Friday, July 30, 2021

Look to Him

As we continue through the pandemic, I am often reminded of the struggles and loses so many have suffered. It has been unprecedented and unnerving. It has been so challenging financially, emotionally, physically, spiritually. And, it seems to rage on and on.

We have been so blessed through it all. We have continued to work and remain healthy. We have been able to worship with our church family and fellowship with others. We have been blessed with support and encouragement and have felt the outpouring of love from our friends and families. I know that may not be the case with all, and we pray for them daily. 

In the midst of this seemingly unrelenting, never ending pandemic, it is easy to become concerned with all that is going on in this world. It is easy to become overwhelmed with all that we see and hear and think. As Christians, we know that GOD has it all under control and He is working things out for us. But, it is still worrisome and greatly concerning. 

It is when things are chaotic and confusing that we must focus on what really matters. We must concentrate on taking care of our families and ourselves. We must focus on the important things and let those less important things be less important. We must focus on the fact that GOD is on our side and that He will see us through. It may be dark at the present moment but He will see us through. 

Today's word is Colossians 3:2, NKJV, which reads, "Set your minds on things above, not on things on the earth." We must look to JESUS and remember that this world isn't all there is. We have a SAVIOR and an ADVOCATE in Heaven, look to Him.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Bear One Another's Burdens

Yesterday afternoon, we had a deluge. If you had heard the word but had no idea what it really meant, yesterday would have given you the visual to verify what a deluge was. It rained so hard and fell so fast that there were inches of standing water on most roadways. Creeks were quickly overwhelmed and flowed out of their banks. Basements were flooded.

One of the flooded basements belonged to one (1) of my nieces. Their house sits near a little creek that usually conveys water away from their house but, yesterday, it couldn't keep up and water entered the basement. It was probably a good inch and a half or better throughout the bottom floor. It was a mess.

She had called to ask if I had a shop vac to help them in the clean up effort. When we finally arrived, her sister, another niece, was there helping. The other niece's boyfriend was there helping. It was pretty humbling, encouraging, and impressive to see the others come to help someone else. We need more of that in this world.

Today's word is a reminder that we are here to help one another: Galatians 6:2, NKJV, reads, "Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of CHRIST."

JESUS tells us to love GOD with all we have, and to love our neighbor as ourself. Showing up and bearing a burden for someone is certainly a tangible way to do exactly that. Hopefully, the example set yesterday will be a reminder to us all that we are here to bear one another's burdens.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T 

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Be Glad

If you have ever asked me, "How are you doing," you have probably heard me reply, "Blessed and Highly Favored." I know how blessed I am and how much undeserved favor the LORD gives me each and every day. I know that everyone else experiences His blessings and favor, too, but, they don't also acknowledge it.

I know this world can beat us down and wear away at our joy and excitement. But, the truth is, I was able to get up this morning and type out this blog. I was able to fix my own coffee, give myself a shower, dress myself, walk to the vehicle. On top of that, I have my wonderful wife and kids, a place to go to work, and I will return this evening, Good LORD willing, to our home. Lots of blessings, and I am just skimming the surface.

Today's word is Psalm 126:3, NKJV, which reads, "The LORD has done great things for us, And we are glad."

If you are wondering what GOD has done for you, just look around. If you are living in a free country; if you are walking and talking and seeing and hearing; if you are able to feed yourself and have something to eat, you have more than many folks in this world. But, it is even more than that..

If you have accepted CHRIST as your SAVIOR, you have so much to be thankful for. One (1) day, you will spend eternity in Heaven with JESUS, which is a blessing that I cannot put into words. So, as you go throughout your day today, look around and see the great things that GOD has done for you, and be glad.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Love them anyway

Years ago, I knew someone that just loved to hate. We were having a discussion about this one afternoon and I mentioned that the Bible tells us that if we say we hate someone that is like murdering them in GOD'S eye. And, how can we say we love GOD but hate our brother? To this, he replied, "Well, there are some people that I just hate, and GOD will just have to understand that."

There are people that think it is okay to hate. I can honestly say that I don't know of anyone that I hate. Do I dislike some of the things that certain people do? Yes. Do I dislike some of the ways people act? Yes. Do I know people that it is best that I am not around because, we just don't see eye to eye and we don't gee and haw? Yes. But, there is not a soul that I hate.

Today's word is 1 John 4:8, NKJV, which reads, "He who does not love does not know GOD, for GOD is love."

This scripture tells us that if we hate someone, then, we don't really know GOD. I wonder how I can not love someone, especially given the fact that GOD loves me. I don't deserve His love. I don't merit His kindness and goodness. Yet, He gives it to me because He loves me. And, if He can love me, with all my faults and failures, why can I not love everyone else?

Look there will always be those that are not good matches for us. There will be those that just get on our last nerve and it is best that we are not together. There will always be those who do things that we do not like. But, GOD loves us, so, love them anyway.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, July 19, 2021

Do not Give Up

Obviously, it has been a while since the last post. It has to do with VBS and being tired and a thousand different things going on. While I say tired, anyone that has ever played a part in VBS knows that there is no tired live VBS tired. However, there is also nothing more exhilarating than watching kids at VBS. Nothing.

And, during our week of VBS, we had 7 make decisions to follow CHRIST, which is what VBS is all about. And, when GOD shows up and shows out like that, no matter how tired you are, you realize that it is worth every second of it. We are called to share the Gospel and to tell others about JESUS, then, we let GOD do the rest.

Today's word is a simple one that we have used before but it is fitting for what we have seen GOD do. Galatians 6:9, NIV, reads, "Let us not grow weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."

Sometimes, it may seem as if our efforts are futile and that we aren't doing any good. However, we are called to sow the seeds, then, let GOD do His work. Don't quit going and sowing. Don't quit telling others about the saving power that is only by Grace through Faith in JESUS CHRIST. Do not give up!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, July 12, 2021


We are having VBS this week, which is always a special week. There is nothing like having the humbling opportunity to share JESUS with anyone, especially children. Yes, it will be a very tiring and trying week, but, it will also be filled with joy and laughter and seed planting.

As you probably know, there is nothing like having children. Yes, they can be challenging, and ours have certainly had their days. But, to see life through the lives our your children is a blessing and privilege that cannot be overstated. Seeing my children happy and having fun and interacting with others is a joy that I cannot explain.

Today's word is Psalm 127:3, NLT, which reads, "Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from Him."

The birth of a child is a miracle that GOD allows us to be a part of. Some never get the opportunity to experience the miracle of childbirth, which emphasizes even more what a miracle it is. And, when GOD allows us the blessing of trying to raise children, we further know what a blessing it is. 

Pray for Trish and me that we are the blessing to our children that they are to us. Pray that children all over the world will know the love of family and, more especially, the love of GOD. And, pray for us this week during VBS that we will share the love of GOD and the Gospel of CHRIST with these children. 

Be Blessed,

Mickey T 

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

True Freedom

We just celebrated Independence Day. Over 245 years ago, the Second Continental Congress adopted The Declaration of Independence, the document declaring that we, the United States of America, would no longer be under England's rule. 

The Declaration of Independence granted some inalienable rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. People think that it grants happiness; it grants the pursuit of happiness. Happiness is something that you have to find for yourself but you can't infringe on others' rights to fulfill your happiness. In short, the Declaration of Independence granted some freedoms.

So, what is "freedom"? For some, it may mean being free to do as you want to when you want to. However, we are still, thankfully, governed by laws. And, we should be glad that we have laws, for in this world, you cannot have true freedom without laws. There are too many evil and deceitful and thoughtless people in this world that, without laws, they would destroy all the good in this world. 

We also can't be completely free because of the other laws we have. The law of nature, if you want to call it that, dictates that we are only going to live so long and we are going to lose things as we age. Trust me, we do. The law of gravity keeps me from flying, which I think would be really cool. We will never be truly free in this world. But...

Today's word is John 8:36, NKJV, which reads, "Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed."

We know true freedom through salvation in JESUS CHRIST. One day, we will be free from pain, sorrow, worries, aches, evil, sin - we will be free. If you don't know Him, you will NEVER be truly free. True freedom only comes through JESUS.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Kind Words

So, I am a fairly realistic person. Some would say that I am an optimist because, I always see things as figureoutable. I don't know that that makes me an optimist though. I am a realist that things are what they are. We are going to have the days when things don't go our way - A LOT of them. But, if we really try, we can find something good even on those days.

The other part of being a realist is that I try to remind myself to be nicer to people than you have to be because you never know what they may be going through. I know that I can put on a happy face and have a stiff upper lip, and hide behind the mask of everything is okay, even when everything is not okay. I also know that others do. So, be nice.

Today's word is just a simple thought: "One kind word can change someone's entire day."

We don't know what someone is going through, and we may have the one (1) word that changes his/her outlook for the entire day. And, we know that our words are powerful and effective. Why not choose kind ones? Why not use our words to say nice things and to build people up? Why not use our words to let others know that things are figureoutable?

Be Blessed,

Mickey T