Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Hard Part

I am at a conference in a town known for its partying. It is my first time to attend this particular conference. I am grateful to be here; there are lots of good technical sessions, every equipment supplier imaginable, and endless networking opportunities. It is truly an honor and privilege that my boss has allowed me.

I have heard stories of others that, at this particular venue, have allowed themselves to be drawn in by the partying opportunities. They tell me of those who have gone out, stayed out all night, and struggle to get to dinner the next night. I am not judging them, to each his own, but I recognize that, whether they like it or not, I represent my company, and I plan to represent the best that I can. More importantly, I know that I represent my SAVIOR, and, once again, I plan to represent the best I can.

Today's word is a quote from the late General H. Norman Schwarzkopf, which says, "The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it."

We all know how to behave and how to act and how to conduct ourselves. We all know the right things to do, the right things to say, the proper manners. The hard part is doing those right things. The hard part is letting go of temporary satisfaction for continual integrity.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with having some fun and enjoying life. There is nothing wrong with letting your hair down and cutting loose. There is something wrong with forgetting who you represent, and to Whom you belong. We know the right thing to do.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Busy, Busy, Busy

It's been a few days since posting because I have been really busy. It seems that I am working, working, working and not accomplishing anything. I mean, I know I must be gaining ground on some of it but it is hard to see.

Life is that way sometimes. It seems that the harder we try to get things done, the less we seem to get done. Yet, if we keep trying, eventually, we will see the fruits of our labors. It is difficult to see it all now but I know that GOD will see me through and help me with all that I do.

Today's verse is Proverbs 16:3, ESV, which reads, "Commit your work to the LORD, and you plans will be established."

During those times that it seems I am working hard and losing ground, I keep in mind that if I am doing things with the mindset that I am doing it for GOD, if I am committing my efforts to GOD, if I am diligently trying to please Him as I serve others, He will help me accomplish what needs to be accomplished. If I will do my part, and work hard to accomplish my duties, He will help me meet the deadlines.

There will be stressful days. There will be times when it seems that there needs to be more of us. There will be times when it seems that our efforts are futile. However, if we will commit what we do to GOD, He will help us succeed.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, September 22, 2014

In everything set an example

I have noticed our, now, three-year-old exhibiting my mannerisms, which isn't necessarily a good thing. I have a tendency to say, "Goodness," or "My goodness," when things aren't going exactly according to my plans. He has picked this up.

I can also see him doing some of my gestures, trying to walk the way I walk, sitting the way I sit, even trying to eat the way I eat. It is rather humbling, and scary, to see him mimic me. I really need to be a good example.

Today's word is one I have probably used before but it has really been on my mind lately. It is Titus 2:7, and today we will use the North American Standard Bible (NASB), which reads, "In all things show yourself to be an example of good deeds, with purity in doctrine, dignified."

I need to be a good example in all things. Those around me, especially our little ones, need to see a good example from me. How are they going to learn to give if they see me try to hoard everything? How are they ever going to learn to share if they don't see me do the same? And, it goes much deeper than that.

They need to see my example in how I eat, how I exercise, how I treat others, how I read my Bible, how I study GOD'S message, how I respond to negativity, how I correct bad behavior in myself and in others. There is so much they will learn from me; they need to see JESUS displayed through me. In ALL things I need to show myself a good example.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, September 19, 2014

Turn the page

I've mentioned before that I don't forget much. If you did me wrong fifteen years ago, I'll forgive you but I won't give you the opportunity to do me wrong again. However, I, also, won't hold it over your head forever either. The only person that suffers from holding a grudge is the one holding the grudge.

There are some people that just cannot let it go. Yeah, you poked me in the eye. Yeah, it hurt. No, I will not give you the opportunity to do it again. But, I won't continue to beat you over the head about it for the next century. It serves no purpose to continue to hold that grudge other than to give me an ulcer.

Today's word is a quote that says, "You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one."

Yes, you should remember when you are wronged, because no one deserves to be wronged, especially twice by the same person. However, if all you do is hold on to that and bring it up again and again and again, all you are doing is creating dissension and disharmony. In addition to that, you are giving yourself an ulcer and depriving everyone around you peace.

You will never move to the next phase of your life until you get tired of this one. You'll never read the next chapter until you stop re-reading this one. Turn the page.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Big Faith

I like King of the Hill. Yeah, I know, it's not the best show to watch, and it isn't the most politically correct show at times. I just like the characters and the overt patriotism. There's just something in me that is drawn to supporting my country.

Anyway, in one particular episode of King of the Hill, Boomhauer's brother, Patch, is engaged to marry a former flame of Boomhauer's. Yet, Patch is still trying to live the bachelor's life while just days away from getting married. Boomhauer calls his brother on this and all the others think that Boomhauer's dressing his brother down stems from jealousy about his brother marrying an old flame. Needless to say, in the end, the truth is found out, and the marriage is called off.

I said all that to say that there is a scene in that particular episode when Hank tells Boomhauer, "Well, Boomhauer, you used to always beat your brother at everything, but this time it looks like he's going to be you to getting married." As Boomhauer is walking away, he tells Hank, "Dang ol' life ain't no dang ol' race, man, talkin' bout dang journey man."

Today's word is a simple quote that says, "Let your FAITH be bigger than your Fears."

We never know what life is going to present us. We can be walking along thinking that everything is going just lovely and the next thing you know, a passing vehicle hits a puddle and covers us with mud. That doesn't mean that life is bad, it just simply means that our journey will have some mud puddles. Yet, if we wallow in that moment, the depth of that moment, the displeasure of that moment, we begin to think that life is bad and that it is always bad and that it will always be bad. We have to have faith that it will be better - BECAUSE IT WILL!

Don't let your fears overrule your faith. Don't let your fears steal tomorrow's joy. Let your FAITH be bigger than your Fears! Life isn't a race, it's not about today, it is the culmination of a lifetime. Live FAITHFULLY!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, September 12, 2014


Today is National Day of Encouragement. There is nothing better than a little encouragement. I am who I am today because someone took the time to encourage me to do something, to be something, to be better than the person I was becoming. Now, I am far from what I should be, not even what I could be, but I am also very far from what I was.

One word of encouragement could make all the difference in the world to someone. Why not try to encourage someone? Yeah, I know, there are those who seem bent to destroy themselves and take everyone with them in the process. They need encouragement. But, on the other hand, maybe they are in your life to strengthen you for what is coming next.

With the National Day of Encouragement in mind, today's word is, "The struggle you are in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow. Don't Give Up!"

As you've heard me say before, "Sometimes, Life Sucks". It just does. Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug. But, just because today sucks doesn't mean tomorrow will too. You may find that what you are going through today will be useful in helping someone else overcome tomorrow.

There will be struggles but without them there would be no strength. Don't Ever Give Up!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Things I take for granted

Ever have a pot boil over? Man, it can really make a mess. There is little that compares to scorched milk boiling over onto the cook top. However, when a chocolate or caramel fountain "boils over", we find that to be very pleasing and appealing. I guess it's about how you look at things.

There are so many things I take for granted every day. I have mentioned before that the little things: walking, talking, seeing, hearing, thinking, comprehending, are all things that we do so effortlessly that we often forget how blessed we are to do them. On top of that, I have the best family, a great job that I really enjoy, pretty good health, and, when this life is over, I am going to Heaven!

Today's word is just a saying I came across that sums things up. It says, "The things you take for granted, someone else is praying for."

While scorched milk boiling over onto a cook top is an inconvenience, there are so many folks out there that are praying for their next meal to come along. Even when my family tests my patience, there are those who are lonely and are looking for someone, anyone that will spare a little time for them. I hear so many people complain about their jobs, and there are so many more just praying for a chance to work somewhere so that they can provide for their family.

I know that I am blessed beyond imagination. I know that I have so many things that I often take for granted. I have been given things that I fail to appreciate as much as I should. I have come to realize that the little things that I so often take for granted, someone else is praying for. LORD, thank You for Your many blessings!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Truth

What is truth? The dictionary definition is "that which is true or is in accordance with fact or reality." So, the truth is something that is factual or real. I am a man - Truth. I am a wealthy man - not True. Just from that simple example, we can see how easy it is to distinguish Truth.

However, so many people get tripped up trying to find truth. Their problem lies in the "in accordance with fact or reality" section. They will take whatever some people say as fact, when, in fact, the other person is lying, lying, lying. Others have a hard time dealing with reality, so, they take whatever comes as reality - today is horrible, tomorrow is going to be equally bad, etc.

Here's a fact...if you diligently seek truth, you will find it. And, when you find Truth, you will feel something unlike anything you have felt before. The feeling might be disbelief, hurt, anger, frustration, but, it could just as well be release, relief, FREEDOM.

Today's word is from John 8:32, NIV, which read, "Then you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free."

There is nothing more freeing than the Truth. JESUS was telling the Jews who had believed Him that if they would continue in His word, they would be His disciples. THEN, you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.

You want true freedom? You want to be truly free of burdens and sorrows? You want to be sure that what you believe is true and factual? Continue in GOD'S word. If you'll do that, you will know the Truth, and you will be FREE. There is nothing like true freedom.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, September 8, 2014


Most people will tell you that I am fairly disciplined individual. I do things a certain way most every time. I do things that most people find a hard time doing because I know it is probably good for me. However, sometimes, I wonder if I am disciplined or if I am just a guy who likes his ruts.

Discipline has been instilled in me from various sources. I saw the examples my parents set; always seeing it through, always completing commitments. The military certainly reinforced discipline. I found through training that I can do far more than I ever thought possible, if I am disciplined enough to see it through.

Today's word is just something I came across that says, "Discipline is just choosing between what you want NOW and what you want MOST."

I have shared with others how I make big purchase decisions. Of course, I pray about it first. Then, I imagine the item I am wanting to purchase sitting beside a stack of money equivalent to the purchase price. If I decide that I would rather have the stack of money, I don't purchase the item. If I decide I would rather have the item, I purchase it. It's my way of trying to stay disciplined in my spending. I am going to have to be in order to pay the house off, get the kids through college, etc.

There is something to be said for instant gratification. Sometimes, the feeling from getting something right NOW is hard to beat. But, it pales in comparison to getting something you really WANT. Be disciplined.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, September 5, 2014

Put on a happy face

Don't you love being around happy people. It makes a day go a lot better. Spending time with happy people has a tendency to make me happy. I know some folks who have a wonderfully, happy countenance, and I always try to spend time with them - it rubs off.

Now, it's not always easy to have a happy face. This world is full of worries and trials and tests. There will be days that nothing goes right and that there just seems to be no reason to smile. But, there is a way to help keep a happy face...

Today's word is Proverbs 15:13, NIV, which reads, "A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit."

Those days when we aren't as happy are because of the pain we feel in our heart. Heartache does crush the spirit; it takes away our happy face. It is easy to tell when someone is going through something, it shows on their face. It is hard to hide the crush of heartache.

The flip side of that is a happy heart makes a happy face. Just as it is hard to hide a crushed spirit, it is hard to hide a happy face. We have to concentrate more on what makes our hearts happy. If we'll do that, we will put on our happy face.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, September 4, 2014


I love fruit - apples, pears, peaches, strawberries, figs, oranges, grapes, watermelon, bananas - fruit. We are blessed with fruit trees in our yard; we have about twenty-five apple trees, three pear trees, a fig bush, and about 300 feet if scuppernongs. We are truly blessed.

However, if you want fruit, if you want the trees to continue producing, you have to do some work. In the fall and winter, there is pruning that needs to take place. Limbs have to be pruned, dead branches have to be removed, fertilizer is a good addition; there is work to do.

Today's word is just a thought from something I read a while back. My thought is, "If you want the fruit, you must take care of the tree."

So many people want the fruit, whether it be money, possessions, relationships, but they don't want to have to tend the tree. They want money - they want you to go out and work and, then, give them the money you worked for. They want possessions - they want your possessions. And, they want a relationship but they aren't willing to invest the time or give up their own selfish desires to nurture that relationship.

There's only one way to truly get what you want - EARN IT. It's nice when people give me things; it's nicer when I have earned something. If you want the fruit, you must take care of the tree.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Stop adding wood

I am not a big fan of gossip. Yes, I have participated in listening to gossip, and I have participated in spreading gossip, but I am not a big fan of it. Of course, there are different types. I mostly participate in the kind that is in good-natured ribbing. It's the other kind that I am not a fan of.

Some people love to dish the dirt on others to try and bring them down, to try and destroy their witness or reputation. Some people seem to strive on telling everything they can about everyone they can; they love to share the scoop.

Today's word is Proverbs 26:20, NIV, which I have used before but expresses my thought for today, which reads, "Without wood a fire goes out, without a gossip a quarrel dies down."

If you don't feed a fire fresh wood from time to time it will go out. I know - I've seen it. Same goes with gossiping and spreading rumors; if you don't add to it, if you don't spread it, it will die out. I am going to work on being more like Smokey the Bear and less like the fire stoker.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T