Thursday, December 31, 2015


We have reached the end of another year. WOW! It went fast! I look back over the past year and think of all the things that I have accomplished (not much) and all the things I failed to accomplish (A LOT). But, the fact is that what's done is done and what is not is not. In a little more than sixteen hours, we will close 2015 and begin 2016.

I like the beginning of a new year. NO, I don't make New Year's resolutions. I think doing that can challenge some to strive to do better but, for me, it is just added pressure and more disappointment when I fail to accomplish it. Maybe I should stop making my New Year's resolution to be a millionaire, huh?

Well, with 2016 just a few hours away, my thought is for the prayer I have for my family and friends, and really for everyone, in this coming year. Today's word is Psalm 20:4, NIV, which reads, "May He (GOD) give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed."

My prayer for us all in this coming year is that we will give GOD our ALL because I know He will honor our efforts and provide our needs. What is done is done. We cannot go back and relive a single moment from this past year but we can push forward into 2016. And, as we push forward, let's set our hearts and minds on the things of GOD and strive to do His will. If we will do that, He will truly give us the desires of our hearts and make all our plans succeed.

I hope your 2015 was your best year ever. I pray that 2016 will be even more than you could ever think, dream, or imagine. And, with 2016 being a leap year, we have an extra day to live and enjoy this wonderful blessing of life. "May GOD grant you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

He will help

Trish and I recently watched the movie Joy. It's the semi-autobiographical movie about Joy Mangano and her perseverance to see her invention brought to market. But, it's much more than that. It is a story of a normal dysfunctional family. It is a story about overcoming the hardships of life. It is the story of pursuing your dreams. It is the story of life.

I am not a guy that will tell you that you can be anything you want to be; that is absolutely not true. There are so many external circumstances, so many things beyond your control that can crop up that may prevent you from being the "King of the World". However, if GOD has placed a dream, a desire, a pursuit in your heart, then, by all means pursue it with all you have.

Today's word is a very familiar passage that I have used before but emphasizes what I am trying to get across today. It is Psalm 37:5, NLT, which reads, "Commit everything you do to the LORD, Trust Him, and He will help you.

Now, I don't know if Joy is a believer or not but I will say that, from what I took from the movie, she has a good heart. She knows that she has been blessed. She knows that she serves by serving and that she has been placed where she is for a reason. There isn't a lot of foul language in the movie, and very few things that most would find inappropriate, which speaks volumes about movies of this era. And, it speaks volumes of the character of the subject, Joy, which the movie is about.

What I am trying to get across is that if you will give what you desire, what you want, what you truly want to pursue to GOD. If you will allow Him to direct your path and if you will commit everything you do to Him, He will help you obtain those things. You may be the next big inventor, if that's your desire, and I look forward to seeing your movie.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Be a good one

One of my favorite quotes is from Abraham Lincoln, and says, "Whatever you are, be a good one." I have always tried to make sure that what ever I do that I do it to the very best of my abilities. Now, is it as good as others can do it? No. Is it as good as most people do it? No. But, it is as good as I can do.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with doing things right and noble and honest and true and pure. However, I only do it that way because I try to allow the Holy Spirit to direct my actions and my thoughts. I have, in my early life, been good at setting a bad example. It is only when we realize that what we do and how we do it is a direct reflection on our Savior that we begin trying to do it the right way every time.

Today's word is a quote from H. Gerth concerning Christmas and our hearts. It says, "The first wise men gave CHRIST treasures from their kingdoms. Today's wise men give CHRIST the treasures of their hearts."

It is from the heart that the "trueness" of our gifts and giving comes from. One of my favorite verses reminds me that from the heart the mouth speaks. Another reminds me that where my treasure is, my heart will be also. It is truly from the depths of our hearts that we so the true meaning of our giving.

I want to set a good example for my children and anyone else that may be watching. I want them to know that I gave my heart to JESUS and He directs my actions. I want them to be able to see that my life is a gift from GOD and that the way I live it is my gift to Him. I want to be a good example.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

The Season of Giving

We are only a few days from Christmas! I love Christmas! I love being able to watch little ones open gifts and be surprised by what's inside. I love being able to see my wife's face when she opens one of my gifts to her and wonder, "What was he thinking?" Actually, that is probably what she wonders with each of my gifts. It the thought that counts though, right?

Most important, though, is I love the true meaning of Christmas. We set aside a day to celebrate the birth of our Savior, JESUS CHRIST! I know Christmas isn't about presents, but about His Presence. The feeling of Christmas, of GOD giving us the ultimate gift. To me, that's what the season of giving is all about.

Today's word is a quote from Thomas S. Monson, which says, "Christmas is the spirit of giving without a thought of getting."

I think a lot of folks give in order to get. I think a lot of folks get angry because they don't get as much as they feel they give. I think a lot of folks lose the true meaning of Christmas because they forget that it is about the gift GOD so willingly bestowed upon us all.

If I get no presents for Christmas this year, I have already received far more than I ever deserved. Not only do I have an eternal home with JESUS CHRIST because I accepted the gift; I have an overly abundant life here! Let's not lose the season of giving focusing too much on the getting.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, December 18, 2015

Light the Way

Our three-year-old seems to have the innate ability to trip over air. She can be walking across a perfectly flat surface with absolutely no obstacles in her path and find a way to trip and fall. Hopefully, she will outgrow it but, until she does, I pray that she lands softly and safely.

While Olivia seems to be able to fall over nothing, there are others out there that love to trip people up. Some folks truly do find joy in other people's pain. They will purposely stick a leg out or place an obstacle in someone's way just to watch them stumble and fall. I guess there is some humor in that, but, the older I get, the more cognizant I am of actually breaking something should I fall.

Today's word is 1 John 2:10 NLT, which reads, "Anyone who loves another brother or sister is living in the light and does not cause others to stumble."

It is easier to not trip over things if we can fully see all the things that are before us, if we are walking in the light. If we are following JESUS, we are truly walking in the LIGHT! And, as light, we should illuminate the way for others. We should never be the stumbling block for someone else. I pray I never am.

Hopefully, Olivia will learn to not stumble over air as she matures. Also, I pray that my Christian walk will illuminate the way for others and keep someone from stumbling. Because, we all know that when we trip, we usually hurt ourselves or take someone down with us. Let's light the way!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


When you hear the word, "freedom," what comes to mind? It has certainly meant different things at different times in my life. I can remember summer vacations from school being a sort of freedom. I can remember turning sixteen and getting a driver's license and mistakenly thinking I had some form of freedom. I remember my first weekend pass after boot camp graduation and thinking how nice it was to be "free".

Most important, though, is the day I accepted JESUS CHRIST as my SAVIOR and became completely and totally free from the bonds of sin. I have sinned numerous times since then but I know that when I ask for forgiveness that GOD is faithful and just and forgives me from all my sins and cleanses me, making me truly free again.

Today's word is Galatians 5:13, NIV, which reads, "You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge in the flesh, rather, serve one another humbly in love."

Once we are saved, we are truly free, free indeed. However, we shouldn't use that freedom to think that we can do whatever we want, whenever we want, and then ask GOD to forgive us and everything is still alright. Now, GOD will forgive if we are sincere and repentant. However, if you continue committing the same sin, are you truly repentant? And, even if we are truly repentant, the damage is done. We can never regain that trust or repair our witness and testimony. Yes, we are free but we shouldn't use that freedom to justify a godless life.

Instead, we should use our freedom, the freedom that salvation brings, to show others GOD'S love. If we humbly serve one another and show the love of JESUS to those walking without Him, we may lead them to recognize their need for freedom. Let's use our freedom to show others that there is a way out - JESUS CHRIST!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, December 14, 2015

The Season

You usually find two extremes during the Christmas season: those who are frantic and rushed and tense and those that are joyous and reverent and worshiping. I pray that I am the latter but I, too, find myself the former on occasions; none lately, but occasionally.

This past weekend, we took in some Christmas lights. We had a great time watching the little ones ooh and aah at all the twinkling, moving, animated scenes. I've said it before but it deserves repeating, "There is nothing like experiencing Christmas through the eyes of a child."

Today's word is a quote from Roy L. Smith about Christmas, which says, "He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree."

While Christmas presents are really about watching the little ones open them and giggle and jump and run, Christmas isn't about the presents - it's about the Gift. The Gift of JESUS CHRIST brought salvation to the world; that's what Christmas is about. And, you won't find Christmas in the lights, the presents, the pageantry, the season until you find it in your heart. For in the heart is where Christmas truly resides.

There will be enough situations to cause frustration and stress this time of year. Let's try not to let it dictate the true feeling and meaning of Christmas. You can't truly experience Christmas anywhere except the heart.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Power of the Tongue

Blake is an encourager; I have probably mentioned that before. Now, he will say things that aren't so encouraging but, he will often say positive things to encourage others. I shared with someone a prime example of this just yesterday.

I am not an artist. As a matter of fact, if you looked for someone that is the exact opposite of an artist, the antithesis to artist, the antonym to an artist, that would be me. Yet, Blake and Olivia will often want me to "draw something" for them. I do my best but it is horrible. Blake will say, "Good elephant Daddy," when I actually drew a butterfly. However, his encouraging words keep me trying.

Today's word is a reminder about the power of our words. It is Proverbs 15:4, HCSB, which reads, "The tongue that heals is a tree of life, but a devious tongue breaks the spirit."

Our tongues have the power to heal or to destroy; it's all a matter of the way we use it. We can use our tongues to encourage and build up and bolster and edify or we can use our tongues to bring pain and heartache and ridicule and destruction. To be such a small part of our bodies, it is so powerful.

Let's choose our words wisely, they hold great power. I want mine to correct when necessary but to build up and encourage. I want someone doing their best to know that I appreciate their best. Even when a butterfly looks like an elephant.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, December 7, 2015

He renews

It's been one of those very surreal, very complex, very extreme weekends. We have had a weekend where we have visited funeral homes to offer condolences to friends, neighbors, and loved ones who have seen a dear one depart. On the other hand, we saw a Christmas parade and walked through the scenes of JESUS'S life. And, it all happened in the same weekend.

The two visitations were for born-again believers that have received their eternal reward and await their loved ones entry into Heaven. Their families take comfort in the fact that one day they will see them again. Yet, it's tough; it's hard to imagine life without them. We pray that GOD strengthens and comforts them as only He can.

Today's word is a reminder that GOD will do just that. Psalm 103:5, NLT, reads, "He fills my life with good things. My youth is renewed like the eagle's!"

When we feel as if the weight of the world is on our shoulders, we need to take a breath and start thinking about all the good things GOD has filled our lives with. Mine are far too numerous to count. Like Saturday night, after walking through the scenes of JESUS'S life, I asked Blake, our four-year-old, what his favorite part was and he said, "The part where JESUS rode the elevator."

The ascension scene was aided by a scissor lift that allowed the person portraying JESUS to rise into the sky, and Blake liked watching JESUS ride the elevator. It was my favorite part too. JESUS ascended and will return one day to take us home to live with Him forever! Until then, He has filled my life with so many wonderfully, blessed things. And, when I am tired, I'm going to take a breath and recount them all, which will renew my resolve, as it will yours.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, December 4, 2015

Make it count

There are constant acts of kindness committed every day. We don't hear about most of them but those that we get a glimpse of really stir me. I think about the police Sgt. in Ocala, Florida that bought breakfast for a homeless man and, then, sat down on the curb and ate with him. Another is a young student buying a meal for a homeless lady. These and the countless others committing these type acts get it.

Yes, there are those who will take advantage of others' good natures but, many truly are genuine in their desire for a little help. I think we often have a tendency to discount others, to overlook others, to even look down on others. I can't help but think of something a good friend told me years ago, "Call no one useless that Christ died for." And, who did Christ die for? Everyone.

Today's word is a Max Lucado quote, which says, "With GOD, every day matters, every person matters."

It is in those moments that we don't feel GOD, that we don't think that He is there, that we don't think He is listening, that He is more there than ever before. It is in those moments when we feel all alone, that He is sitting on the curb with us. Why? Because, with GOD, every moment matters.

It is also true that, with GOD, every person matters. It is not GOD'S will that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. Let's take the time to look around and see if GOD is calling us to minister to someone around us. Not for us to get glory or praise but because, with GOD, every day matters and every person matters.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, December 3, 2015

You have choices

If you watch much news, you will find enough bad news to really stress you out. There are people in this world that will do most anything against anybody for absolutely no reason at all. Why? I think it is because some people are just absolutely evil. Others have been erroneously led to believe that what they do is the correct thing to do. Some may be stressed; stress can cause folks to do some really bad things.

How do we get stressed? We allow the weight of this world to rest on our inadequate shoulders. We allow everyone else to dictate our happiness. We try to keep up with those who have more than us. We try to measure up to someone else's standard. Do you see the common denominator? We'll get to that in a moment...

Today's word is a quote by William James that says, "The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another."

The reason we get so stressed out sometimes is because we choose to think the wrong things, take on the wrong things, then, do the wrong things. We choose to think all the negative thoughts, to perform all the negative actions, and to suffer all the negative consequences. If we had chosen differently, though, how might it have turned out?

Don't let stress wear you down. We all have those stressful moments, those stressful times, those stressful situations, but let's not dwell there. Let's choose to change out thoughts and reduce our stress.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

What song does your heart sing?

Music has always been a part of my life. Now, as many know, I am not much of a singer but I love to sing. The same thing can be said about my attempts to play a guitar but I love to play. And, when I have the opportunity to put the two together, to play and sing, I am really enjoying myself.

I shared with someone the other day that music is part of my worship. While others may be experiencing fingernails on a chalkboard, GOD and I have some pretty good times when I am playing and singing. Why? Because it comes from the heart, where GOD has placed that song.

Today's word is Ephesians 5:19, which reads, "Speak to one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the LORD."

When we share the song in our heart, others experience the joy of that song with us. We lift one another up with the songs that proceed from our hearts because, GOD has placed the song there. You may be like me, not much of a singer, but don't be afraid to sing the song GOD has placed in your heart. Around our house, we sing by letter - open up and let 'er fly.

There are lots of people walking around that need a little encouragement, a little boost, a little pep, a little light, a song - SING IT! I want my heart to sing to JESUS, then, I want others to see and hear my heart's song. What song does your heart sing?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

So much to give

It's Giving Tuesday, a day set dedicated to giving back. I don't know when the movement began but it is a nice reminder during this Thanksgiving/pre-Christmas season that it is most certainly better to give than to receive. And, I don't mean in gifts or money. I just mean it is nice to be in a position to be able to, in any small way, make life a little easier on someone else.

I was eating lunch one day last week, when the waitress informed me that some kind individual had paid my bill and walked out the door. I don't know why GOD impressed upon this individual to do something so nice for me but it is something I will never forget and another reminder of how truly blessed I am. How truly blessed we all are if we would only take the time to look around.

Today's word is a quote from Roy Lessin, which says, "A heart that receives from GOD has so many riches to give to others."

Has GOD blessed you with things? And, once again, not talking money. Has He given you special gifts and abilities? Has He blessed you with the ability to cook? The ability to do home repairs? The ability to work on a vehicle? To sew? To sing? To play an instrument? The gift of some free time that you could spend helping someone by watching a loved one while they run errands? GOD has given us much; let's use His gifts to help others.

We try to instill in our kids that we serve GOD by serving others. I pray daily that I show them this through the example of the life I live. So, in honor of Giving Tuesday, let's think of something GOD has gifted us with that we can use to make someone's day a little better. It truly is more blessed to give than to receive.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, November 30, 2015

Bed Posts and Pinkie Toes

Ever get up in the middle of the night for one reason or another and, trying to be conscientious to others, not turn on the lights? Many times, this scenario plays out well and everything goes exactly according to plant. HOWEVER, occasionally, you walk into a wall, a door, or snag your pinkie toe on a door jamb or a bed corner. When that happens, all conscientiousness towards others ceases.

We hop around and try to muffle screams and stifle tears. We do everything we can to try not to let others know we have made a mistake but, eventually, the inner weakness defeats the outer strength and we have to let it out. All of this could have been avoided with just a little light.

Today's word is 1 John 1:7, NIV, which reads, "But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of JESUS, His Son, purifies us from all sin."

Just as a little light can prevent pinkie toe injuries and the awakening and offending of our loved ones, walking in the light of our SAVIOR will keep us from offending one another. Yeah, we will still have those moments when we get on each others last nerve but we'll see that we are all family, and that is what families do. So, walking in the Light will keep us from faltering and floundering.

Walking with JESUS will also purify us from all sin. GOD sent His Son, JESUS, to be the sacrifice to cover all our sins. Once we accept His gift, our sins are gone and His blood purifies us. WOW!

Look, walk in the Light! You'll not only save your pinkie toe, you'll save your soul!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Where to find TRUE LOVE

Folks have been searching for "true love" for as long as folks have been searching. And, many have had their hearts broken because they have given it to someone who couldn't handle such a precious gift. For many true love seems impossible to find and incomprehensible to hold.

So many people have looked for love in all the wrong places (that would make a good country song, huh?). They've tried to find it in situations, relations, libations, and infatuations but true love isn't found there. The only way to find true love is to go to the source...

Today's word is 1 John 4:16, NIV, which reads, "And so we know and rely on the love GOD has for us. GOD is LOVE. Whoever lives in love lives in GOD, and GOD in them."

The only way to find TRUE LOVE is to go to the source of TRUE LOVE - GOD! GOD is LOVE! Don't miss that - GOD IS LOVE. You aren't going to find love from any source but GOD. Yeah, you might find something that emulates love, or simulates love, or imitate love but to find TRUE LOVE, you have to go to GOD, Who is Love.

If you're searching for the love of your life, the dearest love you could ever feel, the type of love that surpasses all understanding, there is only One place to find it - GOD! Hey, GOD LOVE YOU like no one or nothing ever could or ever will. For GOD IS LOVE!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Give and take

There's a lot of negative things to be said about give and take, especially when it comes to a lot of our political representatives. It seems that they are elected by promising to give something in return for what they got, and that isn't always a good thing.

There's also the good give and take. Any relationship requires some amount of give and take. Sometimes, you have to be the stronger one and give more in a relationship because, eventually, you are going to be the weak one and need to take. That is a good give and take.

Still thinking about Thanksgiving, today's word is a quote I came across that says, "Life is full of give and take. Give thanks and take nothing for granted."

It's important that we give thanks for the many blessings we have been given. If I started naming them one by one, it would take to the end of my life and I would still miss some and not finish the list. We have all been blessed far more than we often give credit or thought to. I know I have. So, give GOD thanks for all that He has given you - every good and perfect gift.

Then, take nothing for granted. We never know when things are going to go bad in the cruel and evil world. Yet, we can be thankful that when it does, GOD is by our side, guiding us through the storm. Let's give thanks and take nothing for granted.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, November 23, 2015

A Father's Delight

I have probably never been known as a wise son. I have been known as a wise guy, and a couple of other things that use wise as an adjective. But, don't you know that parents must really be proud of their children that make good decisions and do the right things? I know I would be.

We were discussing Thanksgiving in the preschool Sunday School class yesterday, when Blake, our four-year-old, began to explain to us how Thanksgiving came about. He told us that the pilgrims came on the "Sunflower", and that they came here because the King wouldn't let them go to church. I cannot begin to tell you how proud I was; he has been listening.

Today's word is Proverbs 23:24, NIV, which reads, "The father of a righteous child has great joy; a man who fathers a wise son rejoices in him."

This verse is true of earthly fathers but don't you know it is also true of our Heavenly Father? He wants to rejoice in our wise decisions. He wants us to make righteous choices and to do the right things. GOD wants us to grow closer to Him and to pattern our actions after His; He rejoices over His righteous and wise children.

Thanksgiving is coming up, and I will always be grateful for the many blessings in my life, which include Trish and my children. I pray daily that I make wise and righteous decisions and that they can see that I am doing my best. My Father rejoices when I do, and I so want to please Him.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, November 20, 2015

Let's be Honorable

When you hear the word, "honorable," what comes to mind? I think of someone being named "Honorable Mention". They didn't make the first team or even the second team but, they are worthy of mention. Don't you want to be worthy of mention?

I am sure that I am mentioned in a lot of conversations; probably just before someone spits. But, in all honesty, I think it is a desire of us all to be honorable and worthy of mention. Yet, I think we sometimes forget that in order to be worthy of mention, we must be honorable.

Today's word is 2 Corinthians 8:21, NLT, which reads, "We are careful to be honorable before the LORD, but we also want everyone else to see that we are honorable."

I think there are some really insightful words in this verse if we break it down a little. The first part is that we are careful to be honorable before the LORD. I think we all find ourselves on our best behavior at church, around "church folk", around those things that are godly. But, are we as careful with the last part, "BUT, we also want everyone else to see that we are honorable."

I want GOD to find me worthy. I also want others to see that I am worthy of GOD'S blessings and goodness. Let's strive to be honorable - before GOD and others.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Encourage One Another

Trish comforted a lady recently that was going through a difficult patch. I certainly won't tell her woes but suffice it to say that the wears and tears of life had her down. Trish listened and comforted and encouraged this lady. We all need that from time to time.

Blake is one who encourages. I have seen him many times watch Olivia do something and say, "Good Job Livie! Good Job!" Who knows what that does to a three-year-old? I would dare say that our encouragement of others does far more than we will ever know. So, why don't I do more of it?

Today's word is the first part of Hebrews 3:13, NIV, which reads, "But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called 'Today'..."

We need to make a conscious effort to encourage one another. The impact that an encouraging word could make on a life will forever remain unknown if it is never spoken. Look, I'm a guy with a CAPITAL G. Sometimes, we find it hard to offer encouragement because it may make us look or sound mushy or foolish or whatever, but, we should try to encourage one another.

And, we should do it today. We should encourage when it comes to mind, when it is on our heart, when it is fresh. If we wait until tomorrow, it won't mean as much. Let's try to encourage those that we see that need encouragement. Let's do it TODAY. We may never know the impact and influence those words may have!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, November 16, 2015

Pay attention

This weekend has been another reminder of the state of this world and the possibility of evil lurching at your very doorstep. I don't know how you can brainwash and coerce someone into committing suicide and taking innocent others with them in the name of some religion. I guess I never will.

Those who know me will tell you that I am about as dumb as a bag of hammers but I know that we are to love one another, and we should choose our friends very carefully. We have to watch and make sure we don't allow ourselves to be entangled and ensnared in things that our "friends" tell us are good.

Today's word is Proverbs 12:26, NLT, which reads, "The godly give good advice to their friends, the wicked lead them astray."

Pay attention to what your "friends" are telling you. I know I've said it before but make sure you weigh it against what GOD tells us. There are a lot of folks out there telling their "friends" all the wrong things. There's a lot of advice out there and most of it is straight from hell and smells like smoke. Be Careful.

Find some godly folks to give you good advice. Everyone knows I am full of opinions and advice and dispense it willingly and, probably, way too often. But, I pray I never dispense advice that is aimed to hurt; I want to share the love of GOD and lead people to Him. Make sure what you listen to has the same intent. Pay attention!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, November 13, 2015

Noble Plans

If you were to look up the definition of noble, you would find that noble means, "having or showing fine personal qualities or high moral principles and ideals." GOD has called us to be noble. We are, in fact, part of a Royal Priesthood; we should be noble and honorable.

We have examples of people acting less than noble. They like to develop ponzi schemes and steal other people's money. They like to slip things into other people's drinks and take advantage of them. They like to devise plans to destroy someone in order to make themselves look better. They use any means necessary to gain an unfair advantage over everyone else. Yes, there are lots of examples of people being less than noble.

Today's word is Isaiah 32:8, NIV, which reads, "But the noble make noble plans, and by noble deeds they stand."

Are you making noble plans? Are you developing plans that bring honor and glory and aid and assistance? Or, are you developing plans that will bring YOU accolades and advantages? I have mentioned before that I have to really watch myself to see what is truly my motivation. I can sometimes get wrapped up in ignoble plans just to fuel my own ego, my own selfish desires.

I want to make noble plans and stand by noble deeds. I want to be one that others know my motivation is truly for what is best. I want to be noble so that others will see GOD'S love. May GOD help us all be noble.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Brave

Yesterday was Veteran's Day, and I had the blessing of spending it with my wife and children. It was a beautiful day that allowed us to get outside and enjoy GOD'S beauty. If you could pick the weather for a day off in November, it couldn't have been much better than yesterday's.

While enjoying my family, though, I couldn't help but stop and think about all the brave men and women that have served and sacrificed in order to allow me that blessing. I think we so often take for granted the freedoms we have, how those freedoms are preserved, and those who do the preserving. I never take it for granted.

With Veteran's Day in mind, today's word is a quote from the great General Omar Nelson Bradley: "Bravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death."

Our service men and women are super brave! In some of the worst circumstances, in some of the worst places, in some of the worst situations, they perform properly and flawlessly. That's bravery!

I salute you all! Thank you so much for your sacrifices in service to our country! May GOD protect and keep you. May He bless your families and bring you safely back to them. And, thank you veterans for your willingness to protect the freedoms that I so richly enjoy!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


I hate politics. Hate it. Now, don't get me wrong, I am all about government; we have to have those who overlook things locally, state-wide, nationally, and internationally. No doubt, though, that we are no longer a government of the people, FOR the people, and by the people. It seems that we are a government of those who a good speakers and can persuade others to back them with funding, and who, in return for that backing, promise the moon and will sell themselves out to deliver. But, I digress...

The reason I hate politics is all the mud-slinging. It seems that you can never get anyone to tell the truth about themselves; they only want to tell the untruths of others. I have to refer back to the scripture that tells us to confess YOUR sins. We don't have to go around telling everyone how bad we are, there seems to be enough people out there that will confess it for you; thus, my problem with politics.

Today's word is Habakkuk 2:4, NLT, which reads, "Look at the proud! They trust in themselves, and their lives are crooked. But the righteous will live by their faithfulness to GOD."

So many people are trusting that they may be bad but at least they aren't as bad as someone else. While that may get you elected, it won't fly when you stand before GOD and give an account. Look, I've said before that if you compare your sinfulness to mine, you'll come out looking pretty good. But, we don't compare our righteousness to someone else's, we compare ourselves to GOD'S righteousness.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, November 9, 2015

A little ray of sunshine

We have had a couple of weekends that have been cooler and rainy. Now, this is typical fall/winter weather for those of us around here: it rains, it cools, it begins to warm up, it rains, it cools, it begins to warm up, etc. It is during these types of rainy events that just a little sunshine peeking through, just a little short time frame for outdoor activities, just a little brightness in the day makes a huge difference.

This morning, the preschool director gave me a little sunshine. She said that our kids were "old school", and she meant that as a huge compliment. She went on to say that they are kind and considerate, have feelings and a conscience, and are remorseful and quick to apologize. I have to admit that it made my day! It is nice to hear that our kids are doing things the right way; I pray that is always the case. But, just those few words really meant a lot to me.

Today's word is just a reminder of how our words can really affect others. Today's word says, "Today, give someone one of your smiles. It may be the only sunshine they see all day."

We may never know how one little action can change someone's day. Much like the preschool director's words this morning, a simple smile or a kind word could go a long ways in making someone else feel as if they are doing something right. You may come across those that when you smile at them, they just snarl at you. But, your smile still had an impact that you will never know.

Let's try to be nice to folks and allow a little sunshine to brighten up our world. Let's also not be afraid to bask in the sunshine emitted by others. And, I praise GOD each day that my kids have such a good Mom to model themselves after!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, November 6, 2015

Good News Friday!

There's a lot of bad news out there. It seems that you can hardly turn any media device to any news content without being bombarded with bad news. Here's a fact for you - we live in a broken, callous, sinful, ungodly world, therefore, there will be bad news. Now, even if you're a believer, you are affected by the events of this ungodly world because you are in it; you cannot escape it.

It actually appears that there are some folks out there that try to take evil to the next level. Whatever someone does that seems so heinous and ungodly that you can't even fathom it, someone will come along and "top" that. Yep, there's some bad things going on: unemployment, financial woes, horrendous crimes, etc. BUT...

Today's word is good news! I quote Matt Anderson, who said, "GOD is still in charge and in control! He is beside you, behind you, before you, and for you! No doubt about it, no way around it - His plan is good, His power is great, and His best is yet to come!"

Things are bad, and bad things keep happening BUT, GOD is still GOD, He still has everything under control, He has us in His hand, and He is working all things for our good! Keep those good words with you. Keep remembering that while this world is headed for a definite disastrous end, GOD is still guiding our steps and protecting our backs!

Yeah, there's some really bad news out there. It's hard to find anyone or anything spreading the good news. However, GOD is still on the throne. His plan is perfect, His protection is powerful, and His peace is plentiful. And, that is good news!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Flies and honey

The old saying is that you get more flies with honey than with vinegar. It is absolutely true that you draw more people to you by being someone that they would want to be around instead of someone that is all standoffish and abrasive. We all like to be around folks who seem to care about us, don't we?

GOD loves us so much: always has, continues to, and always will. His love for us is so deep and so personal and so fervent that He sent His only Son to die on the cross in order to make a way for us to come to Him. It amazes me that people can't see the love of GOD.

Today's word is Jeremiah 31:3, NIV, which reads, "The LORD appeared to us in the past saying: 'I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness."

GOD is such a loving GOD, such a caring GOD that He continues to try to draw people to Him with unfailing kindness. He gives us so much good stuff and keeps so much bad stuff from us. Does that mean that bad things never happen? Of course not. Bad things happen to believers all the time. But, even in the midst of those bad things, we can rest assured that GOD loves us and that He continues to be kind to us. It may be hard to see in the middle of those storms but if we will truly take the time to reflect upon our blessings we will see GOD'S everlasting love and unfailing kindness.

GOD tries to draw all men unto Himself with unfailing kindness. Yet, some refuse to accept His wonderful gift and everlasting love. Why I do not know. I guess some people just like vinegar; I prefer honey.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Feet to your prayers

I have shared with others that I am not an optimist. I am also not a pessimist. I am a realist. I don't see the glass as half full nor do I see it as half empty. I see water in a glass, and if you are thirsty, YOU must pick up the glass and drink. You have to do your part.

I am blessed with a great job. I have said before that I like what I do. I like the folks I work with. I like the folks I work for. I have been very blessed my employment. However, they didn't come knocking on my door and asking me if I wanted to work for them; I had to put in an application, interview, and pray that the opportunity came.

Today's word is a quote from Dale Partridge, which says, "Do not ask GOD to guide your footsteps if you're not willing to move your feet."

We cannot expect GOD to direct us to His next big thing, His next blessing in our lives, if we aren't willing to get up and go to it. Sometimes, GOD brings the blessing to your doorstep. Most of the time, though, the blessing is waiting around the corner. And, to receive the blessing you have to be willing to go outside, take a chance, get out of your comfort zone, and move towards it.

I pray that GOD will guide my every footstep. I also pray that I will move my feet at the right time, in the right direction, and in the right manner. Keep praying! Then, put some feet to those prayers!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

My splendor

I have had the opportunity in recent years to become more visible in certain areas. It seems that some people actually think I have something worth saying, and listening to. I hate to tell them that I don't so I play along. So, how did all this come about? I kept living.

It is quite apparent that the longer you live the more people inquire about your opinion; they think you possess wisdom. Why? Because you have lived life, you have been through some things, you have been there, done that, got the tee shirt. Some people relish this, like they have suddenly become smarter than the average bear, like they are suddenly a guru on life. Let me tell you the truth...

Today's word is Proverbs 20:29, NIV, which reads, "The glory of young men is their strength, gray hair the splendor of the old."

If I start to think that I have arrived, that I have become suddenly intelligent and wise, all I really need to do is look in the mirror and see why everyone is interested in what I have to say. It's not because they can see the wisdom in my crow's feet; it's because they can see my gray hair, which is an indication that I have been there, done that.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I am certainly honored when they ask. I am humbled that anyone would be interested in my thoughts. I am privileged to give an answer. But, it is certainly not because I am an expert - it's because I am old. And, getting old is certainly SPLENDID!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, November 2, 2015

Crop of Love

If you look  up "righteousness" in a dictionary, you will probably find a definition that states something to the effect of, "the quality of being morally right or justifiable." Then, I guess some would ask themselves, "What is morally right?" To that, I will say that if you have to ask yourself that question, you need to find the right barometer to test your righteousness.

There are a lot of things going on in our current society, and some people seem to think that moral righteousness is individual and situational. And, allow me to say that if that is what you think, I have to ask what you use to justify or qualify or measure the "rightness" of your individual righteousness? I want to be right with GOD. Period.

Today's word is Hosea 10:12, NLT, which reads, "Plant the good seeds of righteousness, and you will harvest a crop of love. Plow up the hard ground of your hearts, for now is the time to seek the LORD, that He may come and shower righteousness upon you."

Just as you can't plant cucumbers and expect to grow corn, you can't grow righteousness if you don't plant righteousness. There is only one way to plant seeds of righteousness, you have to obtain them from the Righteous One. And, notice what will happen if we plant the good seeds of righteousness, we will harvest a crop of love.

You can't plug into a water spigot and expect the lamp to light. You also can't seek self-righteousness and grow a crop of love. Unless, of course, it is just more love of self. Let's plow up the hard ground of our hearts. It is time to seek the LORD. If we will do that, He will rain righteousness upon us and we will sow that seed and harvest love.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, October 30, 2015

My peace of mind

If you asked one hundred people what they would need to have peace of mind, you would probably get one hundred different answers. I am sure some would say that money in the bank, financial freedom, would grant them peace of mind. Others would say that knowing this event was going to happen or that that event wasn't going to happen would grant them peace of mind. Everyone has his/her own idea about what peace of mind means.

For me, peace of mind is simply not having to worry about something, not having to worry about anything. I am sure that I have shared before that I don't worry about things. Am I concerned about things? Yes. Do I plan for things? Yes. Do I realize that I have to do my part? Yes. But, I have a peace of mind about things.

Today's word is a quote from Linn Carlson that says, "There is no force on earth stronger or more effective than the power of praying to our all-knowing, almighty GOD."

There's an old saying that says, "If you're having trouble falling to sleep, don't count sheep, count your blessings." If I started trying to count all my blessings, I would spend the rest of my life trying to name them all. And, while I was counting them up, I would get countless others along the way. That's how good GOD is to us.

Knowing how good GOD is to us, knowing how much GOD has done for us, knowing how much GOD has in store for us, gives me peace of mind. There's nothing more powerful, nothing more comforting, nothing brings peace like knowing that I know GOD and He knows what I need. That is peace of mind.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The most satisfying meal

What's your favorite meal? I can tell you that I have several favorite things that if you put them all together, and I could eat it all, it would be my favorite. And, I can also tell you that most of it is all the BAD stuff. I really like barbecue. If you smoke it or grill it, I'm in. I like pork: bacon, pork chops, Boston butt, ribs, etc. I like greasy hamburgers, french fries, chicken fingers, pizza, potato chips, all sorts of greasy, salty, fatty things.

I also like desserts but not as much as the greasy, salty things. But, I really like homemade banana pudding; the type with Nilla Wafers, the homemade "soup", and topped with meringue. I also like ice cream, cheese cake, German chocolate cake, brownies, and REESE CUPS! Suffice it to say, it would be hard to pick my favorite physical meal.

Today's word is John 6:35, NIV, which reads, "Then JESUS declared, 'I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to Me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in Me will never be thirsty."

My favorite spiritual meal comes each day. It's important to get spiritual nourishment daily, just as it is to get the physical. We need to seek GOD, talk to GOD, commune with GOD, sup with GOD every day. Just as the physical nourishment needs to be refreshed and renewed in order to recharge, so, too, does the spiritual nourishment require use to take spiritual things in daily.

Take in some spiritual nourishment; it's good for the soul. If you'll seek GOD each day, you'll find that you hunger for Him but you are never hungry. And, you'll find that you thirst for Him but you are never truly thirsty. We need His nourishment too.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Ever have one of those days that you thought, "It cannot get any worse?" Did you make it through? If you're reading this, you have either mad it through or you are making it through one right now. It is a fact that we are going to have some bad days, probably some REALLY BAD DAYS.

How do you make it through your bad day? Where do you find the strength to keep pushing through, to keep moving forward, to keep on keeping on? I rely on GOD'S Grace and His sufficiency. I know that He has me in His hand and that He will guide me through. However, when things are going really bad, and it seems that I can't catch my breath from the previous bad thing before the next one punches me in the gut, it can be very tiring and taxing. Yet, we make it through with GOD'S help.

Today's word is a reminder that this, too, shall pass. It is a quote I came across that will help us through some of those days that just won't seem to end. It says, "IF today is the WORST day of your life, then, you KNOW tomorrow WILL be BETTER."

Yeah, today may suck. And, while we are in that vacuum of suckeration, it seems as if it will always be this way, that it will never be any better. But, we need to keep some perspective that it is one day. We need to rely on GOD to help us through this day, and tomorrow will be better. GOD'S grace is sufficient; He will see us through.

We are all going to experience bad days from time to time. But, I am going to try to remember that I am just passing through this time and tomorrow will be better.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, October 26, 2015

Leave a little to the imagination

Some people can't help but tell you everything they know, or at least everything they think they know. And, I know that I am a talker - a TALKER. I have shared before that I don't really need a subject, I just need an audience.

But, you know the type. You want to talk about football? They'll talk football, knowing nothing about it. You want to talk brain surgery? They'll talk brain surgery, not even knowing how to spell cerebral. You want to talk Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade? They will talk helium balloons with the best of them. Reminds me of the old adage, "Best to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt."

Today's word is going to cover this aspect and another that we will get into in a moment. Today's word is a quote from William Shakespeare, which says, "Have more than you show, speak less than you know."

I think that is pretty good advice. So many people today will purchase something new and post it on some social media, just tempting people to take it or damage it. Some will go so far as to tell you that they are on vacation and no one is home, just giving you an open invitation to go to their house and remove what they are posting. It's best to keep that stuff to yourself.

Another point is not showing everything. It seems that some people are bent on letting everyone else see "everything" they have. Look, leave a little to the imagination. There's no need to show everything you've got. And, if you ever want to discuss the difficulties of climbing Mt. Everest, look me up - I'm an expert.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, October 23, 2015

The Trix Rabbit

General Mills announced that they are replacing the iconic Trix Rabbit. No doubt, there's a lot of us that remember, "Silly Rabbit. Trix are for kids." I guess in this day and age where everything is about doing away with artificial anything, it was only a matter of time before the Trix Rabbit was holed.

The nostalgia of years past often brings to mind feelings of fun and laughter and carefree childhood days. The opposite often holds true to those not so good things in our lives. I know people who can't let go of past wrongs or past grudges, which only hurts themselves. And, I know people who hold on to a sinking ship too long because they are afraid of not having a ship to hold on to.

Today's word is a quote I came across, which says, "Stop worrying about what you have to lose, and start focusing on what you have to gain."

There will come times in our lives that we have to make tough decisions. Those decisions may be as inert as whether to get rid of a favorite old shirt or vehicle or as serious as having to let go of a relationship. The truth of the matter is that if it doesn't make you better, it's probably not worth hanging on to.

Another point I want to get across is that so many people are reluctant to give in to JESUS CHRIST because of "all they might lose". All you're ever going to miss by being a Christian is hell. Stop focusing on what you might lose and think about all there is to gain - eternal life in Heaven!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Worth the effort

We all know folks that just don't ever seem to give 100%. We would like to think that they are keeping something in reserve just in case something bigger comes along that would require a little more energy. But, we all know that that is probably not the case.

There are just some folks in this world that just don't seem to ever give their best effort. At times, I have been one of those people. You know what the difference is? We only give our best when it is a cause, a purpose, a job, a something that we truly care about. It is when we truly care about something that we will give our best effort to ensure the safety and prosperity of that something.

Today's word reminds us to give it our all because it is worth it. 1 Corinthians 15:58b, NIV, reads, "Always give yourselves fully to the work of the LORD, because you know that your labor in the LORD is not in vain."

Sometimes, when we find ourselves not putting forth our best effort, it's because we don't see the benefit of it. Or, we don't know if we will see any benefit from it. But, we can rest assured that if we are doing GOD'S work, it will not be in vain. And, if we apply ourselves fully in that effort, the reward will also be full.

I guess today's thought is that I want to apply myself more fully in whatever GOD has for me to do. And, if I do that, I will find that it is worth the effort.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Making good decisions

Everyone in life has their problems from time to time. I know I certainly do. Sometimes, I get myself in trouble because I jump into something without having a plan. Now, if you know me, you know that this isn't often the case because I am a planner to a fault. If plan A doesn't work, it's okay. I have plan B, and plan C, and plan D. You get the idea.

Other times, I get myself in a mess because I have thought and thought but I haven't done anything about it. The ol' proverbial saying is that you have to strike when the iron is hot; or, you have to make hay when the sun shines. Sometimes, we allow ourselves to overthink things, and by the time we have made a decision, someone else has beaten us to it.

Today's word is a thought on these two things that simply says, "Most of the problems in life are because of two reasons, we act without thinking or we keep thinking without acting."

It's easy to sit on the sidelines and analyze others' decisions; I do it all the time. It's also easy to sit there and never make a decision. I have shared before that I am not afraid to make a decision. I have made a lot of bad ones, especially in haste, but I am not afraid to make one. However, prior to making a decision, we should take the time to think it through.

On the other hand, we need to make sure that we don't spend our time spinning our wheels and miss out on really important things because we are afraid to pull the trigger, afraid to make a decision. Sometimes, the best decision we can make is to make a decision.

There are times to act, and there are times to wait. We need to try to make sure we use the appropriate action at the appropriate time. If we will do that, we may find that we make pretty good decisions.

Monday, October 19, 2015

All Access

Ever had ALL ACCESS passes to some event? I've never had all access passes to a big star's concert but, we have had all access passes at a golf tournament once, which was rather nice. We could go into any hospitality tent, any facility, virtually any area that we wanted. As soon as anyone saw our passes, they would welcome us with open arms, and whatever was available there was available to us.

I imagine an ALL ACCESS pass at a concert allows you to go backstage and see some of the behind the scene things that take place before, during, and after a concert. Then, when the concert is over, you're allowed the opportunity to get a moment with the performer, which, I am sure, is pretty cool. But, there is one ALL ACCESS pass that is incomprehensible and uncomparable.

Today's word is Romans 5:2, ESV, which reads, "Through Him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of GOD."

Through our faith in JESUS CHRIST we have obtained access to all that Heaven affords. We have been granted the ultimate ALL ACCESS pass. One day, we will see all that Heaven holds and contains. I am sure that it is more than I could ever think, dream, imagine, comprehend, or take in. It is for that reason that we have to be transformed, we have to receive the glorified body, because this body couldn't handle it.

It would probably be nice to go to a concert of one of my favorite performers and have an ALL ACCESS pass. But, it is even greater to know that through faith in JESUS CHRIST, I have access to the FATHER and all that He possesses. That is, indeed, ALL ACCESS.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, October 16, 2015

Good thing versus GOD thing

I heard a sermon recently that has caused me to think about where I am in GOD'S service. The gist of the sermon was that we get wrapped up in every new program, and every new outreach tool, and every new ministerial thing that comes along but, maybe, instead of looking for the next GOOD thing, we need to listen and do the GOD thing.

There's nothing wrong with any program or outreach emphasis or ministry but if we are constantly busying ourselves with those things and not actively listening for GOD to lead us to His thing, we are truly missing the point. GOD can do exceedingly, abundantly above anything we could ever do within our own power. Why not listen for His direction?

Today's word is Philemon 1:6, NIV, which reads, "I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in CHRIST."

This, though it may not seem like it, is what I am trying to convey. If we will each just actively share what GOD has done for us, and ALL that that entails, we may be surprised at the impact that will have. And, the more we actively share what GOD has done for us, the more we will see what GOD has done for us, and the more we will have to share!

Look, hook up with a Bible believing, Bible teaching, Bible preaching church and worship together. Get involved and be an active part of the church. However, if GOD is leading you to share your faith, don't get hung up on the next GOOD thing, get plugged in to GOD'S thing.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Surround yourself with these folks

Have you ever noticed that you tend to pick up habits of those that you hang around? If you hang around people who sit around all day and play video games, it won't be long before you decide that it's a lot of fun sitting around playing video games.

On the other hand, if you surround yourself with people who like to go hiking and exploring the great outdoors, it probably won't be long before you decide that you, too, like hiking  and exploring the great outdoors. Now, there's nothing wrong with either of these scenarios but I think we can all agree that one is more productive than the other. However, that is not the point I am trying to make.

The point I am trying to make comes from a simple snippet of something I came across. So, today's word is going to be something that I have composed from a simple thought: "Surround yourself with people who push you, challenge you, make you laugh, and make you better."

Whoever we decide to "hang" with will have an influence on us, good or bad. If we surround ourselves with people that are slothful, we will find ourselves taking on slothful tendencies. If we surround ourselves with people that are always negative, we will find ourselves producing a lot of negativity. It's not that we aren't our own people and that we aren't responsible for our own selves. It's just that you can't wallow in the mud and not get muddy.

Everyone needs a friend, and we should certainly show ourselves friendly to everyone. However, we need to keep our guard up and surround ourselves, spend the bulk of our time with folks who make us want to be the best that we can be. And, we do that by surrounding ourselves with people who push us, challenge us, make us laugh, and make us better.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Don't be afraid or discouraged

This world is certainly experiencing some tumultuous times. It seems that we can hardly go a few hours, much less a few days, without something catastrophic and unimaginable happening. Some say that it has always been this way, we just didn't have the coverage that we have today. I am of the opinion that it is worse because the Bible tells us that in the latter days, evil men and seducer will wax worse and worse. They are certainly doing that.

With all of this going on, it is easy to get concerned and even worried about the state of our world. These events may even cause some to fret and become discouraged. And, if all you have to hope for rests in this world, you probably are in a heap of trouble. However, if you are a child of GOD, there's nothing to be discouraged about because this is as bad as it gets.

Today's word is a familiar passage from Joshua 1:9, NLT, which reads, "I command you - be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your GOD is with you wherever you go."

If you are a child of GOD, the events of this word is nothing to concern yourself over. GOD is with us wherever we go, whatever goes on. We can rest peacefully in His arms, knowing that He isn't surprised by any of these travesties.

When we recognize that GOD has us, and that He holds us, and that He helps us, we can certainly be strong and courageous. As a matter of fact, GOD commands it! When we realize His protection and His strength, we can loose our fears and be encouraged. Then, we should encourage others because GOD is with us wherever we go!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, October 12, 2015

He knows who are His

Could you recognize your child's voice even if your eyes were closed and there was a cacophony of noise? I would dare say that everyone is saying, "Absolutely." Why? Because we know our children.

If you lined up 20,000 people, I could still pick out our children. If you had hundreds of people call my name, I would still recognize when it was my child calling my name. Because, they are mine, and I know my children.

Have you ever wondered if GOD really knows you? If He really knows the intimate details of your life? Now, it goes without saying that He knows everything. You may think you have hidden it deep in the recesses of your mind but you didn't hide it from GOD, if He is your Father. He knows you if you are His child.

Today's word reminds us of that very fact. It is 2 Timothy 2:19, NLT, which reads, "But GOD'S truth stands firm like a foundation stone with this inscription: "The LORD knows those who are His," and "All who belong to the LORD must turn away from evil."

We can rest assured that GOD knows us. He knows His children: every hair on our heads; every thought in our mind; every desire of our heart; He KNOWS us. There's no need to feel as if GOD isn't listening - He is. There's no need to feel as if you are all alone - He's there. There's no need to feel as if no one cares - He does. There's no need to feel as if it can't be done - He can.

Isn't it great knowing that GOD knows His children? Nothing better than to know that GOD knows me and loves me and desires a relationship with me. And, because He loves me, I should strive to do His will and turn from evil. If we'll do that, we'll find our relationship to GOD deeper, stronger, and closer than it has ever been.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

He ain't my Daddy

If you've ever been in the military, you know that boot camp is a very different experience. It's not necessarily the physical part, which is tough but doable day-by-day; it's the mental aspect of unlearning what you know and transforming into the soldier or sailor you're expected to be. It can be a very anxious, uneasy time.

It all begins the moment you arrive at the training center. The anxiety of what is to come, what is going to happen, how will I handle this. At Great Lakes, one of my Company Commanders let us all know that for the next 9-1/2 weeks, he would be our mother, our father, our family. He didn't really mean it, nor did he actually give me the warm and fuzzies.

Today's word is a familiar passage from Philippians 4:6, NIV, which reads, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to GOD."

With GOD, we can have a peace that relieves all anxiety even in the midst of our most anxious times. GOD has us covered; He has our back. Come what may, He's in control and He will take care of it, if we will let Him. He'll ever alleviate and eliminate the anxiety if we will only give it to Him. We can worry and fret or give it to Him and forget. I know, easier said than done but it is still true.

Well, to finish the story, he wasn't my Dad or my Mom, but, my Company Commanders did direct and guide me through those 9-1/2 weeks. And, some of what they taught me, some of what they instilled in me, aided me during those anxious moments when I found myself in a very uncomfortable situation. If you'll make your requests to GOD through prayer and petition and thank Him for His being in control, you'll find you're less anxious. And, unlike my Company Commander, GOD truly is our FATHER.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Otto Korech

Someone sent an email to me and several others recently about thank you cards that was supposed to say, "Hand written," however, it read, "Hans written". Now, this, of course, received the reply, "Who's Hans?" I thought I would help the fellow out and emailed everyone that Hans was a Dutch font that was very regal. The person that had made the original typo thanked me for coming to his rescue but he included another typo, "Hade" instead of have, and I couldn't stop there.

I, first, replied all that "It was no big deal. And after further research, I had discovered that not only was Hans a regal, Dutch font but it was exclusively reserved for thank you cards." I wasn't going to comment on the additional "Hade" typo but someone else jumped all over it. His question was, "Who is Hade? Is he kin to Hans? Twins maybe?" It's important that you check your emails for typos, especially when you are emailing this group of individuals.

Thinking about watching what we say, today's word is Matthew 5:37, ESV, which reads, "Let what you say be simply, "Yes," or "No"; anything more than this comes from evil."

It is when we try to explain ourselves that we often find ourselves digging a deeper hole. It is best if we just answer the question asked, without trying  to expound. Sort of like typos - if you let one get out, don't follow it up with another.

So, let's finish the story. After the typoist was asked if Hans and Hade were twins, I replied that indeed they were. They are the product of the union between Bad Ayes and Otto Korech. It's important to make sure we say what needs to be said, and stop there.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, October 5, 2015

Why am I here?

You ever have one of those moments where, like me, you wonder what you are doing here? Why GOD has you here? Why GOD has you where you are at the exact moment you are? Those are all good questions; all of which I have asked and sought answers to.

There are times in our lives that it just doesn't seem to make sense to us that GOD has us where He has us. It seems to us that He could make better use of us in some other place, in some other capacity, with some other people. But, GOD makes no mistakes. If we are His, and if we allow Him to direct our paths, and we follow His leading, He will always have us where He wants us.

So, why are we here? Why are we in this exact location, at this exact time? Rick Warren sums it up with today's word: "GOD put us here to make the world a better place."

We are where we are because GOD wants us there, spreading His light in this dark world. Now, that isn't always easy; some folks do not like light, they do not like cheeriness, they do not like hearing about GOD and His goodness. Yet, GOD has us there to be a positive influence even when it seems that no one wants to hear it, or see it, or experience it.

If you find yourself wondering why GOD has you where He has you. Or, if you find yourself asking GOD why He has surrounded you with the ones that surround you, just remember that GOD has placed you there to make it a better place. I pray that I always do.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, October 2, 2015

It's not my fight

There are things in this life that are DEFINITELY worth fighting for. I won't try to list them all here because it would take forever but suffice it to say that there are some things that are worth every effort. There are also others that aren't worth any effort, yet, some folks will fight anyone or anything for anything.

We go through life trying to figure out which things are worth fighting for and which ones are not, or most of us do. As I mentioned, there are those that will fight anyone for anything. They are usually the ones that find themselves on the wrong side of the law or at the wrong end of a gun. Some things just aren't my fight.

That thought has led me to today's word, which is an unattributed quote that says, "A warrior is always aware of what is worth fighting for. He does not go into combat over things that do not concern him, and he never wastes his time over provocations."

So many people have been hurt or worse because they let someone's words provoke them into a fight that wasn't worth fighting. It's not worth it; let it go. What someone says about me has no bearing on what is really true about me. I have an old saying, "Do you know what an idiot is doing when you're arguing with him? The same thing, arguing with an idiot." Why argue with idiots?

I know today's post is a little different than normal but I just can't wrap my brain around why some people will involve themselves in fights that aren't theirs or that don't matter. Let's use some discernment. Fight for those things that are worth fighting for, and let the rest figure itself out.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


There are some things that are absolutely essential for life: oxygen, water, food, shelter, sleep, JESUS. Just as I need oxygen to promote a healthy and sustainable life, I, too, need JESUS to help me live a fulfilled and complete life. I depend on Him.

When I think about my dependency on JESUS, I am not ashamed at how much I need Him, at how much I desire Him, at how much I have to have Him. JESUS is Who gets me through the hardest times and makes the good times even better. I am hooked on JESUS.

My thought for today was fueled by a quote from Roy Lessin, which says, "Depend on JESUS for everything. There is nothing in the fruitful Christian life that you can do without can never be too dependent."

I mean, here's the deal, if you want to live a fulfilling Christian life, it starts with JESUS. You may say, "Well, I shouldn't bother JESUS with this little petty problem." The fact is that if it concerns you, it concerns JESUS. And, if it is troubling you and bothering you, it isn't a petty problem. And, if you are having difficulty finding a solution, why not ask the One Who is in charge of it all.

I say all this, today, knowing that I truly have my shortcomings and struggles with depending on anyone. I mean, I'm a man; I'll figure it out. But, the cold hard fact is that I NEED JESUS. I NEED Him to get me through. I NEED Him to help me be what I need to be. I am dependent. How about you?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, September 28, 2015

Compromise and Conformity

I truly try to put GOD first in everything that I do, I do. Now, I have A LOT of shortcomings; to list them all would take way more time and energy than anyone should expend. But, I do try to do things according to GOD'S will and commands.

People today, though, seem to want to try to meld GOD'S word with satan's world, and they don't mix. Yes, we are to be lights in this world, but, you can't shine bright if you allow worldly scum to dampen your light. We have to be careful not to allow this world to influence us. We have to be careful not to allow political correctness and the flavor of the month and the peer pressure that goes with each of those to cause us to compromise what we know is truth. Yeah, I know, often easier said than done.

Today's word is another one that I have used before but it is what is on my mind today. Today's word is Romans 12:2a, NIV, which reads, "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind..."

While there is a lot of pressure in today's society to go along with everyone, to not rock the boat, to not stand out, to not stand up, we know that GOD has a will, a plan, a way that is right and that we should follow that plan. People get themselves into trouble and then want to know why GOD let it happen. Did you get that? People get THEMSELVES into trouble and then want to know why GOD let it happen. No, you got yourself into trouble by compromising and conforming. That's not to say that sometimes life just happens because, sometimes, it just does. But, don't allow compromise to drag you into the ditch.

I pray that I will allow GOD to transform my mind and to lead me in His path. I know what the world says but I am more interested in what the WORD says.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, September 25, 2015

Anger's Punishment

There seems to be a lot of angry people in this world, and not just those displeased with my driving. No, it seems that some people are just angry, angry about anything and everything. I am not naive; I know that things aren't all rosy and most days aren't filled with peachy moments. However, there has to be something in each day that makes you sort of happy right? I mean, what is being angry doing for you?

Anger is the reason we read about someone killing someone else because of the last piece of chicken or for the last cigarette or for $4.25. Anger is eating away at people, and not just emotionally. I have mentioned before that you end up with ulcers and insomnia and all kinds of physical problems because you are angry. Anger really punishes.

Today's word is a quote that I have probably used before but it just resonates with me today. This quote has been mistakenly attributed to several people so we will not attribute it to anyone. The quote is, "You will not be punished FOR your anger; you will be punished BY your anger."

No one is going to punish you for your anger, not really. Your actions because of your anger will cause your punishment; you are punished BY your anger, not for it. It's okay to be angry from time to time. As a matter of fact, there is something wrong with you if some things don't anger you. The Bible even tells us to, "Be angry and sin not." So, it is okay to be or get angry. It's not okay to continually be angry.

Yes, there are lots of things out there that cause me anger; there are a lot of things out there that anger me more than I should let them. But, why remain angry? Why let anger eat away at all the good things you do have? Why let anger steal the joys that are found in everyday living? Stop punishing yourself - STOP BEING ANGRY!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, September 24, 2015

It's all in the punctuation

Sometimes, people get confused by what others are saying, or texting, because of a lack of punctuation. I know some people that will send a "run-on" text that I can't make heads nor tails of. I have even had to text back and ask, "Huh?"

It's not just with punctuation though. Sometimes, people get confused by what I say. I have had a tendency to misuse words or at least put them in the wrong context. When this happens, it is quite confusing to those that I am speaking to. And, no wonder.

The disciples were having a hard time grasping some of JESUS' teachings, as we all have been. But, like other things, the more you spend time working with it, the more you spend time with someone, the more you learn about someone, the easier it is to understand them. The disciples had that moment in today's word...

Today's word is John 16:29, NIV, which reads, "Then JESUS' disciples said, 'Now You are speaking clearly and without figures of speech."

It's important when we have an important message to deliver that we do it plainly and without figures of speech. If we will practice this, we will avoid confusion and funny looks.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

You are what you are

I have some people really close to me that seem to mired in the same things all the time: bad relationships, poor finances, "bad luck". Some of them and I have had fairly lengthy and deep discussions concerning these seemingly constant occurrences. Their reply is that they don't know why the same things keep happening. I am prone to say because you keep doing the same thing.

You know, if you keep doing the same things, you'll keep getting the same results. If you keep breaking up with a certain type of person and, then, start dating a similar type of person, the chances of the relationship ending the way the previous one did is quite high. You gotta make better decisions to get better results.

Today's word is a quote from Tony Gaskins that says, "You attract what you ARE, not what you WANT. So, if you WANT it, REFLECT it."

If you want a better person, then, reflect the type person you want. If you want someone that doesn't drink and stay out all night, then, don't drink and stay out all night. If you want to have some money in the bank, then, you have to reflect a saver. You can't be something other than what you ARE. If you want something different, you have to reflect something different.

I have no particular reason for today's post, just wanting to remind us all that you are what you are. If we want something other than that, we are have to reflect and become something other than that. I want to be a better husband, a better father, a better person. I am going to try to reflect that. Pray for me.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, September 21, 2015

We have heard the joyful sound

I had the opportunity to play and sing for Blake's Pre-K class last week. Now, while they may not have enjoyed it as much as I, it was a true thrill and blessing. Blake enjoyed it so much that he has asked every day since if I will come and do it again, and, I will at any request.

There is nothing like music and singing. It seems to lift the spirit and to make the heart smile. It evokes feelings and emotions. It truly is a joyful sound when a bunch of four-year-olds are singing along with you. If you ever get the privilege, take it!

Today's word is also about a joyful sound. It is Psalm 89:15, NIV, which reads, "Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim You, who walk in the light of Your presence, LORD."

Nothing seems to make you feel like acclaiming JESUS! While music and singing with a group of enthusiastic preschoolers is a thrill that is hard to describe, praising JESUS is a bigger thrill. I want to tell those who will listen what JESUS means to me and what He has done for me and what He is going to do! I want others to know that I KNOW from Whom all blessings flow!

I want to sing and play at the preschool as much and as often as they will let me; there's nothing like it. I also want to sing GOD'S praises as often and as much as others will allow; there's nothing like it! When you praise GOD and share your story, you will bless others. And, you'll see just how truly blessed you are!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, September 18, 2015


When you hear the word bread, what comes to mind? Of course, you have the type that is baked and most often comes in a loaf; you have the slang for "money"; and you have food in general. When I think of bread, I most often think of sustenance in general, something that will give me nourishment and fill my stomach.

I am amazed and humbled at how GOD has allowed us the knowledge to take grain and pulverize it and knead it into something that tastes good and is good. But, what if no one tilled and planted and gathered and milled and made into something of sustenance? Some people seem to forget that people actually have to work to make bread, either kind.

Today's word is Proverbs 12:11, NASB, which reads, "He who tills his land will have plenty of bread. But he who pursues worthless things lacks sense."

Lots of people like to be like The Little Red Hen's friends that did nothing but make fun of her preparation but certainly wanted her accumulated goods when they became hungry. There is absolutely nothing wrong with an honest day's work. There is absolutely nothing wrong with working hard to accomplish things. As a matter of fact, I find it down right honorable and pleasing.

Don't be foolish and chase foolish things instead of striving to better yourself and make a life. Pursue something good and honest and worthwhile. You'll find yourself with a full belly, and maybe even a little bread in your wallet.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Crossroad

Ever try to give someone advice and, then, have them go completely 180 on you? Then, when things turn out the way you told them it would if they chose that path, they come back and say, "Well, I thought that was the right thing to do."

Now, it's not that I am a guru or that I know everything; it's just that I have made my share of mistakes, I have taken the wrong paths, and I can share with you the results of certain choices. When they come back, I try to never say, "I told you so," though I really want to. Not because I like to be right, but, because I have already made that mistake - just listen. Yet, we each will face our crossroads and decision times. How do we know which path to take?

Today's word is Jeremiah 6:16, NIV, which reads, "This is what the LORD says, 'Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.' But you said, 'We will not walk in it.'"

When we find ourselves at a crossroads and trying to make the right decision, we need to find the proper map, which is GOD'S Word. If you will allow GOD to direct you through prayer and His word, the correct path will become evident. We need to ask for the right path, ask where the good way is, and then walk in it.

However, there are those, much like I am at times, that will say, "I will not walk in it." We will find ourselves where we don't need to be and we will suffer the consequences for not seeking the right path and not taking the right path. Instead of having rest for our souls, we will find more burdens and suffering. Yet, GOD allows us to choose.

When you find yourself at a crossroad, seek GOD, ask Him to direct your path. Then, walk in it!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Be a quitter

You know there are a lot of times that I hear someone tell me the story of how they got involved in something and their involvement led to some major problems and issues. Then, they turn right around and involve themselves in the same issue again. I am not saying that I haven't been guilty of that very thing myself.

I do try to make it a practice to not make the same mistake twice. If you make a mistake, it's a mistake; if you repeat that same mistake, it's a choice. There are some, though, that just seem to continually put themselves in the same situations, with the same circumstances, with the same players, and expect some different result; that's the definition of stupidity.

Today's word is just a reminder of how we can break those cycles of finding ourselves in the midst of the same situations. It says, "Sometimes the easiest way to solve a problem is to stop participating in the problem."

We often find ourselves wondering how we constantly find ourselves in similar messes with the same old folks. Well, the answer is simple - we put ourselves in similar messes with the same old folks. The way to break that cycle is to remove yourself from that cycle. The only way you ever get out of the pig pen is to get up and remove yourself from the filth of the pig pen.

I am talking to me today as much as anyone. Let's be mindful that we place ourselves in similar situations with similar people and get similar results, and the way to stop that is to stop participating.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


I have been trying to get back into jogging (I'd call it running, but who am I kidding). Some days, the jogging goes a little better and seems a little easier than other days. Some days it feels as if I run fairly easily and other days, it seems as if I am just pounding pavement. It's all about building some endurance.

You can't build endurance without doing something that tests your endurance. The fact is that you can't build up enough endurance to run five miles without actually running five miles. That's the funny part about endurance, you can't build endurance without testing it.

Today's word is James 1:3, NLT, which reads, "For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow."

The way our faith grows is the same as our endurance - it has to be tested. I don't know about you but I have been through things that truly tested my faith. Not that I ever doubted my faith, but it was certainly tested. Well, those faith tests, those faith "exercises" were building my faith muscle in order to aid me in handling more things.

Don't think negative things when things start to go bad. You are building some faith muscles, some endurance that will enable you to defeat the enemy somewhere down the road. And, you will become a faith trainer for others.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, September 14, 2015

Bad Virus

Last week I got an email that was supposedly a resume, which I shouldn't have opened but did, abs it unleashed a virus that corrupted everything on my computer. I should have had things backed up but, alas, I didn't.

When you lose everything you have worked on over the last twelve years or so, including every email, contact, calendar entry, etc., it's daunting to think about.

Today's word is a quote from Henry Ward Beecher, which says, "One's best success comes after their greatest disappointment."

I told Trish that while I'm embarrassed and disappointed, I have a clean slate. I get a chance to put a fresh slant on things. I get a chance to overcome.

Look, I'd love to go back and undo everything but I can't. It's time to move on and see success, which,right now, would be just sending an email to the appropriate people.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Kindness even when

Some people are harder to be nice to than others. I have mentioned before that there are some people that it is best that I try not to spend a great deal of time with because we just don't seem to gee and haw. However, I don't know of anyone that I treat with disrespect just because.

I do know people, though, that just treat people coarsely and rudely just because they aren't fond of them. I think everyone deserves to be treated the way you want to be treated. And, I think that most people treat me better than I actually treat them, which is an absolute shame as I sit hear typing this.

Today's word is a quote from Henry James that says, "Kindness is in our power even when fondness is not."

You don't have to be fond of someone to be kind to them. As a matter of fact, we shouldn't be kind to folks just because we are fond of them. We should be kind to folks just because we can.

I think of how GOD sees me and treats me and how kind He is to me even on my very worst day. I would venture to say that there are countless days that GOD isn't very fond of me or my actions yet, He is still my KIND, loving FATHER.

Let's work on being kind to folks even when we're not necessarily fond of them. I bet we'll find that life is just more enjoyable that way. And, who knows how it may just change their life. You have the power to be kind even when you don't want to be.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

It is necessary

Anyone who has kids knows that it is necessary to discipline, whether it is time out, removal of cherished items, media bans, etc. While discipline is necessary to correct in appropriate and improper behavior, I don't know of anyone that enjoys it, neither the receiver nor the giver.

Just as we must discipline our children from time to time, GOD must discipline His children from time to time also. We do something that we are not to do and we are chastised. Now, again, GOD isn't sitting on His throne waiting for us to make a mistake so that He can nail us with a bolt of lightning. However, He does correct His children. Does He enjoy it?

Today's word is Lamentations 3:33, NLT, which reads, "For He does not enjoy hurting people or causing them sorrow."

There is absolutely nothing about correcting His children that GOD enjoys. Just as earthly parents ache when they have to correct their children, GOD, too, aches when disciplining His. He doesn't relish the opportunity to correct, but He knows He must. The only way to correct a bad behavior is to show the misbehaved the consequences for those behaviors.

Trust me, I do not like being disciplined. I do not like having to discipline my children. If we don't discipline, though, each bad behavior will result in another bad behavior. So, as much as we dislike disciplining, we must do it. As much as GOD dislikes disciplining, He, too, must do it. I pray that I don't cause Him to have to.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, September 4, 2015


I am a big uniformity guy. I have played sports, though not impressively, most of my life. I wore the uniform of the United States Navy. I understand the purpose and the solidarity, the camaraderie, the unity that wearing an uniform brings.

You can tell a lot by the clothes someone wears. You can tell which team they cheer for, where they go to school, what sport they play, what they hold dear, where they have vacationed, where they have eaten, or if they are going out on a fancy date. Most of the time, you will find me in something comfortable and affordable.

Today's word is from Isaiah 61:10, NIV, which reminds us of GOD'S clothing us. It reads, "I delight greatly in the LORD; my soul rejoices in my GOD. For He has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness."

When satan is telling GOD what a bad person I am; how bad I have been today, this week, this year, this life, GOD looks at him and says, "All I see is that he is wearing my uniform." He has accepted my gift of salvation, received the uniform, and all I see is that he is MINE!

What uniform do you wear? It's great to support your team, where you work, who you love, what you stand for. It's even better to wear the uniform that has settled where I'm going.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Too numerous

There are some things that are just hard to put a number on. The national debt comes to mind. While they have a number approaching 18.4 TRILLION dollars, it is hard to fathom that large of a number. Yet, that is not what I want to discuss today.

I think about the number of kisses I have received from my lovely wife. I don't know the exact number but it has been numerous. I think about the moments I have thought of my wife or kids during an average day. How many? Too numerous to count. I think about GOD'S blessings on and in my life - Yeah, that is far too numerous to even comprehend.

Today's word is Psalm 40:5, NLT, which reads, "O LORD, my GOD, You have performed many wonders for us. Your plans for us are too numerous to list. You have no equal..."

GOD has done so many good things for me that if I tried to start naming them, I would never come to the end. Just the fact that I awoke this morning, in a house, with a family, with food to eat, and was able to dress myself, bathe myself, drive myself to work, and have a place to work, entails so many blessings that I could never recite them all. Isn't GOD great!

When I think of all GOD has done for me, I am awed, humbled, and dumbfounded. I cannot begin to number all of His blessings on my family and me - they are too numerous. I bet if you really thought about it, you'd find it is true for you too.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Clint Eastwood

I having a saying that I use quite often when it comes to someone asking me to do something that I know is outside of my competency. I like to say, "In the words of the great American, Clint Eastwood, a man's gotta know his limitations." That, my friend, is really good advice.

There are a few things that I am fairly decent at, even fewer that I have had some success with, but an innumerable amount of things that I will completely and totally botch. I have tried a lot of things and failed, but I keep trying. But, those things that I KNOW I can't do, I will tell you that I can't do them. Those few things that I do fairly well, I know where that comes from too.

Today's word is 2 Corinthians 3:5, NIV, which reads, "Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from GOD."

What little bit of talent or ability that I possess is a gift from GOD. I can take no credit for what few things I can do. Now, I have tried to take those things and hone them and improve them and practice them and get better at them, BUT, they are from GOD. I can't take credit for the gifts GOD has given me; I can own them, I can use them, I can make sure I do not waste them, but they are gifts from GOD, and He deserves the credit.

Don't try to do someone else's gift because, it is theirs. Look, do what you are good at. Give GOD the credit for making you good at what you are good at. Then, remember Clint for the rest - "a man's gotta know his limitations."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Fever Blisters

I have the remnants of a fever blister right on the tip of my nose. It is horrid and makes it look as if I took a dive on the asphalt and got a case of pavement rash on the end of my nose. I normally get fever blisters inside my nose where no one sees them, but not this time.

I don't like having the fever blister on my nose because concerned people want to know what happened. Not that I mind telling them but it's frustrating to have a blemish of any kind, especially in the center or your face. I think we are the same way about out sin. We like to try to keep our sin hidden deep down in the recesses of our innermost being. While it may be out of sight, it is still eating away.

Today's word is a remedy for our disease of sin. It is Psalm 103:2 - 3, NIV, which reads, "Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all His benefits - Who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases."

When I get a fever blister, which isn't that often, I treat it with something - Abreva, Campho-phenique - something that will dry it up and allow it to heal. If you have a health problem, you seek a doctor that can help you with that particular malady. If you're suffering from a sin problem, there is only ONE HEALER, JESUS CHRIST.

Don't let sin eat away at you any longer. Seek healing from GOD, Who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 31, 2015

Your future is bright

I know several young people that are approaching graduations from high school and college that are twenty times smarter than I ever was or will ever be. They have a lot of potential and a really bright future. For those graduating college, I suspect that they will go into the "real" world and make a huge splash. For those headed to college, I suspect that they will just further increase their knowledge and, then, go out into the "real" world and make a huge splash. Yes, bright futures indeed.

The secret, though, is that we all have bright futures if we are GOD'S children. This world may tell us otherwise; it may try to beat us down and discourage us; tell us that we are used up and washed up and worthless, but it is wrong!

Today's word is a simple quote from William Carey that says, "Your future is as bright as the promises of GOD."

How do I know, if you're a child of GOD, that you have a bright future? Because, GOD has promised it and He NEVER breaks His promises. He has promised to never leave us nor forsake us; we are never alone. He has promised to bring us to a good end; it may suck right now but it will get better. He has sent us a Comforter to be with us and guide us and help us.

There are so many promises to talk about but we will finish with the ultimate promise. JESUS said that He was going to prepare us a mansion, and that if He went (and He did), that He would come again (He will), and will receive us unto Himself so that where He is there we will be also. Eternity in Heaven - that is certainly a bright future!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, August 27, 2015


Have you ever lost anything? We have a tendency to lose things around the house quick, fast, and in a hurry. Granted, some of the loses are created by two toddlers that don't always remember what they did with things. But, suffice it to say that we lose things from time to time (and, it's not always the little ones).

Not just losing things, though. Have you ever searched and searched for that something that you just couldn't seem to find? Maybe it was a special gift for someone, a certain book that has been out of print for years, a certain toy that is all the rage but the stores are sold out. Whatever it was, you were diligent and refused to stop looking, to stop searching, until you found it.

Today's word is Luke 11:9, KJV, which reads, "And I say unto you, 'Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.'"

Notice that all the verbs are present tense and active: Ask; Seek; Knock. It doesn't mean to ask once and not ask again. It doesn't mean that if you don't find it the first time to quite looking. It doesn't mean to give one little knock and leave. No, we must actively ask, and actively seek, and actively knock. You're never gonna get it if you don't ask. You'll never find it if you don't seek it. You'll never get the door to open if you only knock once.

GOD has so many wonderful blessing in store for His children, if we will just Ask, Seek, Knock. Do you notice that the first letters of each of these action verbs spell ASK? GOD is listening. He loves you. He wants to do great and wonderful things - ASK.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T