Thursday, July 30, 2015


Teaching a child to share can prove to be somewhat difficult. I think it is human nature to want to grab hold and keep what is ours. We work hard to try to teach our two little ones about sharing, and we do it mostly by demonstration. They will never know what sharing is if we don't share.

I'll be the first to tell you that we don't have much but we most certainly have everything we need. You've heard me say before, "I have all this and Heaven too." We try to remind our kids that everything we have is because of GOD'S grace and goodness. And, because He has been so good to us, we need to share what we can with others.

Today's word is Romans 12:13, NIV, which reads, "Share with the LORD'S people who are in need. Practice hospitality."

GOD doesn't give us things to try to hold on to them. I believe the old adage is that we try to hold on to things that we can never keep. Everything good that we have is from GOD, it is His. He has allowed us to use it for a while. He has allowed us the blessing of being stewards over some things. However, we aren't to be hoarders; we are to be helpers.

Of course, we need to use discernment. GOD doesn't intend for us to lose everything we have to help someone else. He does, however, want us to remember that what we have comes from Him and that we can never give away more than He has given us.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

He'll take care of it

It's been a few days since posting. I have been really busy with work and other issues vying for time. But, in the last few days, Trish and I have really been seeking GOD'S will for us, especially concerning her employment and our kids. They are just a few years from starting to attend school, and schedules will have to adjust because of their school attendance.

So, anyway, we have been seeking what GOD would have us do and we have come up with a solution that is a little uncomfortable but we feel is what GOD wants, which is what's best for our family. I've said it before and will reiterate it here, "You can never do wrong by doing right."

Today's word sort of sums up what I am trying to say. It is part of a quote from Roy Lessin, which says, "...Take care of the things that concern Him, and He will take care of the things that concern you."

In our search for what we needed to do, it came down to the fact that what we needed to do was what GOD wanted us to do. We know that if we seek His will, His desire, His plan, we will be doing the right thing. You absolutely cannot go wrong by doing right.

We are all going to have decisions to make. We will make better decisions if we seek to take care of the things that concern Him. If we'll do that, He'll take care of the things that concern us.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Found It

Ever lose something? Ever lose a really small something? Did you find it? It's difficult, sometimes, to find things that I lose, maybe because I seem to misplace a lot of things. I seem to have a knack for losing small pocket knives and folding money.

I lost a twenty dollar bill once and couldn't find it anywhere. Twenty dollars is a fair amount of money, and when I lost it, it may have been all the spending money Trish and I had for that week. We searched and searched and jut couldn't find that twenty dollars. It's, often, hard to find the smaller things.

Today's word is a thought that I will try to tie into this story shortly. It says, "Look for something positive in every day, even if some days you have to look a little harder."

Some days are so bad it is really a challenge to find anything good about them at all. Today would have been my Pops' and Momma's fifty-fifth wedding anniversary. It is tough to find anything good in losing your loved one. However, my parents had over fifty-three years together; that's pretty nice. Maybe you have to dig a little deeper but you can see that those years together were good.

As for the twenty dollar bill...found it when I put on the jacket the next fall. I had left it in a jacket pocket the previous spring and didn't find it until the next fall. What good, what positive to be found in that? Well, we did find it. Also, GOD just smiles on me despite my blatant stupidity. Look for something good today, even if you have to dig a little deeper. If you look for something positive, you will find it.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, July 21, 2015


When you think of "loyalty," what comes to mind? I have a lot of images that come to mind but they all have to do with being there when no one wants to, being there when no one else will, being there no matter the circumstances, the time, the difficulty, the distance. Loyalty comes at a cost but the returns are greater than you can ever truly appreciate.

A quote that I hold dear says, "The only people I owe my loyalty to are those who never made me question theirs." I am a loyal guy; I demand those close to me to be the same. We may not always get along. We may not always agree. We may not always "like" each other. But, we are loyal to one another and will not belittle or destroy the other; that is loyalty.

Today's word is Proverbs 19:22, NLT, which reads, "Loyalty makes a person attractive. It is better to be poor than dishonest."

The first part of this verse really sums it up - Loyalty makes a person attractive. You never know how much your loyalty means to someone until you lose theirs. The most beautiful person in the world might be eye-appealing but, without loyalty, they would be completely unattractive. No one wants someone beautiful but dishonest. I guess that's the old saying, "Beauty is as beauty does."

I am truly blessed with a lovely wife that is completely loyal. I pray everyone can find that same devotion. I also pray that we can all display that same devotion. I want to be found faithful, loyal, honest, and true. I believe those traits are the ones that really matter.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, July 20, 2015

How BIG is your mountain?

Alright, I am just going to come clean. We have been asking GOD to do something for us but it hasn't happened YET. I will tell you some of the problems, and it certainly isn't GOD. One, of course, is that I have my own timetable. I expect things to happen when and how I expect them to happen. Guess what? It doesn't work like that. GOD has the perfect plan; it all works in HIS time.

Another thing is that I ask GOD to do something, to help with something, to guide us through something, then, I tell Him how I expect it to play out. I just said that GOD has a perfect plan. He doesn't need my "strategery" to accomplish anything.

The final part is maybe all of this comes down to faith. I ask GOD to do it. I KNOW GOD can do it. I KNOW GOD is working everything to my good. But, do I really believe it sometimes? That, my friend, is putting the rubber on the road.

Today's word is part of Matthew 17:20, NIV, which reads, "...Truly I tell you, If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

I may have mentioned this before but how large is a mustard seed? Not very. And, JESUS tells us that if we had faith, just faith the size of a mustard seed, we could see great things. It really makes me wonder how small my faith truly is.

Look, you may be facing a daunting task. You may be looking at a mountain larger than you ever imagined. You may be heading into a challenge of unprecedented proportion. My GOD is still GOD! He is AWESOME in POWER! I will praise His name and remember that He will do things in His time, and it will all be for my good. LORD, help my faith to grow!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, July 13, 2015

Beans & Franks

Today is National Beans 'N' Franks Day. One of the first foods ever put in a can for convenience was baked beans. Then, someone with an epiphany decided, "Hey, I think I'll put my hotdog in my beans." And, the rest, as they say, is history.

It is amazing what we will do to try to please our palate. We will put sauce on things. We will season things, We will try various things to try to make things more appetizing. The thing I remember, though, is that whatever I have is from GOD. I have NEVER not had anything to eat. Maybe I didn't have what I wanted, or maybe I didn't really like what we were having, but there has always been something to eat. Why? Because GOD has provided.

That is my thought today; how GOD always gives me exactly what I need, exactly when I need it. Today's word is a quote from Elisabeth Elliot, which says, "GOD has promised to provide all our needs. What we don't have now, we don't NEED now."

I think I need to remember that more often. I have a tendency to want to get from point A to point B as quickly as possible. I have a tendency to want to get things done: the house paid for, the vehicles paid for, the kids' college paid for, retire, etc. Yet, everything I NEED TODAY has been provided. When we get to the point that we need those other things, they will be provided also.

Yes, GOD has promised to provide all our needs. If you don't have it, you don't NEED it. I really need to remember that.

Gonna be on vacation for the next few days.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Friday, July 10, 2015

Rejected or Redirected

Trish and I are in the process of evaluating some things in our lives, trying to really figure our priorities. Obviously, we want to do what GOD wants us to do; we want to be good to one another; and, we want to take care of our children. But, there are lots of other things in life that directly influence those three things, and we are trying to pray for GOD to direct our path.

These are my thoughts this morning. Sometimes, I think we are afraid of the unknown and afraid to step out in faith. Because of that, I think we can miss GOD'S opening of doors until He has to push us through it. I admit that I often need a bit of nudging. It can be intimidating to think about changing jobs, especially when it means less money. It can be intimidating to think about changing churches, or moving, or any of those really "BIG" decisions.

Today's word is a quote I came across on, which says, "As I look back on my life, I realize that every time I thought I was being Rejected from something good, I was actually being Redirected to something better."

In the process of evaluating things, I can look back and see that those times I thought things were really trying and somewhat terrifying, it was in those times that GOD was actually redirecting me to something bigger and better. Yes, it hurt. Yes, it was uncomfortable. Yes, it was confusing. But, it was always for the better.

Trish and I are so truly blessed. We know that GOD has directed us, that He does direct us, that He will continue to direct us. And, we know that whatever He does will be better.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

We do not realize

Ever see someone do something and immediately think, "What was that about?" I've seen people do things that you couldn't explain in a million years. I mean, there was no rhyme nor reason, no purpose or plan, it was just idiotic.

On the other hand, sort of continuing on yesterday's thoughts, there are times when things are happening in our lives that we just can't figure out why they are happening. It is then that we should turn to GOD and say, "LORD, I don't know what this is about but I know you are trying to show me something. Please don't let me miss the lesson."

Today's word is John 13:7, NIV, which reads, "JESUS replied, 'You do nor realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.'"

We've talked about it before that what is happening in our lives today may not be about today. What is happening in our lives today may be preparing us for a certain event ten years from now. GOD, Who is not limited by time, doesn't see ten years down the road as we do. For Him, ten years is a couple of seconds; for us, ten years is ten years. The point is that we may not see what it's all about but GOD has it all under control and His plan is perfect.

Yeah, there will be those moments of, "What was that about?" There will be those moments when we don't realize what is going on. But, we can rest assured that late we will understand.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Okay, so yesterday was frustrating. I won't go into details because I try not to share too many of my personal things, and I certainly don't want to voice my frustrations for the enemy to hear. We'll just leave it that yesterday had its share of frustrations. I don't know about you but I'm not always real good when I get frustrated. As a matter of fact, my frustration usually causes me more frustration.

So, this morning I am thinking about frustrations. As I was praying this morning, I shared with GOD that I didn't know what He was trying to show me but it had to be something. I also told Him that I didn't want to miss whatever it was that He was trying to show me and that I am obviously a slow learner. GOD understands; He'll help us through.

Today's word is something I came across in my search to explain frustration. It simply says, "Trials aren't meant to hurt you but to build you up to be more like JESUS."

So, while yesterday, if you'll excuse the term, SUCKED, it is going to help me become more CHRIST like if I will use the challenges appropriately. Now, we all know that that is easier said than done. However, I want to keep this at the forefront; I want to keep this in mind when those challenging days come my way. GOD isn't trying to hurt me; He's trying to help me. He's not trying to strip me; He's trying to stretch me. He's not trying to make me groan; He's trying to make me grow.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Monday, July 6, 2015

You can't help some people

Well, the Greek government has decided that they don't want the help of being bailed out unless they can dictate the terms. Yeah, they want someone to help them but they want to decide what they are willing to give up and what measures they will take to ensure it doesn't happen again. Now, if you want help, you're really in no position to be making demands, yet, they are.

It is much the same in my own life. I have had excellent advice from time to time that I did not follow. I have had others give me valuable insight that I thought I could do better. And, I was wrong! What's even worse is that there have been countless times that GOD has provided direction but I thought I had a better idea. And, again, I was WRONG!

Today's word is Proverbs 12:15, NIV, which reads, "The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advice."

I will say as I have said before, you can be ignorant - you don't have to be stupid. I don't have to touch a burning log to tell you that it is hot. I may not know what chemical is in hair perms to "burn the curl in" but I know I don't want it in my eye. There are so many people in the world today that think they have it all figured out and don't need advice from anyone. And, they are WRONG!

Look, don't be like everyone else. Don't be like the ones that want, and NEED, help and advice but refuse to accept it unless they dictate the terms. There are a lot of folks out there with invaluable wisdom - LISTEN!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Eternal Legacy

I had a young man contact me recently asking how to leave a legacy that others would want to follow. I shared with him that our legacy is made up of our day by day living; if we live a life that GOD finds pleasing, others will find it pleasing as well.

Upon my reply, he said that people today have nothing good to say about anyone, that no matter what good you do, all you have to do is mess up one time and you are forever tarnished. I told him that it is absolutely right that we are jaded and judgmental. But, we can't worry about what everyone else does or what everyone else thinks. Our legacy won't be made up of one day or one event; it is the culmination of a life lived.

Today's word is Psalm 37:18, and I use the Living Bible translation, which reads, "Day by day the LORD observes the good deeds done by godly men, and gives them eternal rewards."

My true desire is to be found pleasing to GOD. Yeah, I mess up A LOT. And, yeah, sometimes I mess up ROYALLY. But, GOD knows my heart, He knows my faith, and He knows I will mess up, yet, He's not concerned about how bad I do things, He is concerned that I ask forgiveness, I get up, dust off, and try again to do what's right and expected.

My earthly legacy will be close to nothing, and I am absolutely fine with that. I am far more concerned with my eternal legacy. Oh, how I want to hear, "Enter in my good and faithful servant..."

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

They'll remember the love

Growing up, we didn't have a lot of stuff. We had everything we needed, and some of what we wanted, but not a lot of stuff. I didn't need a lot of stuff; usually, a stick and some rocks were enough to entertain me for hours. What we lacked in things, though, we made up for in love.

In today's society, I think we often go overboard with stuff to try to prove we love each other. I am amazed at what some people "think" they "HAVE to HAVE" in order to be happy. Whatever happiness stuff brings, it is fleeting.

Today's word is a quote I came across from Matt Anderson that sums up what I am trying to get across. It says, "When all is said and done, our kids won't remember the "stuff", they'll remember the love."

We can buy our kids all kinds of stuff but, as we mentioned earlier, their happiness, their joy from that stuff is fleeting. Sooner, rather than later, that stuff will no longer make them happy. When they are older, their fondest memories shouldn't be about "stuff", it should be about the love they experienced and received.

I want our kids to have everything they need. I want them to have some of the things that they really want. Most importantly, though, I want them to know that they are loved!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T