I have probably shared with you before that I am not a very good person, and I say that without any false modesty. Even on my very best day, I mess up: I say something that I shouldn't say; I am a little more curt than I should be; I am not as kind as I could be; I have a thought that I should not have. There are little things that foul me up daily.
So, how can someone like me, a complete and total failure, become good enough to enter into Heaven, the place of eternal perfection? Is there something I can do? Is there some great act I can perform? Is there some great sacrifice I can make? Is there some amount of many, no matter how large, that I can pay? The answer to all of those questions is, "NO". The answer is...
Today's word is Ephesians 1:7, NIV, which reads, "In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of GOD'S grace."
It is only through JESUS'S sacrifice, and our accepting Him as our SAVIOR, that we can be acceptable for Heaven. JESUS has paid the price, the cost, the sacrifice for us; we have to accept the gift of salvation - that no one can earn and no one can buy - it is a gift.
So, if someone as bad and as vile and as poor as I can get to Heaven, anyone can. It has nothing to do with me. It has nothing to do with anything I have done (except that I have accepted CHRIST as my SAVIOR). It has nothing to do with anything that I have paid, for He has paid it all. What makes me acceptable is that I am in Him.
Be Blessed,
Mickey T
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