Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Crossroad

Ever try to give someone advice and, then, have them go completely 180 on you? Then, when things turn out the way you told them it would if they chose that path, they come back and say, "Well, I thought that was the right thing to do."

Now, it's not that I am a guru or that I know everything; it's just that I have made my share of mistakes, I have taken the wrong paths, and I can share with you the results of certain choices. When they come back, I try to never say, "I told you so," though I really want to. Not because I like to be right, but, because I have already made that mistake - just listen. Yet, we each will face our crossroads and decision times. How do we know which path to take?

Today's word is Jeremiah 6:16, NIV, which reads, "This is what the LORD says, 'Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.' But you said, 'We will not walk in it.'"

When we find ourselves at a crossroads and trying to make the right decision, we need to find the proper map, which is GOD'S Word. If you will allow GOD to direct you through prayer and His word, the correct path will become evident. We need to ask for the right path, ask where the good way is, and then walk in it.

However, there are those, much like I am at times, that will say, "I will not walk in it." We will find ourselves where we don't need to be and we will suffer the consequences for not seeking the right path and not taking the right path. Instead of having rest for our souls, we will find more burdens and suffering. Yet, GOD allows us to choose.

When you find yourself at a crossroad, seek GOD, ask Him to direct your path. Then, walk in it!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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