Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The most satisfying meal

What's your favorite meal? I can tell you that I have several favorite things that if you put them all together, and I could eat it all, it would be my favorite. And, I can also tell you that most of it is all the BAD stuff. I really like barbecue. If you smoke it or grill it, I'm in. I like pork: bacon, pork chops, Boston butt, ribs, etc. I like greasy hamburgers, french fries, chicken fingers, pizza, potato chips, all sorts of greasy, salty, fatty things.

I also like desserts but not as much as the greasy, salty things. But, I really like homemade banana pudding; the type with Nilla Wafers, the homemade "soup", and topped with meringue. I also like ice cream, cheese cake, German chocolate cake, brownies, and REESE CUPS! Suffice it to say, it would be hard to pick my favorite physical meal.

Today's word is John 6:35, NIV, which reads, "Then JESUS declared, 'I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to Me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in Me will never be thirsty."

My favorite spiritual meal comes each day. It's important to get spiritual nourishment daily, just as it is to get the physical. We need to seek GOD, talk to GOD, commune with GOD, sup with GOD every day. Just as the physical nourishment needs to be refreshed and renewed in order to recharge, so, too, does the spiritual nourishment require use to take spiritual things in daily.

Take in some spiritual nourishment; it's good for the soul. If you'll seek GOD each day, you'll find that you hunger for Him but you are never hungry. And, you'll find that you thirst for Him but you are never truly thirsty. We need His nourishment too.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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