Thursday, July 25, 2013

That was Easy

Ever had difficulty making decisions? I have had times when I have prayed and prayed, discussed, questioned, reasoned, rolled the dice, used the eight ball and nothing seemed to give the answer. It seemed that this would go on for days, with no answer.

There have been other times that as soon as the situation presented itself, I knew the answer. I would pray and ask and question and the answer was the answer. It is during these times that I wonder what the difference is. Why are some answers plain as day and others as difficult as putting pants on an octopus?

Today's word is a quote from Albert Einstein, which says, "When the solution is simple, GOD is answering." To which I add, "Don't make it harder than it has to be."

I have racked my poor little pint-sized brain trying to find a solution to something, and the answer just wouldn't seem to come. Then, there have been other times when the solution seemed to me to come too easily. However, it is in those times that GOD is really trying to tell me and show me something. All I have to do is listen and do...

If you are having a hard time making a decision, join the club. If the solution comes quickly, give thanks - GOD is answering.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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