Thursday, May 31, 2018


There is an old question that asks, "Do you know the quickest and cheapest way to make yourself look better?" Do you? SMILE. There is nothing that makes someone instantly more appealing than a simple, sincere, heartfelt smile. When you smile, you open up to the world and allow the world to open up to you.

There are tons of people that go through life in the mully-grubs about anything and everything all the time. Look, there are days that I absolutely do not feel like smiling. There are times when a smile would be most inappropriate. But, there are many more times when a smile is all it might take to make someone else's day, and improve yours too.

Today's word is Job 9:27, NIV, which reads, "...I will forget my complaint, I will change my expression, and smile."

As we have discussed before, even on our worst day, there is usually something that we can smile about. I mean, I have a wife that loves me, two kids that think I am the greatest thing since sliced bread (they are still young), and good health. That alone is enough to make me smile. However, when I think about all that JESUS has done for me and all that He has prepared for me, how could I not smile?

You got things you want to complain about? Sure, we all do. You got things you want to gripe about? Sure, we all do. When you get the griping and complaining taken care of, why not change your expression and put on a smile? Think about all you have, all the blessings that GOD has so freely and generously bestowed upon you - that should make you smile.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

He will not let you slip

Have you ever watched a toddler begin walking; it can be both amazingly humbling and quite humorous at the same time. Now, don't judge me. We have all seen a baby take its first steps and there is a reason they are called toddlers. They weave back and forth, they get unbalanced from one side, then the other, they fight gravity with all they have; it can be both - humbling and humorous.

I can tell you from experience that, for some, it doesn't just end with the toddler years. I have bouts of vertigo and wobbliness from what we believe is Meniere's disease. It, too, is very humbling; there are times that it flares up and I have to have help to safely reach the floor. And, I am sure that if you are watching me try to walk a straight line, it is also quite humorous. Slips and falls can be kinda funny to those who witness it and quite embarrassing to those to which it occurs.

Today's word is Psalm 121:3, NIV, which reads, "He will not let your foot slip--He Who watches over you will not slumber."

While toddlers and inner ear sufferers have moments of slippage, we can rest assured that GOD will place us on solid ground and will not allow us to slip. The slip here is not a foot problem; it is a heart problem. Many there have been, and many there will be, that will allow a sticky situation to cause them to slip. I know; I've been there. Not proud of it but certainly won't deny it. However, if we will keep our focus on JESUS and walk the path that He has prepared for us, and us for, we will find solid and secure footing. It is when we trail off the path that we find ourselves slipping.

How's your walk? I can tell you that my physical walk is not good today - I have had a pretty bad flare. But, we're talking about your spiritual walk? How is your walk with GOD today? Are you on solid and secure ground? Or, are you finding yourself slipping and wobbling? You may not want to admit it but GOD knows where you are. Follow His path. He is ever vigilant, ever present, and He will not let you slip.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Walk for you

I have mentioned before that you will probably never hear me say, "Oh, I know how you feel.". Why? Because no one knows how I feel; no one knows how anyone else feels. Everybody is affected an react differently to every circumstance. So, no one can ever really know how anyone else feels.

We can, however, help someone carry his/her load. Throughout our lives, we are all going to have burdens to carry and sorrows to bear. The bad things, the difficult things, the unexpected things in our lives are much easier to carry when someone comes along and helps us bear the load. Notice that I said, "HELP us bear the load".

Today's word is just a positive quote that says, "Others may walk the road with you, but no one can walk it FOR you."

We are all going to experience some difficulties, some hardships. Oftentimes, it is not because of anything we have done but because we live in a broken and fallen world. We are all going to experience heartbreak and loss and sorrow and difficulties. We all must shoulder our load and walk. GOD will send others along to help us and to strengthen us. BUT, we must do our part.

There is often nothing more difficult than to keep on keeping on, especially when you have been beaten down and disheartened. But, you will never arrive at your destination if you never leave where you are. Others will come along and walk with you but no on can walk for you.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, May 25, 2018

While we are here

I have probably shared before that what I try to communicate to others who are struggling with things is to give it a day, give it some time. The reason I do this is because I know that the things that really bothered me, the things that I really thought were major issues, when I was fifteen, weren't a big deal when I was twenty-five.

Perspectives change. Why? Because, we mature, we start to see things for what they are, we start to understand there are bigger things, bigger issues. We also start to see that things don't last forever. The car we thought was IT isn't it anymore. Today, you might have your eye on the "newest" phone out there. You think about it, you "dream" about it, you WANT it. However, once you spend the thousand dollars to get it, you soon realize that it isn't anything more than an obsolete technological device and you begin to desire the "newest" device out there.

Today's word is 1 John 2:17, NKJV, which reads, "And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of GOD abides forever."

Everything we think is the best thing in the world is only temporal; it is all passing away. When all we think about, all we crave, all we chase, all we lust after is temporal/worldly things, we will always find ourselves discontent and lacking. Why? Because, it is all passing away. What is the newest, best, most amazing device in the world today will be obsolete within the year. A fleeting moment of temporary indiscretion isn't worth the heartache and pain that will last the rest of your life.

Think on the good things - GOD'S thing. If we will do His will and serve Him, if we will accept His salvation, we will abide forever. Here on this earth? No. But, we will abide with Him forever in Heaven. Plus, we will have a much fuller, richer, more fulfilling, more satisfying life while we are here.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Pleasures Forevermore

Have you ever been lost? I mean, in the middle of a place that you are unfamiliar with? It's easy, if you're not careful, to be wandering through a lovely landscape, take a forked path, and forget whether you went left or right. If you've ever had that experience, you also know there is nothing like seeing something that looks familiar.

There is a happiness that comes from knowing your path. I share with folks that I am a guy who likes his rut. I am a guy that has a plan for everything, and a plan in case that plan fails. I am also a guy who really doesn't like it when things don't go according to plan. Good thing GOD has all that figured out for me...

Today's word is Psalm 16:11, ESV, which reads, "You make known to me the path of life; in Your presence there is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore."

It is through GOD that I know the path that I should take. Now, I still wander off from time to time; I still get distracted every now and again. However, I have nothing to fear IF I will just follow the path that He has laid out for me, the path of life. JESUS came to give us life, and life more abundant. All we have to do is follow the path.

If we will do just that, follow GOD'S path, we will find that, in His presence is FULLNESS OF JOY. We will NEVER experience true joy outside of GOD'S presence. There are those who search for it here and there, to and fro, and find themselves desperately lacking. Why? Because true joy comes from GOD, where we will find pleasures forevermore.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, May 21, 2018

Not just pretending

As you all know, Trish and I are blessed to be the parents to a six-year-old and a five-year-old. It is truly a blessing to be entrusted with their upbringing, which I don't take lightly, and pray continually that I don't mess it up.

Some of the funniest times are those when they are making up stories - not lying, that is an entirely different story. What I am talking about is when they are pretending, and making the story up as they go. They have very vivid and creative imaginations. I am always amazed at how they can spin their narrative. In the end, though, they will tell you that it is just pretend, it's not real.

Today's word is Romans 12:9, NLT, which reads, "Don't just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good."

Don't just pretend to love others - REALLY LOVE THEM. There is nothing in this world like loving someone and someone loving you back. There is also nothing more painful than to have someone pretend to love you and find out later that it was just a farce. We should love others because CHRIST first loved us. And, GOD is Love. If you can't love others, how can you possibly pretend that you truly love GOD?

Hate what is wrong. Now, this doesn't imply that we hate the wrongdoers. No, we want them to get saved and to quit doing wrong. But, we should not like doing wrong things; we should hate sin. And, we should hold tightly to what is good. Hold on to those things of GOD - the good things. I admit that I make a lot of mistakes and mess up every day. However, I want to be found faithful, not just pretending.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, May 17, 2018

He can do all things

I was sharing with a pastor the other day where I thought I was, on a scale of 1 to 10, in my walk with JESUS, and what the one thing is that I need to do most to better that walk. Now, don't judge me; I know some people are probably 10 out of 10. I know some people would probably think that anyone less than 10 out of 10 were heretics and heathens. But, I was just being completely honest when I said, "probably a 7."

There are things that I need to improve upon, like is true with most relationships. There is so much more that I need to know about my LORD and SAVIOR. There is so much more that I WANT to know about my LORD and SAVIOR. And, I am working on it every single day. Yet, if I live to be 150, I'll want to know more. However, let me tell you one thing I absolutely KNOW about my LORD...

Psalm 115:3, NIV, reads, "Our GOD is in Heaven; He does whatever pleases Him."

GOD is GOD over everything. I don't know why certain things happen; I never will. I don't know how certain individuals can commit some of the atrocities that they do and not have it eat them up; I never will. What I do know is that my GOD sits in Heaven and He can do whatever He wants, however He wants, whenever He wants, for whomever He wants! Do you know that? Do you know that we serve an all-powerful, all-knowing, all-everything GOD?

As I said, there is lots more I want to know about my LORD and SAVIOR. I read my Bible, I pray, I try to spend quality time with GOD and, yet, there is so much more I need to learn; so much more I want to know. One of the things I do know, though, is that GOD is GOD, and He can do all things.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Let's take the time to be kind

We always try to remind our kids, and ourselves, to be kinder to people than you have to be because you never know what someone is going through. It doesn't take much to be kind. Yes, it takes a little more effort to be kind to some folks more than others. Yes, there are times that we really don't want to be kind. But, it really doesn't take much to be kind.

I read a story where students at Valley Christian High School in Chandler, Arizona gifted their Spanish teacher on his last day with a pair of 2012 retro Jordan's in French Blue, a pair of shoes Mr. Laura had always wanted but couldn't justify spending $300 for. It is very touching to see how this group of kids showed kindness to their teacher.

Today's word is a quote from Alison Malee, which says, "Ah kindness. What a simple way to tell another struggling soul that there is love in this world."

How simple it is to be kind to someone just because it is the right thing to do. I have had so many acts of kindness bestowed upon me at the most opportune times, when I needed it most. I appreciate all those that felt GOD leading them and, then, followed through by showing His love through their actions.

As we go about our day today, let's be kind. Our kindness to another may be the one good gesture they receive all day. Our kindness to someone may be the only thing positive to happen to someone. Our kindness may bring healing and happiness that we will never fully comprehend. Let's take the time to be kind.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, May 10, 2018

From the world

Alright, I am going to talk about something that I have probably discussed before but I just want to get it off my chest. There are some phenomenally talented people in this world. As a matter of fact, they are gifted. You can't possibly see that someone that can run 100 meters in under 10 seconds doesn't have a gift. Yes, they are talented but they also have been blessed with a physical gift. There are tons of people out there running, giving it his/her absolute best. BUT, no matter how hard they try, they are NEVER going to run that fast - it is a gift.

Others are dynamic business people. They seem to be able to take a dime and make a million dollars. They seem to be able to tell the exact moment to get in on an investment and the exact moment to get out. Yes, they have studied and applied their knowledge. BUT, they have also been gifted with a mind that can calculate, compute, and comprehend the things necessary to be successful.

There are some in this world with unbelievable beauty - my wife and kids, for example. Yes, they exercise and try to eat correctly and do things to protect what they have, the things that they have been GIVEN. There are lots of people who would love to be beautiful, me, but I look the way I do because this is how GOD has made me.

You may be wondering what this is all about, if there is a meaning, if this is going somewhere. It is. I mention these things because these are the things that people get hung up on, the things that people strive for and lust for. These are the things, freakish abilities, money, beauty, that people lust after and are willing to covet (take from someone else so that they don't have it). Why not seek the things of GOD, which are so much more valuable than any of these things? Satan uses these things to tempt and deceive and destroy our walk with GOD. We get so hung up on chasing and pursuing all the wrong things, while what we should be pursuing is GOD'S purpose, desire, and will for our lives.

I will close with today's word: 1 John 2:16, ESV, reads, "For all that is in the world - the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life - is not from the Father but is from the world."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

In Him

I have probably shared with you before that I am not a very good person, and I say that without any false modesty. Even on my very best day, I mess up: I say something that I shouldn't say; I am a little more curt than I should be; I am not as kind as I could be; I have a thought that I should not have. There are little things that foul me up daily.

So, how can someone like me, a complete and total failure, become good enough to enter into Heaven, the place of eternal perfection? Is there something I can do? Is there some great act I can perform? Is there some great sacrifice I can make? Is there some amount of many, no matter how large, that I can pay? The answer to all of those questions is, "NO". The answer is...

Today's word is Ephesians 1:7, NIV, which reads, "In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of GOD'S grace."

It is only through JESUS'S sacrifice, and our accepting Him as our SAVIOR, that we can be acceptable for Heaven. JESUS has paid the price, the cost, the sacrifice for us; we have to accept the gift of salvation - that no one can earn and no one can buy - it is a gift.

So, if someone as bad and as vile and as poor as I can get to Heaven, anyone can. It has nothing to do with me. It has nothing to do with anything I have done (except that I have accepted CHRIST as my SAVIOR). It has nothing to do with anything that I have paid, for He has paid it all. What makes me acceptable is that I am in Him.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T