Monday, December 23, 2019

Wise men still seek Him

What are you looking forward to this Christmas? What is the one thing that will make Your Christmas Christmas? I know there are lots of children that are looking for, anticipating a certain gift or gifts. They have had their hearts set on a certain something for months and the anticipation is getting more and more real this close to Christmas.

Or, maybe it is a certain someone that you are waiting for. People travel from all over to be near their loved ones during Christmas, which is one (1) of the most fulfilling parts of Christmas. I know when I missed a couple of Christmases and it is difficult on both, the one that misses and the ones that are anticipating.

Today's word is Matthew 2:10, KJV, which reads, "When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy."

The Three Wise Men, or Magi, had been sent by Herod to find this new King that had been born and to let him know where He could be found. Herod wanted to do away with this new King to preserve his kingdom. However, this child had not come to be king of the world; He had come to be the SAVIOR, the King of kings and the LORD of lords. And, when the wise men saw the star that would lead them to the SAVIOR, they rejoiced. There is no better gift than the gift of salvation!

As we approach Christmas Day, I am reminded, again, that it is not about the presents, Christmas is all about the Gift! I look with anticipation. I look for the joy on my children's faces. I look for love from my family. I look for an opportunity to share what the holiday is all about. Wise men still seek Him!

Merry Christmas!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

For all the people

The Christmas Story found in Luke 2, includes an encounter of the angel of the LORD and the shepherds, who were watching over their flocks out in the field. I remember my very first part in any play was as a shepherd in a Christmas play. While I played several parts in that particular play, small church, I will never forget the first line I ever spoke in any play, "What, morning already?"

Can you imagine the shepherds out in the fields, tending their sheep, with no idea that GOD had come to earth in human form, and the angel of the LORD was letting them in on it. As a matter of fact, the Great News was being announced to them FIRST! And, Great News it was...

Today's word is Luke 2:10, ESV, which reads, "And the angel said to them, 'Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.'"

The lowly shepherds, the working class of working classes, were in on the good news! GOD didn't send His Son for some select group of people, some select group that met certain criteria. NO, He sent His Son, the SAVIOR of the world, "for all the people," including me. Isn't it amazing that GOD cares that much for everyone?

The Good News of JESUS CHRIST is just as relevant and needed today as it has ever been. People need to know that there is a loving and caring GOD that made a way for them to be right with Him. We can't do it on our own merit. We can't do anything to earn it. We could never pay enough to buy it. It is the gift of GOD, and it is for all the people!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

A righteous man

We talked a little about Mary yesterday, and her willingness to follow GOD, and the fact that she had found favor with GOD. Today, I have been thinking about Joseph, the earthly fiance to Mary, the earthly man that would raise our SAVIOR. He was selected by GOD, just as He had selected Mary. But, why Joseph?

Joseph was just an ordinary guy, going about his ordinary life, making furniture, building a few houses, doing what ordinary, engaged, carpenters do. Life was finally coming together. He had met the girl he would marry, plans were made, things were going the way he had always hoped, and thought, and dreamed, and prayed they would. Then, things changed; GOD had a plan. But, why Joseph?

Today's word is Matthew 1:19a, NLT, which reads, "Joseph, to whom she (Mary) was engaged, was a righteous man..."

Joseph was a man in right standing with GOD; he was a GOD'S servant. The rest of that verse tells us that Joseph was unwilling to make a scene of Mary being pregnant and it wasn't his. Now, GOD sent an angel to tell Joseph the entire plan, but, before he knew everything, he was still a righteous servant that wanted to do GOD'S will. Even when he found out that his fiance was pregnant, and it wasn't his, he still wanted to do the right thing and not debase her. WOW! He could be trusted, and GOD allowed this average, hard-working, carpenter to be a part of His redemptive plan!

I guess what I am trying to get through, but failing miserably, is that GOD used Joseph because Joseph was in right standing with Him; Joseph was His servant, and GOD knew that. Why Joseph? Because, Joseph was a righteous man.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, December 16, 2019

The favor I have been shown

There are only nine (9) days before Christmas. It is going to be busy and hectic and tiring but, I also hope fun and full of laughter and excitement. We have most everything purchased, I think. We still have little things to get done; there will be class parties and get-togethers here and there, but, that is all part of the fun and excitement of the season.

And, there is always that unexpected gift that I in no way deserve, which is most any gift actually. But, you know the one (1) I mean, the gift that someone you didn't expect to give you anything gives you. Or, the gift that you would NEVER buy for yourself but someone buys it for you. I don't know about you but I have certainly been shown a lot of favor in my life.

Today's word is Luke 1:30, NIV, which reads, "But the angel said to her, 'Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with GOD.'"

Mary found favor with GOD. She was chosen to be the earthly mother of the SAVIOR of the world. I could NEVER imagine what must have gone through her mind. I could NEVER imagine what she must have felt. I could NEVER imagine how humbling this must have been. But, I, too, have certainly found favor with GOD - He sent the SAVIOR for me!

There will be lots of moments through the Christmas season that will surprise me. However, nothing surprises me more than the fact that over 2,000 years ago, GOD chose to come to this world, to take on my sins, so that I could live forever with Him. I am greatly humbled by the favor I have been shown.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Because of Him

Alright, I admit that it doesn't happen very often, and rightfully so, but I do like a little praise every now and again; that's not easy to admit. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't like people making a big to-do over me or anything that I do, but, every now and again, to have someone recognize what I did is pretty nice, humbling but nice.

On the other hand, I think we give praise way too easily in other areas. We can have a tendency to praise athletes for playing well. Aren't they supposed to? Isn't that why they are out there? Again, I want to encourage them and give them some love but don't go overboard with it, especially when they have been gifted in that area. I know, I sound as if I am a little envious or jealous, but, I am not. I think we, and they, should give more praise where it is due.

Today's word is Psalm 148:13, NLT, which reads, "Let them all praise the name of the LORD. For His name is very great; His glory towers over the earth and Heaven!"

The LORD is worthy and deserving of all our praise. He has done, is doing, and will do such wonderfully, marvelous things in our lives, and that is worthy of all our praise. But, note that the verse tells us, "Let them ALL...", we should ALL praise Him; we should all acknowledge that every good thing we have is because of Him.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The tongue

Some things are really hard to control. I imagine that I wild horse, a mustang, is pretty hard to control. I would also imagine that a bull is pretty hard to control, or it certainly appears to be when I watch bull riding. I would bet that a kite in a hurricane would be quite the challenge. But, the thing that is hardest to control is probably the tongue.

I know that there are times that I shouldn't say anything, yet, I can't seem to help myself and I say it anyway. There are times when absolutely nothing needs to be said but I have to say something, so I do. There are also times that something needs to be said but I can't seem to bring myself to say it. The tongue is a difficult thing to control.

Today's word is Proverbs 13:3, NLT, which reads, "Those who control their tongue will have a long life; opening your mouth can ruin everything."

There is so much in this verse that I need to learn. The first thing is that controlling my tongue will give me longer life. Obviously, especially in today's world, being quite could keep you from being harmed by some evil person bent on harming people. But, also, controlling my tongue will produce a longer life by not having to beat myself up for all the things I said, which could cause ulcers, heart problems, emotional issues, etc.

Then, of course, there is the last part that reminds me that, sometimes, saying anything can ruin everything. I can think of several instances in my life where I should have remained silent but said something that ruined everything.

There are things in life that are really hard to control; the tongue is definitely on of them.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Nothing like it

My parents have seven (7) children. Yeah, I don't know how they did it; we have two (2) and, at times, it feels like there are a dozen. Anyway, I come from a large family that didn't always get along, didn't always see eye to eye, but always loved. We knew our parents loved us even when things weren't going the way a child might have thought they should.

As I mentioned, Trish and I have two (2) children. We went a long time without children, figuring that GOD wanted us to take care of the ones that were here. But, then, GOD gave us a chance to raise the two (2) that we are blessed to have. While I love Trish in a way like no one else, I really love our children, too. They are such a blessing.

Today's word is Psalm 127:3, NLT, which reads, "Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from Him."

We can testify, as I am sure that you can, that children are truly a gift from GOD. There is no way anyone can explain the act of childbirth without noting the miracle of it all. So many things could go wrong but it so seldom does. Why? Because, GOD gifts us with children; He allows us the blessing of raising the next generation. And, we don't take that lightly.

And, children are certainly a reward. They bring such great joy and happiness. They teach us things about life and about ourselves that we never would have known otherwise. They stretch us and grow us in ways we never imagined. There is absolutely nothing like it!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, December 5, 2019

What GOD wants me to see

We know that the eyes are the window to the soul. It is impossible to "un-see" something. Once we see it, it is always there. And, look, there are lots of things to see out there; there are lots of things that vie for our attention, things that try to get us to look. And, it is easy to allow ourselves to "look into things".

I will be the first to admit that I am as far from perfect as anyone has ever been. I don't say that bragging or boastfully, I say that with complete honesty. In the words of the great American, Clint Eastwood, however, "A man's gotta know his limitations." We have to know what tempts us, and stay away from those things.

Today's word is Psalm 101:3a, NLT, which reads, "I will refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar..."

The psalmist was writing that he was not going to allow things that were tempting to be looked at. Once again, it is impossible to un-see things; it is best not to look on them to begin with. If we will just determine, and I am talking to me, to not even look towards those things, we can keep ourselves from allowing things from permeating our thoughts.

There are lots of things out there vying for just a little of our attention. We have to be careful what we give our attention to. Some things are worth looking at and investing in, others absolutely are not. I want to see what GOD wants me to see.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Take refuge in the LORD

I am a bit of a control freak, maybe a little more than a bit. Now, I don't mean that I have to take control of every situation. I more mean that I feel that there is something for me to do in each and every situation. I am not one to sit on the side and watch things happen; I usually try to involve myself and control the outcome. Ah, there is the rub...

I don't have to control the means and methods, necessarily. I just want to control the outcome. I want my expected outcome to be the eventual outcome. Do you ever find yourself there? In almost every situation, I can find myself trying to influence what is potentially going to happen. I am not proud of this, I am just stating facts. And, my involvement hinders more often than not, and usually affects the outcome but not in positive ways.

Today's word is Psalm 118:8, ESV, which reads, "It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man."

It is better to trust GOD with the outcome than me. Why? Because, I am human and I mess things up - A LOT. Again, I don't intend to make things worse but I do. I don't see the big picture. I don't always see how one action is going to affect something ten actions down the road. I get too focused on me and how the outcome affects me and mine and I don't make the best decisions sometimes.

Men and women will let us down. They will fail us and hurt us, cause us pain and discomfort, stretch us and try us, but don't let that stop us from loving one another. We need each other. We need to be loved and cared for by one another. We need to trust one another. However, we need to put our ultimate trust in the LORD.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, December 2, 2019

I am just glad He does

I was a very inquisitive child, constantly asking questions and, I am sure, tiring my parents of answering. We have two (2) very inquisitive children, who asks a lot of questions. I don't usually tire of answering, however, they do ask questions that I often cannot answer. For the ones that I don't know, as I have probably mentioned before, my standard reply is usually, "That is just the way GOD made it."

There are things in this world that I cannot explain. I don't know how the earth moves through space at a rate of 66,700 mph and stays in orbit and not spin us off. But, I do know that that is the way GOD made it. I can't explain all the colors that are visible in a sunrise or a sunset, and photographs fail to adequately depict them, but I do know that that is the way GOD made it.

Today's word is Psalm 111:2, NIV, which reads, "Great are the works of the LORD; they are pondered by all who delight in them."

There are so many wonderful creations that we enjoy in this world that are simply just enjoyed. We can try to figure out how GOD does it but it is better to just enjoy. I know that my finite mind will never understand it all but I also know that I will always enjoy His many works.

As we progress through the Christmas season, we try to go to certain light displays. Some very creative people assemble great displays for us to enjoy. I am grateful that GOD has given others these talents for us to enjoy. Yet, the greatest light displays can't compare to the beauty of a cloudless sky full of stars. Again, I don't know how GOD does it, I am just glad He does.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T