, 

Mickey T

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

GOD Comforts

 My mind, this morning, is on those who are going through difficult times, the lose of a loved one. Please know that you are in our prayers.

Losing someone to death is easier when you know you will see them again in Heaven, but, it isn't easy. You miss them every single day, some more than others.

Today's word is Matthew 5:4, NLT, which reads, "GOD blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted."

In the midst of our mourning, GOD sends comfort as only He can. I can't explain His comfort but I can tell you that I have experienced and felt it. GOD'S comfort is much like His peace that passes all understanding. 

In this life we will experience the pain of loss. We will have to navigate through the difficulties and trials. We will have to endure unimaginable pain and heartache. But, we have a Father and a SAVIOR that has been through it all, and He comforts.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Tuesday, August 11, 2020


 While I am not always good at it, I am a peacemaker. I would venture to say that I try to find solutions for most any and all problems. I look for compromise, when compromise doesn't compromise integrity or ethics. Peacemakers are rare.

Again, I don't claim to be an expert or overly prolific, but, I do like to see things come to a peaceful resolution. There is something special about being able to bring two (2) parties together.

Today's word is James 3:18, NIV, which reads, "Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness."

Many people in this world today look for any reason and any way to disrupt and destroy peace. Why, I don't know. I know that my life feels a lot more restful and fulfilling and contented when it is peaceful.

Let's look for ways to try and bring peace. There will always be those who oppose it and do everything to disrupt it, BUT, peace is worth it. Be a peacemaker.

Be Blessed, 

Mickey T

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Found Faithful

There was a guy in the Bible named Enoch that has as good of a testimony as anyone you will ever read about. He was the son of Jared and the father of Methuselah. His name was Enoch.

You want find much written about Enoch except what the lineage we have already discussed. But, there is one (1) additional statement that tells us all we need to know about him, and what we need to ask ourselves.

Today's word is Genesis 5:24, NIV, which reads, "Enoch walked faithfully with GOD; then he was no more, because GOD took him away."

What a testimony! Enoch walked faithfully with GOD. I wish that was my testimony but I have failed in my walk from time to time. However, it is something to strive for- faithfully walking with GOD. I want to be found faithful.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

The Latest

In my life, I have seen a lot of people who were always preoccupied with the "latest". It could be the latest fad, the latest health kick, the latest electronics, the latest waffle maker; they were just always wrapped up in the latest.

There is nothing wrong with the latest, unless it keeps us from moving forward. I know, that sounds contradictory, right? If we have the latest, aren't we ahead of the pack? Great question...

Today's word is Acts 17:21, NKJV, which reads, "For all the Athenians and the foreigners who were there spent their time in nothing else but either to tell or to hear some new thing."

There is nothing wrong with the latest, unless it distracts you from the One Real Thing, or if it keeps you from focusing on Him. It is easy to get wrapped up in the "latest and greatest" and miss out on the One and Only.

Lots of folks out there that will "preach" a false religion and lead folks away because it sounds new and fresh. BUT, GOD made it simple - by grace through faith in JESUS CHRIST. That's the original, and the latest.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 3, 2020


It is Monday, the start of another week. For some, Mondays are a cruel reminder that another weekend has come and gone. For others, Monday is a fresh start, a chance to make up for some things that may have been lacking last week.

Whatever your thoughts and feelings are for Mondays is probably just a matter of perspective. I am grateful for another day; to be able to get up and get at it. Now, weekends are great (we somehow need to develop a longer weekend) but, so is the work week.

Today's word is Psalm 118:24, NKJV, which reads, "This is the day the LORD has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it."

When we enjoy each day as the gift that it is, it is easy to rejoice in the mere fact that we ha e another day. Yes, bad things will happen. Yes, folks will purposefully and willfully get on our nerves. Yes, it will be tiring and trying. BUT, we get to live it. What a blessing!

Alright, maybe I am a little over the top, especially for a Monday. However, I am grateful for another day on this earth. Look out Monday, here we come!

Be Blessed, 
Mickey T