Friday, September 25, 2015

Anger's Punishment

There seems to be a lot of angry people in this world, and not just those displeased with my driving. No, it seems that some people are just angry, angry about anything and everything. I am not naive; I know that things aren't all rosy and most days aren't filled with peachy moments. However, there has to be something in each day that makes you sort of happy right? I mean, what is being angry doing for you?

Anger is the reason we read about someone killing someone else because of the last piece of chicken or for the last cigarette or for $4.25. Anger is eating away at people, and not just emotionally. I have mentioned before that you end up with ulcers and insomnia and all kinds of physical problems because you are angry. Anger really punishes.

Today's word is a quote that I have probably used before but it just resonates with me today. This quote has been mistakenly attributed to several people so we will not attribute it to anyone. The quote is, "You will not be punished FOR your anger; you will be punished BY your anger."

No one is going to punish you for your anger, not really. Your actions because of your anger will cause your punishment; you are punished BY your anger, not for it. It's okay to be angry from time to time. As a matter of fact, there is something wrong with you if some things don't anger you. The Bible even tells us to, "Be angry and sin not." So, it is okay to be or get angry. It's not okay to continually be angry.

Yes, there are lots of things out there that cause me anger; there are a lot of things out there that anger me more than I should let them. But, why remain angry? Why let anger eat away at all the good things you do have? Why let anger steal the joys that are found in everyday living? Stop punishing yourself - STOP BEING ANGRY!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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