Tuesday, September 8, 2015

It is necessary

Anyone who has kids knows that it is necessary to discipline, whether it is time out, removal of cherished items, media bans, etc. While discipline is necessary to correct in appropriate and improper behavior, I don't know of anyone that enjoys it, neither the receiver nor the giver.

Just as we must discipline our children from time to time, GOD must discipline His children from time to time also. We do something that we are not to do and we are chastised. Now, again, GOD isn't sitting on His throne waiting for us to make a mistake so that He can nail us with a bolt of lightning. However, He does correct His children. Does He enjoy it?

Today's word is Lamentations 3:33, NLT, which reads, "For He does not enjoy hurting people or causing them sorrow."

There is absolutely nothing about correcting His children that GOD enjoys. Just as earthly parents ache when they have to correct their children, GOD, too, aches when disciplining His. He doesn't relish the opportunity to correct, but He knows He must. The only way to correct a bad behavior is to show the misbehaved the consequences for those behaviors.

Trust me, I do not like being disciplined. I do not like having to discipline my children. If we don't discipline, though, each bad behavior will result in another bad behavior. So, as much as we dislike disciplining, we must do it. As much as GOD dislikes disciplining, He, too, must do it. I pray that I don't cause Him to have to.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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