I have been trying to get back into jogging (I'd call it running, but who am I kidding). Some days, the jogging goes a little better and seems a little easier than other days. Some days it feels as if I run fairly easily and other days, it seems as if I am just pounding pavement. It's all about building some endurance.
You can't build endurance without doing something that tests your endurance. The fact is that you can't build up enough endurance to run five miles without actually running five miles. That's the funny part about endurance, you can't build endurance without testing it.
Today's word is James 1:3, NLT, which reads, "For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow."
The way our faith grows is the same as our endurance - it has to be tested. I don't know about you but I have been through things that truly tested my faith. Not that I ever doubted my faith, but it was certainly tested. Well, those faith tests, those faith "exercises" were building my faith muscle in order to aid me in handling more things.
Don't think negative things when things start to go bad. You are building some faith muscles, some endurance that will enable you to defeat the enemy somewhere down the road. And, you will become a faith trainer for others.
Be Blessed,
Mickey T
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