Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Be a quitter

You know there are a lot of times that I hear someone tell me the story of how they got involved in something and their involvement led to some major problems and issues. Then, they turn right around and involve themselves in the same issue again. I am not saying that I haven't been guilty of that very thing myself.

I do try to make it a practice to not make the same mistake twice. If you make a mistake, it's a mistake; if you repeat that same mistake, it's a choice. There are some, though, that just seem to continually put themselves in the same situations, with the same circumstances, with the same players, and expect some different result; that's the definition of stupidity.

Today's word is just a reminder of how we can break those cycles of finding ourselves in the midst of the same situations. It says, "Sometimes the easiest way to solve a problem is to stop participating in the problem."

We often find ourselves wondering how we constantly find ourselves in similar messes with the same old folks. Well, the answer is simple - we put ourselves in similar messes with the same old folks. The way to break that cycle is to remove yourself from that cycle. The only way you ever get out of the pig pen is to get up and remove yourself from the filth of the pig pen.

I am talking to me today as much as anyone. Let's be mindful that we place ourselves in similar situations with similar people and get similar results, and the way to stop that is to stop participating.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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