Monday, March 7, 2016

Charting my path

Ever walk wilderness trails or hike the paths at state parks and such? I like to get out in nature and explore this wondrous creation GOD has allowed us to enjoy. There is nothing like seeing the hand of GOD in all of its raw splendor.

When you head out on a trek, you usually have a map or a compass or some kind of plan to get from point A to point B and back to point A (that is where the car is parked). Most times, there is a map at the trail head indicating where rests are, where the end is, how far the trail roams; there seems to be information that, if you stay on the path, will lead you to your desired destination.

Today's word is Psalm 139:3, and I am using The Living Bible (not often referenced) today: "You chart the path ahead of me where to stop and rest. Every moment You know where I am."

GOD has charted a path for each of His children. He knows where we need to be and how we need to get there. He knows when we need to keep moving and He knows when and where we need to stop and rest. He knows the best way to get us from where we are to where we need to be. There will be those times when it seems that we should sit for a while and catch a breath but He knows the dangers in the area and He keeps us moving. There will be other times that He will lead us to take a break and to rest and recoup.

I'm glad that not only does GOD have my path charted but He knows where I am at all times. Even when it seems I am surrounded in the densest jungle, I am not lost to GOD - He knows where I am. Even when it seems that this world is piling on and I will never again see the light of day, GOD knows where I am under that load. He still has the path charted and He still knows where I am.

As a child of GOD, we can rest assured that GOD has our path charted and that He knows where we are every moment. Your path is charted; follow the map.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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