Friday, May 5, 2017

Everybody is somebody

I was sharing with someone the other day that my Pops was a big proponent of, "Nobody is better than you. But, you're not better than anybody." It was his way of teaching me that I shouldn't let others run over me nor should I ever think I am good enough to run over anyone else; everybody is somebody.

I have not met anyone that I haven't learned something from. Some, I learned what I should do; others, I learned what I should not do. Yet, I truly try not to judge folks because you never know the entire circumstances. We certainly shouldn't try to judge someone's biography just by the chapter we happened to walk in on.

Today's word is a quote I came across that reminds me how I should treat others: "Be somebody who makes everybody feel like a somebody."

Now, don't get me wrong, some folks are HARD to get along with, hard to deal with. There are some folks that would look down at GOD Himself. We certainly don't need to fuel their egos, if we could, but we also shouldn't try to tear them down thinking it would make us feel better. Tearing someone down doesn't empower us. Remember the kid's game King of the Mountain? When a new person became "King", everyone else was after that person. Tearing someone down to elevate yourself only puts others around you on the offensive.

There are some folks out there that need some encouraging, who need to know that GOD still has a plan and they are part of it. They need to know that they have value and worth that only they possess. They need to know that they have been called to a purpose that only they can fulfill. They need to know that everybody is somebody.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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