Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Street Signs and GPS

If you've ever done any traveling, which we all have, you have a few options for acquiring directions to your desired destination. You can "Google" it and print out a map with directions. You can ask someone who has been there, and they will give you directions. You can program it into a GPS and allow it to direct you to your destination (most of the time, but we're not getting into that today).

If you use the oral directions of someone else, you have to take for granted that nothing has changed since the last time they went. If they tell you to turn left at the red barn with "See Rock City" painted on its roof, you better the barn is still standing and that they haven't painted the roof. If you use the printed map, you never know when there might be construction or a detour, and that printed map will not give you a corrected direction.

Today's word is a thought I had this morning that simply says, "We are not to be billboards, simply supplying information. We should be a GPS, providing others with direction."

You may read a billboard and find that a certain burger joint has some special. However, you probably won't find directions to the burger joint or their health rating or other things that may prove important. You may read a billboard that gives you particulars about a certain lodging, but, you probably aren't going to find directions to the lodging or reviews from customers who recently visited that particular lodge.

The gist of what I am saying is that folks need to see us, GOD'S children, not as someone who can spout information about JESUS, but as examples of how to walk the Christian walk. They don't need us giving them information; they need us giving them direction. They need to be informed - they need more to be saved. Tell others what they need to know, then, guide them to the SAVIOR.

Be Blessed,
Mickey T

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