Friday, May 29, 2015

What is wrong with him?

I know some people, great witnesses, that have been through so much stuff it makes you wonder how they keep going. I know people who have lost young children to cancer and accidents. I know people who have lost possessions due to theft and catastrophe. I know people who have lost mobility and independence due to disease and illness. And, many of these people that have been through so much still praise GOD for His goodness. Makes you think, huh?

Have you, like me, ever wondered how these people keep going? How they keep a positive attitude? How they continue to be strong in faith when it seems that everything else is falling apart around them? It's hard to fathom some of the things they have been through, and, yet, they keep strong.

Today's word is John 1:5, NASB, which reads, "The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it."

The reason these people can continue on, strong, is because they have the LIGHT. The LIGHT, JESUS CHRIST, directs our path if we are His children and will follow. When you see light, you can see that there are better things ahead. Those who continue strong in faith in the midst of despair and loss are the ones who truly see the LIGHT.

Once they see the LIGHT and continue strong in faith, it confuses folks; that's the last part of the verse, "...and the darkness did not comprehend it." It's hard to explain to others how you continue steadfast, except to say, "JESUS!" What's wrong with him? He has seem the LIGHT!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

For the ones we love

Today is National Grape Popsicle Day. I LOVE grape popsicles. And, I don't usually use the word "Love" for inanimate objects but grape popsicles are the bomb in the popsicle world. When I think of grape popsicles, I think about our little ones, because, they LOVE grape popsicles too. With them loving grape popsicles, it means that I don't get grape popsicles. I get stuck with the orange or the cherry, which just isn't the same.

Isn't it amazing what we are willing to sacrifice, willing to give up, willing to do without, in order to give to those that we love? We will do without our favorite popsicle in order to let the one(s) we love have it. But, it often goes much further than that...

Today's word is a quote from Shmuley Boteach that says, "There is greatness in doing something you hate for the sake of someone you love."

Now, I am going to get completely transparent here. There may be some of you out there that love to change poopie diapers; I'm not one of them. I don't gag or shriek but I don't like changing them. But, for the kids I will do it. For someone I love, I will do it. For those I love, I will get up every night and change a pull up and rock them back to sleep. It amazes me to what extent we will go for those we love.

I know you love someone. I know you sacrifice to ensure that your loved ones have what they need. I just wanted to tell you that you are GREAT for doing those things!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Keep Learning

School has just finished and the kids are out for the summer. Man, I remember those days! The days when I would think that going to school for nine months, just to get three months out, were torture. It wasn't necessarily the going to school; it was all that they wanted me to learn.

Don't get me wrong, learning is good. In my life, I have learned to walk, to talk, to tie my shoes, to dress myself, to handle finances, ALOT. But, when we are younger, we think it is killing us to have to learn all this stupid stuff; we can't see how it will benefit us later.

Today's word is 2 Peter 1:5, NIV, which reads, "For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge."

It's important to keep learning. If we had stopped with the horse and buggy, we would never have had the vehicles we have today. If the Wright brothers had decided that kites flying were enough, we would never have had the air travel possibilities that we enjoy today. If we stop learning, we stop growing. If we stop growing, we die. It really is that simple.

So, don't be afraid to pick up that book and actually read it. Don't be afraid to watch a documentary, instead of "reality" television. Don't be afraid to listen to someone else's take on something. Add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Getting Stronger

If you've never seen a Rocky movie, I have to say that you are really wise or really young. In my youth and early adulthood, the Rocky series was a pretty big deal. The theme song for Rocky Balboa was Getting Strong Now, and was a pretty catchy tune. While Rocky trained for the next bout, the next opponent, the next challenge, the theme song reminded all the viewers that the exercise, the work, the effort Rocky was putting forth was increasing his strength. I know, "DUH," but I guess you had to be there.

Just as physical exercise can increase our strength and stamina, our daily dilemmas and challenges can increase our intestinal fortitude, our inner strength. We have all had our challenges, face our daily challenges, and will face future challenges. It's a good thing they come in that order...

Today's word is just a thought I had, "Life may never get easier, but each day we grow stronger. You can handle it!"

We aren't strong enough at this present moment to handle the future challenges that we may face; that's why they are our future challenges. Each day, just as we do physically, we grow stronger with resolve so that when these challenges arise, we are prepared to handle them. Isn't it wonderful the way GOD has designed us? That isn't to say that GOD brings challenges our way but He did design us to grow and mature in such a way that when they do come, we are strong enough to handle it.

Thing will come. The Bible is very clear that it rains on the just and the unjust; we will have our challenges in this life. There is reason for concern, there is reason to be alert, there is reason to prepare but, because we grow stronger each day, there is no reason to worry. YOU CAN HANDLE IT!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Yep, I said it.

You ever had one of those moments that in a fit of anger you said something you wished you hadn't of said? Yet, in your rage, in your moment of extreme anger, you said, "Yep, I said it!" I think we've all been there.

It seems that when this happens to me, the argument is so petty. Something as little as someone not putting the mayonnaise back in the fridge, or not picking their socks up out of the floor, or not replenishing the toilet paper can cause us to say some of the dumbest things because of our perceived disrespect. Yeah, that'll get you...

Today's word is a quote by Evan Esar, which says, "Anger is a feeling that makes your mouth work faster than your mind."

If we would take the time to think about what we are going to say, or to even consider if it is worth saying, we may find that it is best to remain quiet. I think about the shootout that just occurred in Waco. I don't know any specific details but it was reported that it may have all begun because of the emblem/decal/patch worn by one of the two groups, which caused the other group to feel disrespected. And, because of that, nine people died, eighteen were injured, and hundreds were arrested. All because of anger.

Now, we can try to justify our anger by saying that someone owes us money or that they talked behind our backs or that they did us wrong or whatever but is it really worth it? The Bible is clear that there is a time for anger, and there is. I am going to do all that I can to protect my family, and that begins by not allowing my perceived wrongs to cause my anger to say something that I'll later regret.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, May 18, 2015


Today is National No Dirty Dishes Day. We don't use a dishwasher at the house, not an automatic one anyway; Trish and I are the dishwashers at the house. We do, however, try to keep the dishes washed up. We try to keep the house clean, which is not always easy with a three-year-old and two-year-old, but we try.

We try to keep things clean not only because "Cleanliness is next to godliness" but because it reduces germs, helps us to find where we put things, and keeps old people (me) from tripping and breaking something vital, like anything. It's important to keep things clean, especially us...

Today's word is Psalm 51:10, ESV, which reads, "Create in me a clean heart, O GOD, and renew a right spirit within me."

It's important to keep the house clean. It's important to keep ourselves clean; those who don't bathe, WOW! But, it is more important that we keep our spirit clean. It is impossible to see things the way GOD wants us to see them if we are looking through dirty lenses. We need GOD to cleanse us from the inside out, to clean our hearts and create a right spirit within us. I am speaking doubly for myself.

So, in respect of National No Dirty Dishes Day, let's go home and clean the dishes. Then, let's commune with GOD and allow Him to clean our hearts.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, May 14, 2015

My true desire

What do you desire? In this day of relativism, where people believe that there is a set of "rules" for each individual circumstance and that there are no set in stone rules, I guess desires change. I will add as a side note that the mere fact that you believe there is NO "set in stone rule" is in itself a "set in stone rule", which defeats your own relativism argument. But, I digress...

If it all came down to what you truly desire, what would your answer be? I've been asking myself this A LOT lately. What I truly desire is to live happily with Trish, see my kids grow up and find and serve JESUS, see them become successful in life and ministry, and to do what GOD wants me to do. Now, that is what I truly desire but...

Today's word is a paraphrase from George MacDonald that says, "GOD carries in His heart the fulfillment to all the desires HE has placed in yours."

I do desire what GOD wants, BUT, I find myself desiring some pretty selfish things sometimes. I find myself desiring retirement and relaxation and no stress and more money's funny that I say I desire what GOD wants but I don't seem satisfied with "just" that. Sometimes, my dissatisfaction, my desire for me, takes away the joy of today. Ever find yourself there? Yeah, me too.

Let's focus on our true desires, the ones GOD has placed in our hearts, and I bet we'll find that life is fuller and funner and freer.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

They can't stop

The happenings in our world today should come as no surprise, though they do. I am amazed at how evil some people can be. We have so many people killing people for no good reason that it is unfathomable. We have people stealing people and forcing them into sex slavery. How do you do that? We have people taking things from others, and not just belongings.

I've often wondered what drives people, what motivates people, what causes people to perpetrate some of the heinous acts that they commit. Now, we all have our moments of indiscretion but some of the things happening in recent events are so evil, I just can't figure out how any human can do such. Well...

Today's word is Ecclesiastes 8:8, NIV, which reads, "As no one has power over the wind to contain it, so no one has power over the time of their death. As no one is discharged in time of war, so wickedness WILL NOT RELEASE those who practice it."

You ever try to contain the wind? Ever try to bottle it up so you could remove the lid later and feel the breeze? You can't do it. Just as we can't harness the wind, those who practice evil cannot escape evil. I don't know but I'd bet it's like alcoholism or drug addiction, the more evil you do, the worse evil you need to feel that rush. In today's society, we see the results of people living in evil. So, how do you get out of that cycle?

The only way to stop doing one thing is to do the opposite. If you don't won't to sit, you have to stand. If you don't want to be awake, you have to sleep. If you don't want to be hungry, you have to eat. If you don't want to practice evil, you have to practice righteousness. The only way we will ever overcome all the evil in this world is for this world to get a good dose of and to accept JESUS CHRIST'S righteousness.

Let's pray that those practicing evil will tire of it and look for the righteousness of JESUS CHRIST.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, May 8, 2015

I appreciate it

It may seem like a recurring theme but I wanted to write about today being National Providers Day. Today is the day we recognize those who take care of others. I am so appreciative of those who work so hard to provide adequate care for others, and that list is long.

I think about those who work in hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living, home health, hospice, after school, daycare, etc. There are people working in those professions that are in it strictly for the money but, more often than not, people work in those professions because it is their calling. It is truly amazing to me how willing people are to help others.

Today's word is a challenge to us all: "Take time today to appreciate someone who does something you take for granted."

If I tried to list all the things I take for granted it would take a while, and I would miss something because I take so much for granted. But, trust me, I appreciate all the things that people do that I so often overlook. Thanks for making sure there is food on the shelves when I shop, that roads are cleared for traveling, that electricity is delivered to my house, that when I turn on the spigot, potable water comes out. THANK YOU!

Thanks, also, to Trish who does so much for our family. To our kids that bring me more joy than any one human ever deserved. To my family that provides truth stranger than fiction. To all my friends that are an extended family that I am so blessed to have. To all those that pray for me, support me, care about me, and love me. Don't ever think that I don't appreciate it - I DO!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, May 7, 2015

National Day of Prayer

Today, May 7, 2015, is the National Day of Prayer. I think it is a wonderful thing that we set aside one day a year to remember that we need to pray. Billy Graham once said, "If there are any tears shed in Heaven it will be because we prayed so little." I know that GOD knows our hearts, that He hears our prayers when we can't form the words, that He knows what we need before we even ask, but we need to pray.

Our nation is in desperate need for GOD to intervene and straighten some things out. Our neighborhoods are in need of GOD to reach down and bring peace. Our families need the touch of GOD to settle disputes and to bring harmony. Our churches need GOD to direct their ministries. We need GOD to help; we need to talk to Him; we need to pray.

Today's word is simple: "Life is hard but GOD is good."

GOD wants what is best for His children. He has plans for us that we can't even fathom or comprehend. He has so much in store for us and so much stored up for us, if ONLY we would ask. 2 Chronicles 7:14, KJV, reads, "If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and PRAY, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

Let's pray for GOD to direct us and change us and move and motivate us to do His will. And, let's remember that life is indeed hard but GOD is always good.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Consider the frog

I won't mention names but I had a conversation with someone several months ago about evolution. Now, I do not believe the evolution theory but this person certainly did. This person's defense was, "All you have to do to know evolution is fact is consider the frog."

So, I said something along the lines of, "So, you're saying that the frog proves evolution because it starts as an egg, becomes a tadpole, grows legs, jumps out of the water as a frog?" To which this person said, "Exactly." I continued by saying that that is not proof of evolution. Number one that is metamorphosis, not evolution. The frog is always a frog; it just goes through natural changes from one phase of life to another.Number two, that is the same thing a butterfly goes through. And, number three, we humans do the same thing: we start as a fertilized egg, able to live in water, grow limbs, eyes, etc., then, are delivered into this life as a small human. That's not evolution, that is creative design.

Today's verse is a very familiar one from Psalm 139:14, ESV, which reads, "I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are Your works; my soul knows it very well."

GOD designed us just as we are - fearfully and wonderfully made. It is amazing to me how it all works! GOD knew what I was going to look like, how tall I was going to be, how much I was going to weigh, before I was born - He made me! I started out as a little bitty fellow, just over five pounds I believe. But, I grew into a full fledged human adult because that is how GOD made me.

If evolution was a viable theory, why aren't we still evolving? Why do we still have monkeys/apes? Why does the frog not become more than a frog. Because, that's how GOD designed it.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Sometimes, we need a little space

Have you ever held something really close to your face or seen a really close up picture of a common object? It's virtually impossible to make out what it is that you are trying to see. It's hard to get your eyes to focus enough to see, or the close up is so close that you can't see the full picture.

I believe the same holds true in so many things in our lives. We so often focus on the close things and fail to see the distant things. It is necessary sometimes to take a step back and get a broader view.

Today's word is a simple quote I came across that says, "Sometimes you need to distance yourself to see things clearly."

It sounds hypocritical for me to say this but, sometimes, instead of pushing forward, we need to take a step back. It is impossible to get your eyes to focus on things that are too close to you. Oftentimes, it takes stepping back and getting a better view.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, May 4, 2015

Skillful People

I am blessed to work with the finest people in any business. I work with folks that make the most demanding task seem effortless. I work with folks that make the extraordinary seem mundane. It's not often that you get the chance to work with a few folks that really know what they are doing, much less to work with a group as talented as the one I am working with. Of course it goes without saying that I am the worst of the lot.

It would behoove us all to watch people that really know what they are doing. I have learned lots by just watching really skillful people apply their trade. I have really learned when those really skilled people allowed me to try doing something while they instructed and corrected. Yeah, even GOD'S Word reminds us to pay attention to those who know what they are doing.

Today's word is Proverbs 22:29, ESV, which reads, "Do you see a man skillful in his work? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before obscure men."

Not that it is important whom we work for, kings or obscure men. What is important is that we do what we do diligently, as if for a king. Because, the truth is, we are doing what we do for THE KING. GOD has gifted us and allowed us to learn skills to better perform our duties. Let's us them for His glory.

Thank You, LORD, for allowing me the blessing of working with wonderfully, skilled people. It certainly makes the work day better.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T