Friday, November 6, 2015

Good News Friday!

There's a lot of bad news out there. It seems that you can hardly turn any media device to any news content without being bombarded with bad news. Here's a fact for you - we live in a broken, callous, sinful, ungodly world, therefore, there will be bad news. Now, even if you're a believer, you are affected by the events of this ungodly world because you are in it; you cannot escape it.

It actually appears that there are some folks out there that try to take evil to the next level. Whatever someone does that seems so heinous and ungodly that you can't even fathom it, someone will come along and "top" that. Yep, there's some bad things going on: unemployment, financial woes, horrendous crimes, etc. BUT...

Today's word is good news! I quote Matt Anderson, who said, "GOD is still in charge and in control! He is beside you, behind you, before you, and for you! No doubt about it, no way around it - His plan is good, His power is great, and His best is yet to come!"

Things are bad, and bad things keep happening BUT, GOD is still GOD, He still has everything under control, He has us in His hand, and He is working all things for our good! Keep those good words with you. Keep remembering that while this world is headed for a definite disastrous end, GOD is still guiding our steps and protecting our backs!

Yeah, there's some really bad news out there. It's hard to find anyone or anything spreading the good news. However, GOD is still on the throne. His plan is perfect, His protection is powerful, and His peace is plentiful. And, that is good news!

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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