Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Submit to His calling

I have always had a bit of a rebellious streak. I don't know why, it has just always been there. I haven't done anything drastic and life changing. However, there have been many occasions when I have done things just to be doing them, just to let others know that I am a man and I make my own decisions.

Sometimes, I have been rebellious towards GOD and what He would have me to do. I would love to deny that, too, but, the facts are facts. He has led me to divine appointments, to opportunities to be used by Him, and I have refused to do it. Maybe it was out of fear, maybe it was out of insecurity, maybe it was out of stubbornness, maybe it was a combination of it all, but the end result was rebellion.

I have prayed hard that GOD would be able to use me and that I would do as He led. I want so much to be useful to Him, and used by Him. First, though, I have to get rid of that rebellious nature that will arise from time to time. How about you? Do you have a rebellious nature?

Today's word is Psalm 39:8, NLT, which reads, "Rescue me from my rebellion. Do not let fools mock me."

Our rebellion isn't only not doing what GOD wants us to do, not only steals our joy and opportunities to be used by GOD, but, also, opens us up for ridicule from those that we need to reach the most. BUT, GOD can remove the rebellion and make us useful for His purposes. Let's pray for GOD to help us submit to His calling.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, October 25, 2021

Keep me focused

It is the time of year when football, especially college, is in full swing and we are starting to see who has a legitimate shot at a championship. We also have the MLB season wrapping up, with the Braves and Astros playing in the World Series for a chance at the championship. And, if you are a NBA and/or NHL fan, those seasons have kicked off, too. Lots of sports going on.

But, it is not just the sports world. It is the time of year for fall festivals, when everyone gets to enjoy some outdoors time in a milder climate (we hope). Halloween is coming up, and regardless of your take on it, Halloween is a pretty exciting time (we have kids). Thanksgiving and CHRISTmas are just around the corner, and we need to start making some plans. 

With all these things going on, coupled with everyday life - work, school, obligations, etc. - it can seem a little overwhelming at times. It is easy to allow ourselves to get distracted and lose sight of what really matters. As we all know about CHRISTmas, it isn't about the presents - it is about the Gift, the Gift of salvation through JESUS CHRIST.

Today's word is a quote that I came across. I don't know to whom to attribute it, but it says, "Don't let the noise of the world keep you from hearing the voice of GOD."

With all the distractions that this world can bring, even good ones, it is easy to lose sight of the things that really matter. Even in the midst of all the busyness, GOD still has something for us to do and things that He is telling us. However, if our focus isn't on Him, and listening to Him, we will miss what He is saying. So, my prayer is, "Dear LORD, please keep me focused."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Turn to Him, Do good, Seek peace

This morning, as I sat, turned on the computer, and prepared to write this short blog, I see all the headlines. It is hard to see any headline that is encouraging, ANY. We have people saying things that are bringing reproach. We see horrific personal attacks on people. We see stories of tragedies all over the world. We see where the politicians are fighting against each other instead of trying to make things better for us all.

There is so much evil in this world, which should not surprise us, but, man, there is a lot of it. I don't know how people can be so evil, except they allow satan, the prince of evil to direct them. And, we all know that, if we allow him, he will take us down paths we don't want to go and ultimately destroy us and those around us.

Today's word is Psalm 34:14, NIV, which reads, "Turn away from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it."

This verse seems to have some pretty simple advice that we should all try to heed: "Turn away from evil and do good." I could be completely wrong but that doesn't seem overly difficult - stop doing bad things and work on making things better for everyone. Again, we don't have to condone wrong doing but we can love each other despite our failures and differences.

There is a lot of people in today's society doing anything but turning from evil and doing good. There are many more that refuse to seek peace. BUT, our GOD is abundantly able to bring peace in the worst circumstances. Let's pray to Him, the One and Only, True and Living GOD, to help us turn to Him, do good, and seek peace.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T 

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Please GOD

If you have ever coached a youth sport of any kind, you will understand what I am about to say. Coaching a youth sport is a lot of fun, trying to teach the young ones about a sport: how to play, the proper techniques, the game management, the ins and outs, etc. While dealing with the kids is a joy and a blessing, dealing with the parents can be a nightmare.

There are very few weeks that go by that some parent isn't upset about one thing or another. Either his/her child isn't learning enough; in his/her opinion, their child isn't getting as much one on one as they expect; his/her child isn't on the field enough; you are being too rough or too easy on his/her child; the list goes on and on. Teaching the children are a blessing; dealing with the parents can be a burden.

Today's word is a quote by Timi Nadela that says, "Let pleasing GOD become bigger than pleasing people."

We have to keep in mind that whatever we are doing is to bring glory to GOD. If we are trying to do everything for our own glory, that is all that we will ever have. If we are truly trying to everything for GOD and for His glory, we will find ever challenge worthwhile. It can be extremely exhausting to try to please everyone, but, with GOD, we will reap if we faint not.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with pleasing others. As a matter of fact, it is something that we should all strive to do. However, if we keep in mind that our ultimate goal is to please GOD, we will find more joy in everything that we do. Please GOD.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T 

Monday, October 4, 2021

Love someone

I often tell our daughter that she is my favorite daughter. And, I often tell our son that he is my favorite son. When one of them asks me, "But, who is your favorite child?", I always tell them that I don't have a favorite child, I love them both equally.

Our D-Life studied in Genesis 25 last night about Isaac and Rebekah having Esau and Jacob, and how Isaac loved Esau but Rebekah's favorite was Jacob. Now, of course, I am sure that both parents loved both sons, but, they obviously had a favorite, which probably caused friction and trouble between the two. As parents, we should try to love our children equally, with no favoritism.

Today's word is John 13:34, NIV, which reads, "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."

GOD shows no favoritism; He loves us all equally the same. The Bible tells us that He sent His Son to die for whosoever believes. He didn't come and pay the price for sin for just a select few, He came for us all. I wasn't worth it; I could never measure up to be worth it, but, He loves me anyway. And, He loves you, too. 

I love my wife and children more than words could ever express. I am so blessed to have the blessing of living this life with them. I am more blessed that we will all live eternally together because GOD loves us all enough to make a way for us to be with Him. Go out today and love someone.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T