Thursday, September 24, 2015

It's all in the punctuation

Sometimes, people get confused by what others are saying, or texting, because of a lack of punctuation. I know some people that will send a "run-on" text that I can't make heads nor tails of. I have even had to text back and ask, "Huh?"

It's not just with punctuation though. Sometimes, people get confused by what I say. I have had a tendency to misuse words or at least put them in the wrong context. When this happens, it is quite confusing to those that I am speaking to. And, no wonder.

The disciples were having a hard time grasping some of JESUS' teachings, as we all have been. But, like other things, the more you spend time working with it, the more you spend time with someone, the more you learn about someone, the easier it is to understand them. The disciples had that moment in today's word...

Today's word is John 16:29, NIV, which reads, "Then JESUS' disciples said, 'Now You are speaking clearly and without figures of speech."

It's important when we have an important message to deliver that we do it plainly and without figures of speech. If we will practice this, we will avoid confusion and funny looks.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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