Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Don't be afraid or discouraged

This world is certainly experiencing some tumultuous times. It seems that we can hardly go a few hours, much less a few days, without something catastrophic and unimaginable happening. Some say that it has always been this way, we just didn't have the coverage that we have today. I am of the opinion that it is worse because the Bible tells us that in the latter days, evil men and seducer will wax worse and worse. They are certainly doing that.

With all of this going on, it is easy to get concerned and even worried about the state of our world. These events may even cause some to fret and become discouraged. And, if all you have to hope for rests in this world, you probably are in a heap of trouble. However, if you are a child of GOD, there's nothing to be discouraged about because this is as bad as it gets.

Today's word is a familiar passage from Joshua 1:9, NLT, which reads, "I command you - be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your GOD is with you wherever you go."

If you are a child of GOD, the events of this word is nothing to concern yourself over. GOD is with us wherever we go, whatever goes on. We can rest peacefully in His arms, knowing that He isn't surprised by any of these travesties.

When we recognize that GOD has us, and that He holds us, and that He helps us, we can certainly be strong and courageous. As a matter of fact, GOD commands it! When we realize His protection and His strength, we can loose our fears and be encouraged. Then, we should encourage others because GOD is with us wherever we go!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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