Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Holding on to nothing

I am sure that most people have played the, "If you were ever in a house fire, what would be the first thing you grab..." I can tell you that I pray that no one ever has to suffer that devastation but if we ever did, as long as I got my family out, the rest can go.

Are there things that I would miss? Yes. Are there things that I would wish I could have saved? Yes. Are there things that I will never be able to replace? Yes. Would there be things that I would always second guess about not grabbing? Maybe.

Today's word comes from 1 Timothy 6:7, KJV, which reads, "For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out."

There are so many people that miss some of the biggest and best blessings they could ever experience in this world because they want to hold onto things. Look at what this verse tells us. We brought NOTHING into this world. Now, I don't much remember the day I was born (remember, I was pretty young), but I would venture to say that I didn't come forth with a wealth of anything but noise. I brought absolutely NOTHING materially into this world.

And, it is certain that I will carry NOTHING out. Notice that it doesn't say that I probably won't take anything. It doesn't say that I may not take anything. It doesn't say that it is unlikely that I will take anything. The verse tells us that it is CERTAIN that I will carry NOTHING out. It is guaranteed that I will take NOTHING out.

Stop holding on to those things that don't mean anything. Hold to those things that have value. Enjoy life. Love each other. When it is over, you will carry NOTHING out so, leave it all here.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Memory Test

Ever have one of those moments when you see someone you "know" but for the life of you cannot remember their name? I have had many instances when I knew the face, knew where I knew them from, knew when we met, but could not remember the name.

This same problem also rears its ugly head in the midst of my search for things. I have spent hours and days looking for things, only to find them when I buy the replacement. I remember ALMOST hitting a home run in little league but I don't remember how many times I may have struck out that same year.

Today's word is a quote from E. Joseph Cossman, which says, "If you want to test your memory, try to recall what you were worrying about one year ago today." To which I add, "Keep pushing - it'll pass."

We seem to worry about so many things that really don't mount up to a hill of beans. I mean, we will keep ourselves awake at night, lose weight, develop an ulcer over things that won't even matter three weeks from now, much less one year.

Hey, listen, I am as bad as anyone to fret over little trivial stuff; it's not little or trivial while I am fretting but in hindsight, it is really not worth the worry. I don't know what you may be in knots about today but rest assured that if you will keep pushing, it'll pass. And, if anyone remembers the home run I ALMOST hit, please don't remind me of the strikeouts.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, June 24, 2013

The art of silence

Sorry that it has been several days since posting. We took a vacation, and while on vacation, I tried to relax and stay away from most electronic devices. Being "disconnected" has led me to a couple of conclusions, which is what this post is about.

One of the first things I want to note is that I do a lot of thinking in the shower and while I am weed eating. Now, I realized why lately. Both of those activities require me to keep my mouth shut. If you keep your mouth open in the shower, you run the risk of drowning. If you keep your mouth open while using a weed eater, you run the risk of getting a mouthful of dirt, grass, etc. So, it is good to be quiet and keep your mouth shut sometimes. Probably most times.

Today's word is from 1 Thessalonians 4:11, NIV, which reads, "...make it your ambition to lead a quiet life. You should mind your own business and work with your hands..."

This verse is full of good stuff: we should make it an ambition, a goal, to lead a quiet life. How much simpler life might be if I could just learn to be quiet; we should mind our own business. Now, this should go without saying but it is absolutely true. And, I would venture to say that if we did mind our own business, we would live a much quieter life; and, we should work with our hands, which will help us to keep from getting into other people's business. Those are some good instructions.

Yeah, if you find yourself opening your mouth just to change feet, try being quiet for a while. You may be surprised at just how much it changes things.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, June 14, 2013

The fortress

Ever hide under the covers when you were younger? Maybe you still do. I remember as a child, when I would awake in the middle of the night, I would "think" I heard something and would hide myself under the covers. Under those covers, I thought I had the ultimate fortress, extreme protection.

Of course, I now know that it wouldn't take much to get through the fortress made of the strongest bed sheet. You can throw a thick comforter in there and it still wouldn't provide much protection. However, at the time, I thought I was in the strongest of strongholds.

Today's word is from Proverbs 14:26, NIV, which reads, "Whoever fears the LORD has a secure fortress, and for their children it will be a refuge."

I note two things from this passage: 1. I was apparently fearing the wrong thing when I was younger. This verse tells us that if we will have a reverential fear of the LORD, we have a secure fortress. Now, it is not just a strong fortress, it is not just a safe fortress, it is not just a protected fortress, it is a secure fortress - NOTHING can get in. 2. If I fear and serve the LORD, not only will I have a secure fortress but it will be a refuge for my children  - they, too, will find comfort, protection, and safety.

Look, while 1500 thread count sheets are nice to sleep on and under, they provide little protection from the things that "lurk at night" in our minds. They might protect you from cold and bed sores and itchiness but they provide very little physical protection. Stop fearing the "bumps" in the night. Start serving GOD and knowing He will protect you. He will also take care of our loved ones. That, my friends, is a fortress.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Clint Eastwood

I don't know of too many Clint Eastwood movies that I do not like. I like the old spaghetti westerns, the Dirty Harry movies, Gran Torino, etc. I am not a fan of the "Any which way but loose" and "Every which way you can" or whatever but for the rest, I like them.

Now, I have my favorite scenes from various Clint movies but we won't go into those. What I like about his movies are the fact that he doesn't try to be something that he's not, with the exceptions previously mentioned. Clint's not a pretty boy, he's not a dancer, he's not a trumpeter (though he is a classic pianist). No, Clint stuck to roles that he could do.

With that in mind, today's word is a thought and a quote from the great American, Clint Eastwood - Do all you can but remember that you cannot do it all. In the words of Clint Eastwood, "A man's gotta know his limitations."

There are going to be folks that want you to do more, that want you to do what they want you to do, that want to guilt you into doing something that you know you can't do. Listen, "NO" is not a bad word, don't be afraid to use it. Yes, there are plenty of worthy causes out there that need someone to help. But, nothing is more worthy than doing what you should do for GOD, and that begins with being the family member that you should be.

Hey, there are a lot of things that I can do; there are even more that I cannot. There are only twenty-four hours in a day; I cannot make anymore. Spend some time doing the important things. Learn that "NO" isn't bad. Learn your limitations.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The comb over

I was standing outside one day when I noticed a gentleman exiting the building. As he exited, the wind blew pretty hard and this guys hair rose up off his head. He had taken what hair he had and combed it over the top of his head and then sprayed it down with an ample amount of hairspray. When the wind blew, it caught his hair and lifted the entire "patch" up.

I, too, have thinning hair. I have always had thin hair but it is definitely thinning more and more each day. I have told Trish that I am not concerned with going bald; hair for a man is an accessory. So, if I awoke tomorrow morning and found all my hair on my pillow, for a moment or two, I would probably be bummed, but, then, I would think, "Hey, one less thing to worry about." The issue is this one hair a day that gets old. However, I don't try to "hide" my hair loss; it is what it is.

Today's word is something that I came across and added to, which says, "A lie is like a bald spot, the larger it gets, the harder it is to cover up. Just tell the truth - it's so much easier.

We have discussed before that people will tell a lie, then, have to tell a lie to cover that lie and, then, you know how it goes. The larger the lie gets, the harder it is to cover up. Before long, what started as an innocent little white lie has become something too large to cover up. Why not just tell the truth?

There is little I can do about my follicle challenges. There is lots that I can do about telling the truth.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Who do you call first

Ever have one of those events where you know you need to let someone know but you just can't figure out who to call first? I have some folks that if I really want it told, I call them first because they will tell it. Now, I also have some great confidants that if I ask them not to tell they never will. We all need someone to call, right?

We also need someone to talk to. I don't know about you but I LOVE to talk. I don't need a particular subject or person, I just need to talk. It seems that the more some particular something is bothering us, the more we need to talk about it. Some folks share way too much but that is not what I am talking about. No, we like to discuss little problems and see if we can get someone to tell us what we want to hear. Or, I know I do.

Today's word is a saying that I read somewhere and that I have added to, which says, "Have you prayed about it as much as you've talked about it?" To which I add, I know that I need to talk to GOD about it first.

I don't know about you, but for me, I really need to talk to GOD about things before I go telling everyone else. Yeah, I know, my friends might tell me what I want to hear but what I really need to hear is what GOD says about it. I bet I could save myself a lot of trouble and hassle if I would pray more and tell less.

I am going to work on that...praying more and telling less. In the mean time, if you come across something that you really need told, let me know. I have some folks that will get the word out.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, June 10, 2013

Going too fast

My niece recently received a ticket for driving in excess of the posted speed limit. We will call this a speeding ticket but it does sound more official to say she was driving in excess of the posted speed limit. How much the ticket will cost is yet to be determined but it may be reduced if she goes to traffic school. I would recommend going.

There are so many things vying for our money these days that if there is a way to reduce some of it, ethically and morally, then, by all means, work for the reduction. I wish there was a way to get the cable company to let me work off some of their charges. Don't you? Debts and obligations take up so much money. lol

Today's word is an American proverb, which says, "Before borrowing money from a friend, decide which you need most."

Many friendships have been ruined and forever lost over loans. It is difficult to say no to our friends when they need help. It is equally difficult not to be upset when they can't seem to pay you back. Sometimes, the reasons are legitimate; sometimes, they are just taking advantage of your generosity. You have to decide which is more important.

Before you jump the gun and borrow money, decide if you can really live without what you are looking at. Sometimes, our temporary immediate gratification can cloud our better judgement. Slow down. Consider all the options. Take it all in. Give yourself some time. And, don't exceed the posted bank account. You'll be glad you did.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Choosing Evil

If you are like me, you are probably a little disheartened with the choices we have had in recent elections. It always seems that we are trying to choose between two really less than stellar candidates. Not that I would be a good one, myself, just making a comment.

It is often that it seems that we are trying to pick the lesser of the two evils. I say that we are trying to pick the least evil of the two lesser(s). We really have to be careful in our choices, not just with political candidates but our daily choices.

Today's word is a quote from Jerry Garcia, which says, "Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil." To which I add, "Choose what is good and honest and pure."

No matter how you sum it up, if you are choosing the lesser of two evils, you are still choosing evil. We need to make a conscious effort to choose that which is good and honest and pure. We must look beyond all the hoopla and status and get down to integrity and character.

It is time that we stand up for what we believe in and choose accordingly. It is time to make a choice to choose that which honors and glorifies and pleases GOD.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Plan Z

Growing up, I used to love to watch the A-Team. One of the catch phrases that I loved from that show and still use to this day is, "I love it when a plan comes together." There is something extremely satisfying about things working according to plan.

However, things do often go according to plan. There have been countless times that I have formulated a plan, gotten everything together, implemented the plan, just to watch it fall apart right before my eyes. There are few things more disheartening than seeing a well thought out plan disintegrate.

I have shared before that I am a planner to a fault. I have detailed plans for most everything that I do or that I think I might do. I have detailed plans for everything that happens and/or might happen. I am a planner. And, more often than not, those plans do not go as expected. Many times I have to drop back to "Plan B" or "Plan C" or "Plan D".

Today's word is a saying that goes, "When "Plan A" doesn't work, remember that there are 25 more letters!" Keep on keeping on!

Things aren't always going to work the way we think they will or that they should. There are so many moving parts and pieces involved that something is certain to get out of whack. There will be those times when our perfect plan perfectly fails. But, that is no reason to give up. If "Plan A" doesn't work, go to "Plan B". And, if that doesn't work, go to "Plan C". The point is to keep on going.

Plans are going to fail. Our very best ideas and plans may fail. Our most detailed plan may fail. But, that is not a reason to quit. Look for another option. Develop another plan. Keep on keeping on! Plan Z may be just the right plan. If not, go to "Plan AA"!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Get some exercise

I arise at 4:15 every morning in order to get a little exercising in, a shower, some study, and breakfast prior to leaving for work. I am a calisthenics guy - push ups, sit ups, crunches, etc. I don't like to exercise but I know I need to - boy, do I. You know, exercise wouldn't be so bad if it didn't hurt so much to do.

I used to like to try to get a run in occasionally, too. Now, I didn't say that I liked to run; I said that I used to like to try to get a run in. However, arthritis has halted some of that. Nevertheless, exercise is something that I find essential to body and mind, especially body.

Today's word is an anonymous quote, which says, "Laughing is one of the best exercises, it's like internal running. You can do it almost anywhere, and it is always better with a friend."

Ever laugh so hard it hurt? I certainly have. Those times usually come at the expense of me doing something really stupid or from watching someone I know do something really stupid. Laughing is really good exercise...the oxygen transfer, the muscle contractions, but most especially the mind-clearing that it does. There seems to be nothing that a good belly laugh can't cure.

Look, exercise is never going to be a lot of fun. If it is, you really need to get some help. But, a good laugh makes good exercise. Let's get out there and get some guffaws!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, June 3, 2013

The cure

I have so much to be thankful for, yet, I still have my instances when it seems that I am unhappy. The root cause of unhappiness is often hard to identify. I don't know about you but I, sometimes, have a difficult time pinpointing the culprit.

It seems that I can be unhappy about completely nothing. And, I mean absolutely nothing. I am sure we have all had those feelings of unhappiness; no particular reason for it, we are just unhappy.

While I may not know the cause of unhappiness, I know the cure - LOVE. Today's word is a quote from Pope John Paul II, which says, " Love cures people, both the ones who give it and the ones who receive it."

On those days when everything seems to working overtime to make me unhappy, nothing turns the mood as quickly as love. An understanding gesture, a strong shoulder, a good listener, someone who loves. Look, they may not be able to help you pinpoint your unhappiness but they bring you happiness just by loving you, especially because they love you.

We are all going to have our bouts of unhappiness. We are all going to struggle with things from time to time. We are all going to need someone to stand in the gap and help us through whatever we are going through. We are all going to need love! Love cures people!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T