Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Consumer or Producer

The Bible tells us that as Christians our hearts should bear witness with one another. In other words, as Christians, we should be able to know that others are Christians by they fruit that they bear and what they inject into our lives. We either put good things into others or we take good from others - we are either consumers or producers.

Consumers are those who are using things that others produce; producers are those that produce things for the good of others. We get to choose which of those two (2) we are going to be in this world. Unfortunately, we seem to see far more consumers than producers lately, and I am sure that previous generations said the same thing. But, we need to be doing GOD'S work...

Today's word is Hebrews 13:16, NKJV, which reads, "But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices GOD is well pleased."

We can't always give large sums of money; we just don't have it. But, we can give of our time and talents, along with our treasure to promote GOD'S mission - getting folks saved. The example we set tells volumes about where our treasure truly lies. And, I am talking to me this morning as much as anyone. I want to be diligent to use what GOD has given us the way He desires.

I want to remember to do good and to share. I don't want others knowing I am doing it; I just want to be conscious of using what GOD has given me for His work. I want to remember that my heart is bearing witness to others, and that we are all either consumers or producers.

Be Blessed,

Mickey T

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