Tuesday, April 23, 2013

That's pretty simple

I have a tendency to make things way harder than they have to be. If you are not cursed with this malady, you should be grateful. It is a tough thing to live with but I have it and can't do anything about it. I truly try to use the KISS it principle (Keep It Simple Stupid) but I can really complicate the devil out of things from time to time.

I have had times when all I really needed to do was empty the trash can but I couldn't stop there. When I would go to empty the trash can, I would think that it would be more convenient to have a "self-emptying" trash can. Well, all you need for that is a hydraulic lift to lift the can, a conveyor system to convey the emptied contents to the larger can outside, some robotic arms to remove the old trash bag and install a new one, and then, the hydraulic lift would lower the trash can to the original spot. That's all you need...

Today's word is a quote from Alice Roosevelt Longworth, which sums up the idiocy of that thought. It says, "I have a simple philosophy: Fill what's empty. Empty what's full. Scratch where it itches."

If I would but practice that simple philosophy, it would probably ease some of that stress we talked about yesterday. The trash can is full, empty it. It really is that simple. We don't need more stuff. We don't need more complicated gadgets. We need to keep it simple and enjoy the day-to-day.

I never built the "self-emptying" trash can. Can you imagine the cost that would be associated with such an endeavor? It would probably cost $2000 to build something to do a job that takes me 30 seconds. And, I don't have to dodge conveyors in the living room. One way to ease the stress in our lives is to keep it simple; that, my friend, is a good philosophy.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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