Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Worth the effort

We all know folks that just don't ever seem to give 100%. We would like to think that they are keeping something in reserve just in case something bigger comes along that would require a little more energy. But, we all know that that is probably not the case.

There are just some folks in this world that just don't seem to ever give their best effort. At times, I have been one of those people. You know what the difference is? We only give our best when it is a cause, a purpose, a job, a something that we truly care about. It is when we truly care about something that we will give our best effort to ensure the safety and prosperity of that something.

Today's word reminds us to give it our all because it is worth it. 1 Corinthians 15:58b, NIV, reads, "Always give yourselves fully to the work of the LORD, because you know that your labor in the LORD is not in vain."

Sometimes, when we find ourselves not putting forth our best effort, it's because we don't see the benefit of it. Or, we don't know if we will see any benefit from it. But, we can rest assured that if we are doing GOD'S work, it will not be in vain. And, if we apply ourselves fully in that effort, the reward will also be full.

I guess today's thought is that I want to apply myself more fully in whatever GOD has for me to do. And, if I do that, I will find that it is worth the effort.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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