Friday, October 2, 2015

It's not my fight

There are things in this life that are DEFINITELY worth fighting for. I won't try to list them all here because it would take forever but suffice it to say that there are some things that are worth every effort. There are also others that aren't worth any effort, yet, some folks will fight anyone or anything for anything.

We go through life trying to figure out which things are worth fighting for and which ones are not, or most of us do. As I mentioned, there are those that will fight anyone for anything. They are usually the ones that find themselves on the wrong side of the law or at the wrong end of a gun. Some things just aren't my fight.

That thought has led me to today's word, which is an unattributed quote that says, "A warrior is always aware of what is worth fighting for. He does not go into combat over things that do not concern him, and he never wastes his time over provocations."

So many people have been hurt or worse because they let someone's words provoke them into a fight that wasn't worth fighting. It's not worth it; let it go. What someone says about me has no bearing on what is really true about me. I have an old saying, "Do you know what an idiot is doing when you're arguing with him? The same thing, arguing with an idiot." Why argue with idiots?

I know today's post is a little different than normal but I just can't wrap my brain around why some people will involve themselves in fights that aren't theirs or that don't matter. Let's use some discernment. Fight for those things that are worth fighting for, and let the rest figure itself out.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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