Thursday, August 10, 2017

Rest from your toiling

Work is good. As a matter of fact, I recommend it for everyone. Even if you have reached a point in your life that you have retired from employment, there is still productive and constructive work for each and every person to be doing.

Work is good because it gives us purpose, it is beneficial to those whom we serve, and it accomplishes tasks. There aren't many things that give you the same feeling as doing a job, and doing it well. GOD instilled in us a need to be useful. But, we also need to rest.

Today's word is Genesis 2:2, NLT, which reads, "On the seventh day GOD had finished His work of creation, so He rested from all His work."

Now, first and foremost, GOD didn't NEED to rest; He never gets tired or weary. In this passage, "rest" implies that, because He had completed what He set out to do, He ceased from that work. However, I also think it is an excellent example that GOD gave to us that we need to take a break from time to time and rest. As much as there is a desire within us to be productive, there is also a desire to decompress and relax. The more we suppress that desire, the more we push it off and push it down, the more we truly need to take a break. Taking a break can often recharge us and bring us back with new ideas and a new resolve.

Again, we all need to work, we all need to be useful and productive. We all, also, need to take a break, unwind, relax, and refresh. There is truly a purpose and time for everything under Heaven. There is a time to work, and work hard. And, there is a time to rest from your toiling.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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