Well, the Greek government has decided that they don't want the help of being bailed out unless they can dictate the terms. Yeah, they want someone to help them but they want to decide what they are willing to give up and what measures they will take to ensure it doesn't happen again. Now, if you want help, you're really in no position to be making demands, yet, they are.
It is much the same in my own life. I have had excellent advice from time to time that I did not follow. I have had others give me valuable insight that I thought I could do better. And, I was wrong! What's even worse is that there have been countless times that GOD has provided direction but I thought I had a better idea. And, again, I was WRONG!
Today's word is Proverbs 12:15, NIV, which reads, "The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advice."
I will say as I have said before, you can be ignorant - you don't have to be stupid. I don't have to touch a burning log to tell you that it is hot. I may not know what chemical is in hair perms to "burn the curl in" but I know I don't want it in my eye. There are so many people in the world today that think they have it all figured out and don't need advice from anyone. And, they are WRONG!
Look, don't be like everyone else. Don't be like the ones that want, and NEED, help and advice but refuse to accept it unless they dictate the terms. There are a lot of folks out there with invaluable wisdom - LISTEN!
Be Blessed,
Mickey T
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