Monday, September 28, 2015

Compromise and Conformity

I truly try to put GOD first in everything that I do, I do. Now, I have A LOT of shortcomings; to list them all would take way more time and energy than anyone should expend. But, I do try to do things according to GOD'S will and commands.

People today, though, seem to want to try to meld GOD'S word with satan's world, and they don't mix. Yes, we are to be lights in this world, but, you can't shine bright if you allow worldly scum to dampen your light. We have to be careful not to allow this world to influence us. We have to be careful not to allow political correctness and the flavor of the month and the peer pressure that goes with each of those to cause us to compromise what we know is truth. Yeah, I know, often easier said than done.

Today's word is another one that I have used before but it is what is on my mind today. Today's word is Romans 12:2a, NIV, which reads, "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind..."

While there is a lot of pressure in today's society to go along with everyone, to not rock the boat, to not stand out, to not stand up, we know that GOD has a will, a plan, a way that is right and that we should follow that plan. People get themselves into trouble and then want to know why GOD let it happen. Did you get that? People get THEMSELVES into trouble and then want to know why GOD let it happen. No, you got yourself into trouble by compromising and conforming. That's not to say that sometimes life just happens because, sometimes, it just does. But, don't allow compromise to drag you into the ditch.

I pray that I will allow GOD to transform my mind and to lead me in His path. I know what the world says but I am more interested in what the WORD says.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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