Monday, October 5, 2015

Why am I here?

You ever have one of those moments where, like me, you wonder what you are doing here? Why GOD has you here? Why GOD has you where you are at the exact moment you are? Those are all good questions; all of which I have asked and sought answers to.

There are times in our lives that it just doesn't seem to make sense to us that GOD has us where He has us. It seems to us that He could make better use of us in some other place, in some other capacity, with some other people. But, GOD makes no mistakes. If we are His, and if we allow Him to direct our paths, and we follow His leading, He will always have us where He wants us.

So, why are we here? Why are we in this exact location, at this exact time? Rick Warren sums it up with today's word: "GOD put us here to make the world a better place."

We are where we are because GOD wants us there, spreading His light in this dark world. Now, that isn't always easy; some folks do not like light, they do not like cheeriness, they do not like hearing about GOD and His goodness. Yet, GOD has us there to be a positive influence even when it seems that no one wants to hear it, or see it, or experience it.

If you find yourself wondering why GOD has you where He has you. Or, if you find yourself asking GOD why He has surrounded you with the ones that surround you, just remember that GOD has placed you there to make it a better place. I pray that I always do.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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