Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Don't be a fool

You can probably tell by the last few posts that I read Proverbs a lot, which I do. I find myself reading Proverbs over and over throughout the year, because, it is filled with so much wisdom. I don't know about you but making wise decisions and being discerning and disciplined are traits that I want. 

Growing up in a large family, working with youth for years, working with others, just every day life has taught me that folks will argue about anything. I have heard so many pointless and useless arguments in my life that I could write a book. I have watched and heard people argue about things that I would imagine most people couldn't or wouldn't care less about. I try to keep myself from being drawn into useless arguments.

Today's word is Proverbs 26:4, NLT, which reads, "Don't answer the foolish arguments of fools, or you will become as foolish as they are."

I've asked others many times, "Do you know what a fool is doing when you are arguing with him?" He is doing the same thing - arguing with a fool. Don't argue with fools; it is a waste of time and breath, and you will never win. Some folks just love to argue about anything, and there is no reason to get drawn into that trap and waste energy trying to convince a person that is incapable of rational thought.

There will be things in life that are absolutely worth arguing about, and we should debate them and argue them fervently. But, most arguments are foolish and should not be taken up, especially if they are with folks who just love to argue. Fools love to argue - don't be a fool.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T  

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