Monday, August 31, 2015

Your future is bright

I know several young people that are approaching graduations from high school and college that are twenty times smarter than I ever was or will ever be. They have a lot of potential and a really bright future. For those graduating college, I suspect that they will go into the "real" world and make a huge splash. For those headed to college, I suspect that they will just further increase their knowledge and, then, go out into the "real" world and make a huge splash. Yes, bright futures indeed.

The secret, though, is that we all have bright futures if we are GOD'S children. This world may tell us otherwise; it may try to beat us down and discourage us; tell us that we are used up and washed up and worthless, but it is wrong!

Today's word is a simple quote from William Carey that says, "Your future is as bright as the promises of GOD."

How do I know, if you're a child of GOD, that you have a bright future? Because, GOD has promised it and He NEVER breaks His promises. He has promised to never leave us nor forsake us; we are never alone. He has promised to bring us to a good end; it may suck right now but it will get better. He has sent us a Comforter to be with us and guide us and help us.

There are so many promises to talk about but we will finish with the ultimate promise. JESUS said that He was going to prepare us a mansion, and that if He went (and He did), that He would come again (He will), and will receive us unto Himself so that where He is there we will be also. Eternity in Heaven - that is certainly a bright future!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, August 27, 2015


Have you ever lost anything? We have a tendency to lose things around the house quick, fast, and in a hurry. Granted, some of the loses are created by two toddlers that don't always remember what they did with things. But, suffice it to say that we lose things from time to time (and, it's not always the little ones).

Not just losing things, though. Have you ever searched and searched for that something that you just couldn't seem to find? Maybe it was a special gift for someone, a certain book that has been out of print for years, a certain toy that is all the rage but the stores are sold out. Whatever it was, you were diligent and refused to stop looking, to stop searching, until you found it.

Today's word is Luke 11:9, KJV, which reads, "And I say unto you, 'Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.'"

Notice that all the verbs are present tense and active: Ask; Seek; Knock. It doesn't mean to ask once and not ask again. It doesn't mean that if you don't find it the first time to quite looking. It doesn't mean to give one little knock and leave. No, we must actively ask, and actively seek, and actively knock. You're never gonna get it if you don't ask. You'll never find it if you don't seek it. You'll never get the door to open if you only knock once.

GOD has so many wonderful blessing in store for His children, if we will just Ask, Seek, Knock. Do you notice that the first letters of each of these action verbs spell ASK? GOD is listening. He loves you. He wants to do great and wonderful things - ASK.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Alright, confession time. When people do strange things and others say, "Well, it takes all kinds," I have a saying that goes, "No. It doesn't take all kinds, we just have all kinds." That's not to belittle or discount anyone, everyone has value and is important. I'm just saying that we don't NEED people doing all kinds of weirdness and evil - it's just that we HAVE people doing all kinds of weirdness and evil.

I have not doubt that we are influenced by those we spend our time with. Now, I am a FIRM believer that we are each, individually responsible for everything we do - don't try to blame it on your acquaintances. However, the more we hang around with people, the more we tend to think and behave like them. We have to watch whom we hang out with.

Today's word is just a thought to remind us that we choose who we spend time with, and we should choose wisely. It says, "You cannot change the people around you, but you can change the people that you choose to be around."

Those people that choose to do weird and evil things, you are probably never going to change. You can hang out with them, you can do things with them, you can try to influence them, but, more than likely, you'll begin to see yourself moving more in their direction than vice versa. Once again, not saying that it isn't worth trying to change folks; just saying that if they don't start changing quickly, don't allow them to bring you to their level.

The flip side of that is that while you may not be able to change those people around you, you can choose to hang out with different people. You see, that choice is yours, and it goes back to the fact that we are each, individually responsible. If you find that the people you are around are bringing you down instead of lifting and building you up, choose to be around different people. You might be surprised at the difference it makes.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Hold Tight

Blake, who is soon to turn four, loves ships and things nautical. One of my favorite things to ask him is, "What does an anchor do?" His reply is, "It holds a ship," or "It stops a boat." There is a great lesson in that...

An anchor does just that, keeps a vessel from drifting. When you are out in the open water, wind and currents will move your vessel from one place to another. If you're not careful, you may find yourself in a mess of weeds or briars or maybe even a hornets nest. You need that anchor to keep you steady, to keep you from drifting.

Today's word is Deuteronomy 11:22, NLT, which reads, "Be careful to obey all these commands I am giving you. Show love to the LORD your GOD by walking in His ways and holding tightly to Him."

There will be some rough patches in this life. If you haven't had one, you will. If you have had one, there will be more. Things will happen in this life that will get you off kilter, that will test your fortitude, that will batter and break you. If you aren't solidly anchored, you'll find yourself drifting and headed for even more trouble.

If we will carefully obey GOD'S commands and walk in His ways, we will find that we are on solid ground, even in the midst of the darkest, tumultuous storm.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 24, 2015

The Time is Right

A friend of ours had asked us to pray that GOD would give her wisdom, discernment, and peace about a decision she needed to make. So, we've been praying with her. Today she told me she had made the decision to become a business owner, which will enable her to pursue this endeavor into retirement and allow her more time to be available. It took a while for her to hear GOD but once she did, she moved.

Some things in life take a little longer to become clear than others. There are times you may find yourself praying for weeks, months, years and it seems that nothing ever happens. Then, there are other times when it seems you hardly get the prayer prayed and it has happened. I know it seems that way to me.

Today's word is a prayer I came across that sort of sums this up for me. It says, "Dear GOD, I may not understand why everything is happening in my life right now, but I just wanted to say, 'I trust You and I Love You."

It is difficult to understand why we must go through some things that we must go through; why it seems that some prayers are answered immediately and some seem that they will never be answered. I was sharing with a friend yesterday that I know GOD has a plan, I just wish He'd let me in on it. It does get uncomfortable at times when we don't understand why.

Just as our friend sought discernment and peace. Just as I know GOD has a plan. We must trust that GOD has it all handled and we'll see that it was all working for our good in due time. I am just going to trust GOD for He knows best. How do I know? Because He loves me. And, He love you too.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, August 21, 2015


People have heard me say before, and I really and truly mean it, "I am not amazed at what GOD does, He's GOD. I am amazed at what He does for me." I am blessed beyond measure, though I often take it for granted. I am not blessed because of the material things I have, though, they are nice and plentiful. No, I am blessed because of the spiritual - I am a child of the KING!

When things don't seem to be going my way, which happens, and I begin to feel as if I am someone's pin cushion, I try to remember that GOD loves me. On those days when I do things that I know I shouldn't do, when I am not the witness that I should be, when I feel bad because of my actions/inactions, I remember that GOD loves me despite all that.

Today's word is a quote from Roy Lessin that says, "It is wonderful to know that GOD is love, and even more wonderful to know that He loves us."

It is wonderful to know that GOD is love, that He exemplifies love by His sacrifice to redeem us back to Him. GOD proved His love on the cross. GOD proves His love by making a way for man to receive the greatest Gift ever. GOD is love!

It is even more wonderful, though, to know that GOD, the all powerful, the all knowing, the omnipotent, omniscient, would love someone like me. Despite all my faults and failures, despite all my shortcomings, despite myself, GOD LOVES ME! That truly is WONDERFUL!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, August 20, 2015

I'm happy if you're happy

I have a really good older friend that I don't know that I have ever heard him say anything negative or derogatory about anyone. I asked him about it one day and he told me that if anyone ever asked him if he liked something they were wearing, and he didn't, he would simply say, "I like it if you like it."

It's funny how we are sometimes. Well, I can speak for me anyway. Someone comes into some good fortune: a job promotion, a new position, a big raise; and, instead of being happy for them, we find ourselves jealous and even envious of them. I know it's human nature, but, shouldn't we be happy if someone is happy (to a certain degree; but, we won't get into moral, ethical, and spiritual matters, just generally speaking)?

Today's word is Romans 12:15, NLT, which reads, "Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep."

As I mentioned, I have my difficulties with this too. But, why can't we be happy when others are happy? I am not greedy or selfish or envious or covetous. I am glad that others are doing well. GOD supplies ALL my NEEDS. He has a better plan for me than I could ever think, dream, or imagine! Yet, sometimes, I quell others' happiness with my unhappiness.

I pray that I will be happy with those who are happy. I don't want to be the downer when someone else experiences a lift. I want to rejoice with them! Be Happy!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Don't let them take you

There has been an enormous amount of coverage concerning ISIS and their ability to attract and pull, especially young people, in. I see these stories and wonder how they do this. However, all you have to do is realize that people are searching for something, anything, and the person who shouts loudest is the person they are drawn to.

It is difficult to understand why anyone would be led astray by such violent and depraved beliefs, but, then, it isn't that hard at all. The Bible is clear that people have itching ears; they are looking for anything to appeal to their sinful and lustful nature. And, usually, they find it in some radical extremism.

Today's word is a caution about just this thing. It comes from Colossians 2:8, NIV, which reads, "See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition...rather than on CHRIST."

So many people are being led astray and held captive by these hollow and deceptive religions. They find some shred of radical belief that appeals to their sinful, human nature and, once they give in, they are captive. I don't know about you but I don't want to be held captive by any person or religion. I want to be held safely in GOD'S palm!

To keep from being captured, you must avoid the traps and the snares. In order to do that, you have to know where they are; a map would come in really handy for this purpose. For a map, we need look no further than GOD'S Word. Compare what others are saying to what GOD says. If we will do that, we shall be free indeed!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 17, 2015

That's how I know

Ever wonder if GOD has a purpose for you? Ever wonder if you are doing what GOD wants you to do? Ever wonder how to know if you're doing what GOD wants you to do? I think we have all had those questions.

It isn't always easy to feel that we are doing what GOD wants us to do. I don't know about you but I have, at times, struggled with just trying to figure out if GOD had something for me to do. If you've ever struggled with wondering if GOD has a purpose for you, today's word is for you.

Today's word is a thought I came across that I don't know who to attribute it to but it is a wonderful way to know you are part of GOD'S plan. It simply says, "Place your hand over your heart. Feel that? That's called purpose. You are alive for a reason!"

On those difficult days when it seems that the sun will never shine again, in the midst of those darkest storms when it seems that peace will never be again, when those doubts arise that GOD has a plan that you are a part of, KNOW that if you are ALIVE, there is a plan.

I have experienced those moments, just as most people have. It is easy to get bogged down with things. It is easy to wonder where you fit into the plan. Let's remember that if you feel a heartbeat, you are part of the plan!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, August 14, 2015

Do it correctly

If you haven't been keeping up with it, there have been more protests and violence in parts of our country. While I fully believe that there is a place and time for standing up for what you believe, I also believe it is to be done peacefully. I don't see how you expect to gain peace by acting a fool and creating chaos.

What I have read this morning is that there were over 100 arrested last night as the protests proved, once again, to be less than peaceful. Once again, while there is a time and place for standing up for what you believe, if it's not done peacefully, all you have is anarchy, which leads to anything but justice and resolution.

With these uprisings and unrest in mind, today's word is Philippians 2:14 - 15a, NIV, which reads, "Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure..."

While everyone may think that the violent protests attract attention, it does; and, gets their point across, it doesn't. If we truly want to take a stand, we must do it in a way that proves that GOD is with us. GOD is not the author of confusion or chaos, satan is. So, if all we are doing with our protests is creating chaos and confusion, it is not of GOD.

So, let's do things GOD'S way so that others will find us blameless and pure and a light in this dark and evil world. If we do that, we may find that our protests prove more fruitful and actually accomplish something other than confusion and chaos.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Life's too short

I was talking to a friend last night that I hadn't seen in a little while and he was telling me that his youngest son has started fourth grade. I would have thought the son might have been in second. Time flies!

I've mentioned before that I have a tendency at times to think about all the future things that need to happen, that I need to get done, and I lose sight of the joys of today. It is a terrible thing to get so wrapped up and distracted by future things that you miss all the goodness and blessings of today. Once today is gone, you cannot get it back!

Today's word is a reminder of this fact. It is Ecclesiastes 11:10, NASB, which reads, "So,  remove grief and anger from your heart and put away pain from your body, because childhood and the prime of life are fleeting."

Life is short. We only have a few days here on this earth, why waste it being bitter and angry? I have a wonderfully blessed life. I have a life that others dream of having. I have been blessed with so many good things in this life that I need to enjoy today because LIFE IS FLEETING!

It won't be long before our youngest will be in fourth grade, then high school, then college. I know it may seem like a distant future right now but I know it will happen quicker than I can comprehend. Give up the grudge. Don't be angry. Enjoy today!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Hurt or Comfort

My thoughts today concern something that I have talked about numerous times before - truth. I guess it may be the political debates starting up or some news snippet I heard or just some of the things I have been privy to lately but I wonder why some people have a hard time telling the truth.

Of course, there are the obvious reasons: to make themselves appear better than they truly are; to cover up some indiscretion in their past; to take advantage of you; to keep themselves out of trouble; etc. But, sometimes, especially with those that really care about us, people lie to keep from hurting us.

Today's word is a quote I came across that I really like. It says, "Hurt me with the truth...but don't comfort me with a lie."

There is a time and place for lying (Please don't ever tell my children I said that). I mean, use some tact and discernment; no one needs to hear that they are ugly enough to back a buzzard off a gut wagon. However, if they are doing something that could cause them or someone else harm, you need to tell them the truth.

I'm a big boy; I can handle the truth. So, if I need to hear something to straighten me out or to keep me from following a bad path, tell me! I would much rather hear the truth and hurt a little than to have someone comfort me with a lie that causes more pain once the truth is revealed.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 10, 2015

Set a guard

Anyone who has children will vouch for what I am about to say - they will repeat anything you say, and at the most inopportune time. Not that we have had an embarrassing moment, yet, but I know it is coming. Our two are like sponges that only seem to pick up the worst of my behavior. I pray daily that I will set a good example.

But, even the little things. For example, I apologized one evening for being a bit of a butthole during the day. Now, I hadn't abused anyone or talked down to anyone but I had been short a couple of times and not as nice as I should have been and had apologized for being a butthole, which I had been. Well, if you don't think a three-year-old and a two-year-old picked up on that, you have never had a three-year-old or two-year-old.

Today's word is Psalm 141:3, NIV, which reads, "Set a guard over my mouth, LORD; set watch over the door of my lips."

I don't ever want to say something that will cause someone to miss JESUS, that will cause someone to fail because I did. I will say, again, that you would be hard pressed to ever hear a foul or curse word from me but I have my slang, and our little ones eat it up. I bet that those that watch my Christian witness do too.

I pray that GOD will guard my mouth and not allow me to offend or turn anyone off from Him.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, August 7, 2015


Well, today, Trish is leaving her full-time, consistent, paying job to pursue the opportunity to gain full-time employment within the school system so that when our kids get old enough to attend school, we will have someone on the same schedule. It is an uncomfortable spot at times.

We have prayed and know that this is what we need to do. We know that GOD has a plan and that His plan is better than anything we could ever think, dream, or imagine. Yet, the human side of us wonders how we are going to give up a steady paycheck in lieu of picking up a substitute job here and there. The finances may prove to be a challenge but, with GOD, we are ready to accept it.

Today's word is a quote that reminds me not to miss the lesson in this decision. It says, "If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you."

Back in boot camp, there were challenges. Each time we accomplished another obstacle, it changed us - we were physically stronger, more determined, more confident, more focused, mentally tougher. Those challenges weren't just to challenge us, but to change us.

So, too, is this new season that we, as a family, are entering into. Yeah, I am sure there will be times that we will be challenged. But, in the end, those challenges will change us into what we need to be.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, August 6, 2015

It's okay to be humble

I have to admit that I can be downright cocky. I have probably mentioned before that I trash talk playing horseshoes. I mean, I am competitive and I love to win. Now, in my life, I have had my share of losing, which has taught me how to lose but, I can be really cocky.

However, my cockiness is a lot of show. I like to win, I don't like losing, but I am not an "in your face" type of person. If I ever win anything, it is because GOD has designed it and a lot of other people have aided in it. There are very few things I can think of in my life that I can take full credit for, very few victories anyway.

Today's word is a quote from B.R. Jensen that says, "The humble, serving heart is GOD'S home - from there His caring love can touch the world."

I have a really hard time deciphering the message of some athlete that is saying, "I praise GOD," then, goes on to say, "I am the greatest player out there. No one can stop me." Now, are they really praising GOD or themselves? Wouldn't it be refreshing to hear some athlete or musician or singer or some celebrity say, "I praise GOD for allowing me to be such a small part in His plan, and especially for saving my soul and adopting me into His family."

No one stands alone. We all have others to thank, in one way or another, for helping us become who we are. We especially have to give credit for all good things to GOD. It is when we allow ourselves to be humble that others will see the true love of GOD. I need to work on that cockiness...

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, August 3, 2015


If we all look back, I am sure that we could all think of one teacher that really stood out for us. Maybe they stood out because they were nice, or maybe because they weren't. Maybe they stood out because they were easy, or maybe because they made you really earn it. Yet, I believe we can all recall a specific teacher for one reason or another.

We are about a week from schools returning from summer break. Today, I think of those who teach our children. It is often a tireless, thankless job. But, oh what worthwhile work it is. It is essential; it is a must. And, I thank those willing to instruct and teach.

Today's word is just a simple blessing to those who choose to teach: "Blessed are those who teach GOD'S children."

I am sure if you ask a teacher that really wants to teach, who is called to teach, who can imagine himself/herself doing absolutely nothing else, you will find that they will say it is such a blessing. But, the truth of the matter is that we are blessed to have people so willing to teach us. I pray that our children will be instructed by teachers that are called to teach.

And, for those of you who teach because you know that is what GOD created you for - THANK YOU! Have a great school year!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T