Thursday, May 30, 2019

Discernment to know the difference

Have you ever been given some really solid advice? I can think back over my life and remember folks giving me some rock solid advice. And, when followed, that advice will do things for you and keep you from doing things that you ought not do.

On the other hand, I have also had a lot of bad advice. I am sure we have all had those folks in our lives that will tell us things that will do nothing but harm us. As a matter of fact, there are folks out there that will give you advice not only to watch you fail but so they can laugh at your failure. You have to be on the lookout for the bad advisers.

Today's word is Proverbs 15:7, NLT, which reads, "The lips of the wise give good advice; the heart of the fool has none to give."

So, the problem with getting good advice is where someone's heart is, or what is in someone's heart, which makes perfectly good sense. People who are wise are going to tell you things from a heart of wisdom that will benefit you. The flip side of wisdom, though, is foolishness. And, according to today's word, the fool has no good advice to give. So, don't listen to the fools.

I pray that, when given the chance, I have some good advice to dispense to others. Now, I am not very wise. BUT, I have JESUS, Who dwells in my heart, and if I will allow Him to direct my words, they will come out full of wisdom. There is good advice out there and bad. Pray for discernment to know the difference.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Share the Good News

Have you seen GOD working in your life lately? Have you told anyone? GOD is so good and does so much for each of us on a daily basis that we should be telling others of His goodness, yet, I often find myself keeping it to myself. It's not that I am ashamed, I am just a fairly private person. But, GOD knows me. He knows I am one who needs a sign about things and He gives them to me. I should tell others.

Isn't it good to tell good news? I mean, there is nothing like the opportunity to share good news with others. There is absolute truth to good news travels fast but bad news travels faster. But, shouldn't we, GOD'S children, be sharing all the good things GOD has been doing for us? I think it could make a huge difference in others' lives if we would share what GOD is doing in ours.

Today's word is Daniel 4:2, NLT, which reads, "I want you all to know about the miraculous signs and wonders the Most High GOD has performed for me."

King Nebuchadnezzar had been given a couple of dreams from GOD. He had asked others to interpret them but they couldn't. GOD had given Daniel the interpretations, which Daniel shared with the king. King Nebuchadnezzar was amazed and astonished at what GOD had planned and that He had revealed those plans to him. It encouraged Nebuchadnezzar and he shared the good news with everyone else.

GOD gives us all good news. It may not be in a dream. It may not be that we are going to be rich or powerful. But, we all know the good news of JESUS CHRIST and that He is the only way to Heaven. Sharing that Good News with others can be absolutely, eternally changing. If GOD gives you an opportunity, share the Good News!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, May 23, 2019

How's your image

Looking in a mirror can tell you a lot of things. Take me for example. I can look in a mirror and see that I am starting to show my age. I have dark hair, what little there is, with a considerable amount ot gray. I have eyes that really struggle through allergy season, which seems to last way longer than it used to.

By looking in a mirror, I see an image of the outward me. I can try to deny what I see but it is what it is. I can go and pay a lot of money and temporarily look "younger"; that may change the image that is reflected in the mirror but it doesn't change who I really am.

Today's word is Proverbs 27:19, NIV, which reads, "As water reflects the face, so one's life reflects the heart."

While a reflective surface, a mirror, a pool of water, etc., can reflect our outward appearance, the life we live reflects who we really are. The way we live, the things we do, where we spend our money, how we spend our time, reflects who we really are. The way we carry ourselves, the places we go, the things we say, how we treat others, all reflect our true selves.

I have begun to realize that what I see in the mirror, including a lot more forehead than I remember having, is what it is, and there is nothing I can do to permanently change that image. However, it is never too late to work on the image that others see, and I don't mean the outward appearance. We, Christians, should reflect CHRIST in our lives. We should take care of our outward appearance so that we can project a good image. More important, though, is that we should allow our lives to reflect the image of CHRIS to those who may not know Him. So, I ask the question (to myself), "How's your image?"

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

How much He loves us

Do you know some really smart/intelligent people? I know some that are brilliant (I wish they could say the same in reference to me but the truth is that I am not). These brilliant folks have done some things that are absolutely amazing. They can see a problem and know the solution before I even know there is a problem.

We have had folks that have figured out how to eradicate certain diseases, to produce a fake snow so that others can ski in places that otherwise would be impossible, how to set bones, heal wounds, send a person to outer space and bring them back. There have been some really intelligent people pass through world, and more will come.

Today's word is Psalm 111:2, NIV, which reads, "Great are the works of the LORD; they are pondered by all who delight in them."

If you could quantify the sum of the intelligence of all those really intelligent people I have met, read about, know, their intelligence would be nothing compared to the LORD'S. The LORD has done such great works; works that folks ponder but can't explain. The spider web is an amazing thing to me. The intricacies, the strength, the effectiveness. The spider has a brain that is teeny tiny, yet, GOD designed it with the ability to do what it needs to do. The ocean waves, when escaping their natural confines can cause extreme destruction and devastation. GOD designed and created the world so that they are kept in check. These are only two examples of how GOD just put things together that we study but we will never know the true depth, and there are countless others.

I look around every day and see the marvelous works of the LORD. I truly delight in them. I see the pretty skies, the awe-inspiring sunsets. I see my children and my wife. I see goodness where there seems to be nothing but devastation. I see how good GOD is and how much He loves us.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Refuse to be defiled

I don't know about you but I have those in my life that will, at times, really test me, to see if I will compromise and do something that I know GOD would not want me to do. They will try various tactics, including questioning my "manhood". You know, like, "Common man, it won't hurt anything and no one will know." Now, I am a grown man, so, those tactics don't work on me. But, it doesn't stop them from trying.

Another thing we have run into, since our children's participation in youth activities, is everyone wants to meet or practice on Wednesdays. We go to church on Wednesday and will not attend these "important" meetings or "special" practices. Others may tell us how much we are missing or how much we are hurting our children but I would say that we will hurt them far more, maybe eternally, by setting the example that extracurricular activities are more important than being in GOD'S house.

Today's word is Daniel 1:8a, NASB, which reads, "But Daniel made up his mind that he would not defile himself..."

The king had ordered that Daniel and the other captives be fed a certain diet that was violated what Daniel and his friends believed. It was good food, the finest. There was nothing inherently wrong with eating the diet prescribed, but, it wasn't what Daniel was supposed to be eating. And, Daniel respectfully refused to eat it. He would not allow the fact that it was really good food, or that no one would ever know, keep him from doing what was right.

We will all face moments in our lives when others are trying to tempt us and test us to do things that are not pleasing to GOD and not edifying for us. I pray that the next time, and every time, this happens that I can be like Daniel and refuse to be defiled.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, May 20, 2019

Focus on the Word of GOD

It is really easy to get discouraged by all the things this life can bring. We have been to the Children's Hospital several times lately to visit our niece; seeing what some families are going through can just break your heart. I cannot imagine how you handle some of these things. I pray I never do.

We have seen every reaction, too. From those who feel as if things will never get better to those who every little improvement verifies that GOD is working things out. I can see why you would have either. Often times, in the midst of the chaos and struggles, it is hard to see GOD working. Again, I pray that GOD will work His miracles in each and every life.

Today's word is a reminder to remember that GOD is working things out: "Don't let what you see make you forget what GOD said."

While I am talking about sickness and hurting families today, the same holds true for what you see people doing in this world. There are lots of people making decisions and doing things that are completely against GOD'S will and plan. So, the same holds true for when you see how evil this world has gotten - don't lose sight of what GOD said.

We have been really busy lately; there seems to be little time to rest and recharge. BUT, I know that GOD has a plan, and that He will make things to be better for us. I know that His Word and His promises are true and that He will see things through. However, if I start allowing what I see get in the way, if I start focusing on what I see, I will lose sight of all of GOD'S promises, which we lead to discouragement and dismay. Focus on the Word of GOD!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

See what you can learn

GOD has gifted us all with different abilities: some can draw, others sing, others play musical instruments, others athletics. You get the idea; GOD has given us all certain abilities, certain talents that we should be using to glorify and honor Him. He has also gifted us all with a brain, which some people seemingly utilize better than others.

I am blessed to be around A LOT of really smart, really intelligent people. There is no doubt that when I walk into a room, I am usually the least smart person in that particular room. And, I am okay with that. I learn from those folks who are more intelligent than I am. I am not intimidated by their expertise or intelligence, I am blessed to learn from it.

Today's word is a quote/saying I heard, and I don't remember where, that I try to keep in mind: "If you are the smartest person in the room, you are in the wrong room."

If you find yourself always wanting to be the smartest, most intelligent person in your circle, you never learn as much as you should. We have to challenge ourselves by surrounding ourselves with those that have superior intellect and by listening. Now, that doesn't mean that those smarter than I am always give me great ideas to do. No, it is often the exact opposite. Usually, really smart people come up with things that I am like, "Well, I don't think I'll be doing that."

Look, I have done a poor job of getting across what I am trying to get across in this post, and I am sorry. The gist of what I am trying to say is to not be intimidated by learning. GOD gave us brains, let's use them. The more you know, the more you know. So, don't be afraid to sit and listen and learn. So, look around, if you find that you are always the smartest in the room, go find a different room for a little while and see what you can learn.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Level Ground

We all face tough decisions from time to time. We have faced several in our lives recently. It is hard to know what to pray, which way to pray, in some situations. I always want to pray for GOD'S will but, sometimes, it is hard to see. And, I have probably shared before that I am a Gideon type of person, I need GOD to give me a sign, an assurance, that I understand.

So, how do you pray, what do you pray for, when you don't really know what to pray for? (I know you don't end a sentence/question with a preposition, but you get the gist). So, what do you ask GOD, what do you say to GOD when you don't really know for what you should ask? Great question...

Today's word is Psalm 143:10, NASB, which reads, "Teach me to do Your will, for You are my GOD; let Your good Spirit lead me on level ground."

When we don't know what to pray, we ask GOD to teach us His will. We ask Him to show us His will. We ask Him to give us a peace to understand and accept His will. We know that He is GOD and He knows everything, and He is working all things for our good, so we can trust that His will is for our good. I have shared before that I don't always understand GOD'S ways, and I don't have to, but I pray that I will have the grace and faith to accept His will.

If we will pray for GOD'S will and walk in His ways, He will lead us on level ground. It is hard to walk up mountains all the time. We grow tired and weary. It is hard to walk down mountains all the time. We can lose balance and begin to race downhill, until we stumble and fall. But, if we will seek GOD'S will and do it, He will keep us walking on level ground.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, May 13, 2019

Let Him do the rest

Our two (2) children are very active. It is not unusual to see either of them just drop to the floor and crank out a few push ups from time to time. Why they do this I do not know but it is interesting to watch them.

Occasionally, they will walk up and say, "Feel my muscle." Upon lightly squeezing his/her bicep, I will ask, "So, where did you get that, WalMart?" To which either will usually reply, "No, you have to earn it." At seven (7) and six (6), we are trying to teach them a very important life lesson that will serve them well the rest of their lives: things aren't given, you have to earn it. Not our love, of course, but other things in life.

Today's word is Colossians 3:23, NASB, a very familiar passage, reads, "Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the LORD rather than for men."

It is not only important what we do but how we do it. I have found myself from time to time just going through the motions, not really doing my best, not really focused on the task at hand, not really watching how others were watching me. Today's passage reminds me that it isn't others that are watching me but GOD is always watching me, and He knows my motivation. So, do everything as if you are doing it for Him, because, ultimately, you are.

Whether you are doing push ups or surgery, playing football or filing folders, building skyscrapers or mopping floors, do everything as if you are doing it for the LORD. If we keep that it mind, we will find ourselves putting forth our best effort. And, that is all GOD asks of us: to do our best and let Him do the rest.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, May 10, 2019

Too heavy to carry

We all know people who have a tendency to hold on to things. I remember watching an episode of American Pickers, where Mike and Frank was at this guys house that had nine (9), yes nine (9), buildings that were about 50' x 100' each, crammed full of junk. So, they looked around, and each time they came across something, the owner would say something like, "Oh, I forgot I had that. No, I couldn't sell that." In the end, he sold absolutely nothing. He held on to it all.

I think we often have a tendency to do the same thing with hurts and disappointments. We will hold on to them and hold on to them and refuse to let them go. I know, because, I am in the midst of holding on to a major disappointment. I won't share the details but I will share that it stinks and it won't do anyone, especially me and those I am around, any good for me to hold on to it.

Today's word is a reminder that, sometimes, we just have to let it go: "You will find that it is necessary to let things go, simply because they are too heavy to carry."

We often allow ourselves to get bogged down and beat down by things that we could let go. Letting go of the disappointment doesn't free the one that disappointed us, we are still allowed to be leery and not let them close enough to disappoint us again. But, letting go will free us from the burden of having to carry that heavy burden; it'll free us to move around, and move on.

I know without a doubt that I have disappointed folks, and I have apologized and I hope they have moved on. Without a doubt, I have been disappointed, and I have dropped a lot of it and have moved on. With my current disappointment, and with those yet to occur, I am going to try to remember today's word - let disappointments go because they are too heavy to carry.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Allow GOD to work on the others

There are some people who do not like me. I mean, it really doesn't matter what I do or how I do it, they are just not going to like me. And, it seems that the harder I try, the worse I make it. If you asked them why they don't like me, they could probably give you a long list of whys, but, most of them, couldn't pinpoint anything in particular; they just don't like me.

Lately, though, I have really been trying to check myself. Is there something that I do that just really makes people not like me? Asking myself this has led me to a fairly long list of why others may not like me. Yeah, I know, I am not perfect. No one is more surprised than I am. Anyway, considering that others don't like me, I came across today's word:

Proverbs 16:7, NASB, reads, "When a man's ways are pleasing to the LORD, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him."

In light of others' opinions of me, I have to wonder if my ways are pleasing to GOD. And, I can tell you, "Not always." I want to work on my ways being pleasing to GOD. I want to strive to be what I should be for the LORD. I want to do His will and please Him so that I can make peace, even with those who don't like me.

It is a tough concept to understand: maybe the reason others don't like me is because I am not being what I should be. So, I am going to work on me and allow GOD to work on the others.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

I can be the same

I know some really unselfish people. I have mentioned before that my Pops was one of the most unselfish people I have ever known. He never had a whole lot but he was willing to share what he had with those who had less. He love banana flips (if you never had one, you have missed a treat) but, if he was down to his last one and you wanted it, he would give it to you.

I also think about those who coach youth sports, even up to the high school level. They dedicate a lot of time and effort, even spending money to buy necessary equipment and supplies, in order to teach skill, both sports and life, to the next generation. Now, there are those who are out there just to ensure that his/her child makes the All-Star team or that his/her child is MVP or to bully little kids, but, while I have seen them all, they are rare.

Today's word is Philippians 2:3, NLT, which reads, "Don't be selfish: don't try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves."

I have been trying to teach our kids that GOD has give them great talents and abilities, for which they should be grateful and use to the fullest. BUT, they are from GOD; don't take credit for something GOD gave you. Praise Him for it; use it to help others. And, encourage those others that may have different abilities to use them for His glory, too.

Look, if there is anything good about me, it would be really hard to find. I do, however, want to use what little bit I have to help others. I do want to try to teach what little bit I know to someone else, who will, then, add it to what they know and will teach someone else even more. I've been extremely blessed to have a lot of unselfish people in my lives. I pray I can be the same.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Be a delight

Have you ever told a lie? I have told my share. I am not saying that boastfully, I am saying that ashamedly. I try not to lie but I have told several thousand. Sometimes, I tell the lie before I really think about it. As I have gotten older, more mature, though, I find that I am better at telling the truth, probably because I have grown stronger in my Christian walk.

There are others, though, that tell very calculated lies. Lies that are meant to destroy and deceive. Lies that will tear down reputations and cause great harm and pain. I have recently been informed of someone doing just that to me. I don't know why this person is so set on trying to tear me down but I do know that GOD doesn't approve of it.

Today's word is Proverbs 12:22, NIV, which reads, "The LORD detests lying lips, but He delights in people who are trustworthy."

GOD is not happy with people who lie, including me. Today's word tells us that He detests lying lips; He hates lying lips. The King James Version states says, "Lying lips are an abomination..." We know that GOD hates lying, so why do we do it? Why do I do it? Because we allow our fleshy nature, our humanity to want to be better than someone else. Or, we want to deceive and destroy, and GOD HATES it.

I want to be found delightful in GOD'S sight, don't you? The last part of today's verse tells us that GOD delights in people who are trustworthy. So, do I want to be an abomination, something GOD hates, or do I want to be a delight? I don't know about you, but, I want to be a delight.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, May 6, 2019

Why am I discouraged

We have had some things happen the last few days that are hard to understand. It is really easy to sing and lift praises when things are going well and you are experiencing mountaintops. It is a little more difficult when things seem to keep coming at you from every direction and all you can do is look up and see the tops of the mountains.

It is absolutely true that, in this life, we will experience good and bad. We will experience highs and lows. We will have days of complete bliss and days of complete woe. What do you do when you have the days of complete woe? Do you sit down and do nothing? Maybe for a few minutes, but it isn't productive. Do you scream and complain and fuss? That's acceptable for a few minutes, too, but can't go on forever.

Today's word is Psalm 43:5, NLT, which reads, "Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in GOD!"

GOD is our hope! When we have gone as far as we can, when men have done all that they can, when we have reached the end of our humanity, GOD is there! He made us. He knows our frame. He knows our make up. He knows how to fix us. When you have gone as far as you can, look past the mountaintops - look to Heaven, from where comes our help!

We trust GOD to save our souls. Why do we have such a hard time trusting Him with other things? And, I am asking myself more than anyone this morning. GOD can do exceedingly, abundantly, above anything I could ever think, dream, or imagine. He loves me. He has a great plan for me. He is on my side. He is leading me through the valley. Why am I discouraged?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Clean Us

We have this coffeemaker that is my favorite coffeemaker ever. I want call brand names but we like this one because it has no carafe, which is one less thing to clean, but, more important, is that one less thing for the kids to pull off and hurt themselves, especially when they were younger.

Anyway, it is our favorite coffeemaker but, recently, it had gotten to where it wouldn't work correctly. It would get part way through the coffee-making process and quit pumping water. We would have to turn it off, wait several seconds, then, restart it. Eventually, it had gotten to a point that we would have to repeat this process three (3) or more times through the coffee-making cycle. Something had to be done.

Today's word is Psalm 51:2, KJV, which reads, "Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin."

We cannot hold on to any part of sin, and I am really talking to me today. It seems that we want forgiveness but we want to cling to "just a little piece of sin". But, we wouldn't want just one hair in our dessert. Why would we want just one little piece of sin? And, the only way to get rid of nasty things is to clean it. And, the only ONE capable of cleansing our sins is JESUS. If we want to be thoroughly clean, we must allow Him to cleanse us completely.

So, I pulled out the distilled vinegar and gave our coffeemaker a good cleaning. I cycled the vinegar and water mixture through a couple of times, then, flushed the coffeemaker with clean water several times. Guess what happened this morning? The coffeemaker performed just as it did when we first bought it - it had been cleansed. Just like our coffeemaker needed a cleansing, we all need JESUS to clean us.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

National Loyalty Day

So, according to the National Day Calendar, today is "National Loyalty Day". As I have probably shared before, loyalty is my "button". Nothing sets me off or turns me off as quickly as disloyalty. I am loyal through and through, without begging or backing down. Now, I am okay with telling someone when they are wrong, and I expect the same in return. But, I am loyal, and I expect others to be the same.

What is "loyalty", you might ask, which is a reasonable question. The dictionary may define loyalty as a strong feeling of support or allegiance, which is absolutely correct. In layman's terms, in my terms, loyalty is being true to me not just to my face, but, especially, behind my back. It's knowing that someone has your best interest at heart whether you are present or not.

Today's word is a quote about loyalty: "Loyalty is about people who stay true to you behind your back."

We all have those "friends" that are on our side, tell us great things about ourselves, support us tooth and nail - to our face. But, the minute we aren't around, they will bash us in front of others, tell all of our secrets we have told them, will violate the trust we have built together. There is nothing that pushes my button like disloyalty. Nothing.

So, on this day that we celebrate loyalty, I want to say thanks to those who are my loyal friends, NONE more than my wife. If you want to know what loyalty truly is, follow her around for a while and see. I pray you can find that loyal spouse, friend, coworker, etc. that GOD has for you. And, for those of you who are that loyal spouse, friend, coworker, etc., THANKS! And, Happy National Loyalty Day!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T