Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Ever have one of those days that you thought, "It cannot get any worse?" Did you make it through? If you're reading this, you have either mad it through or you are making it through one right now. It is a fact that we are going to have some bad days, probably some REALLY BAD DAYS.

How do you make it through your bad day? Where do you find the strength to keep pushing through, to keep moving forward, to keep on keeping on? I rely on GOD'S Grace and His sufficiency. I know that He has me in His hand and that He will guide me through. However, when things are going really bad, and it seems that I can't catch my breath from the previous bad thing before the next one punches me in the gut, it can be very tiring and taxing. Yet, we make it through with GOD'S help.

Today's word is a reminder that this, too, shall pass. It is a quote I came across that will help us through some of those days that just won't seem to end. It says, "IF today is the WORST day of your life, then, you KNOW tomorrow WILL be BETTER."

Yeah, today may suck. And, while we are in that vacuum of suckeration, it seems as if it will always be this way, that it will never be any better. But, we need to keep some perspective that it is one day. We need to rely on GOD to help us through this day, and tomorrow will be better. GOD'S grace is sufficient; He will see us through.

We are all going to experience bad days from time to time. But, I am going to try to remember that I am just passing through this time and tomorrow will be better.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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