Monday, May 6, 2019

Why am I discouraged

We have had some things happen the last few days that are hard to understand. It is really easy to sing and lift praises when things are going well and you are experiencing mountaintops. It is a little more difficult when things seem to keep coming at you from every direction and all you can do is look up and see the tops of the mountains.

It is absolutely true that, in this life, we will experience good and bad. We will experience highs and lows. We will have days of complete bliss and days of complete woe. What do you do when you have the days of complete woe? Do you sit down and do nothing? Maybe for a few minutes, but it isn't productive. Do you scream and complain and fuss? That's acceptable for a few minutes, too, but can't go on forever.

Today's word is Psalm 43:5, NLT, which reads, "Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in GOD!"

GOD is our hope! When we have gone as far as we can, when men have done all that they can, when we have reached the end of our humanity, GOD is there! He made us. He knows our frame. He knows our make up. He knows how to fix us. When you have gone as far as you can, look past the mountaintops - look to Heaven, from where comes our help!

We trust GOD to save our souls. Why do we have such a hard time trusting Him with other things? And, I am asking myself more than anyone this morning. GOD can do exceedingly, abundantly, above anything I could ever think, dream, or imagine. He loves me. He has a great plan for me. He is on my side. He is leading me through the valley. Why am I discouraged?

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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