Monday, October 12, 2015

He knows who are His

Could you recognize your child's voice even if your eyes were closed and there was a cacophony of noise? I would dare say that everyone is saying, "Absolutely." Why? Because we know our children.

If you lined up 20,000 people, I could still pick out our children. If you had hundreds of people call my name, I would still recognize when it was my child calling my name. Because, they are mine, and I know my children.

Have you ever wondered if GOD really knows you? If He really knows the intimate details of your life? Now, it goes without saying that He knows everything. You may think you have hidden it deep in the recesses of your mind but you didn't hide it from GOD, if He is your Father. He knows you if you are His child.

Today's word reminds us of that very fact. It is 2 Timothy 2:19, NLT, which reads, "But GOD'S truth stands firm like a foundation stone with this inscription: "The LORD knows those who are His," and "All who belong to the LORD must turn away from evil."

We can rest assured that GOD knows us. He knows His children: every hair on our heads; every thought in our mind; every desire of our heart; He KNOWS us. There's no need to feel as if GOD isn't listening - He is. There's no need to feel as if you are all alone - He's there. There's no need to feel as if no one cares - He does. There's no need to feel as if it can't be done - He can.

Isn't it great knowing that GOD knows His children? Nothing better than to know that GOD knows me and loves me and desires a relationship with me. And, because He loves me, I should strive to do His will and turn from evil. If we'll do that, we'll find our relationship to GOD deeper, stronger, and closer than it has ever been.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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