Friday, October 30, 2015

My peace of mind

If you asked one hundred people what they would need to have peace of mind, you would probably get one hundred different answers. I am sure some would say that money in the bank, financial freedom, would grant them peace of mind. Others would say that knowing this event was going to happen or that that event wasn't going to happen would grant them peace of mind. Everyone has his/her own idea about what peace of mind means.

For me, peace of mind is simply not having to worry about something, not having to worry about anything. I am sure that I have shared before that I don't worry about things. Am I concerned about things? Yes. Do I plan for things? Yes. Do I realize that I have to do my part? Yes. But, I have a peace of mind about things.

Today's word is a quote from Linn Carlson that says, "There is no force on earth stronger or more effective than the power of praying to our all-knowing, almighty GOD."

There's an old saying that says, "If you're having trouble falling to sleep, don't count sheep, count your blessings." If I started trying to count all my blessings, I would spend the rest of my life trying to name them all. And, while I was counting them up, I would get countless others along the way. That's how good GOD is to us.

Knowing how good GOD is to us, knowing how much GOD has done for us, knowing how much GOD has in store for us, gives me peace of mind. There's nothing more powerful, nothing more comforting, nothing brings peace like knowing that I know GOD and He knows what I need. That is peace of mind.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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